in fact

  • na.事实上;总之
  • 网络实际上;其实;实则

in factin fact

in fact


人教版七年级英语下册重点短语总汇,语法总结 ... think of 认为 in fact 事实上 each student 每个学生 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 25. throw about 乱丢,抛散 26. in fact 实际上 27. at midnight 在半夜 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... fact 事实;真实事情 in fact 实际上;其实;确切地说 culture 文化 ...


人教版八下英语短语_百度知道 ... play sports 进行体育运动 = in fact 事实上,实际上 18. mobile phone 移动电话 19. ...


介绍托马斯·潘恩的《常识》_关天茶舍_天涯论坛 ... 为人实在[ real] 实则[ actually;in fact] 实战[ actual combat] ...


高中英语会考必记词汇 - 豆丁网 ... in danger 在危险之中 254 in fact 实际上,事实上 255 modern times 现代 256 ...

In fact, we could almost hope for a consolidation here, particularly when it comes to all that mainframe stuff. 事实上,我们几乎可以在这里实现整合,特别是那些大型机组件。
In fact I still have to encounter a project that would not be interesting enough to at least write a few interesting lines about it. 事实上我还没有遇过一个无趣到让我写不出几行有趣文字的计画。
He said that he was very clear about the matter, but in fact he did not know it at all. 他说他很清楚这件事,但事实上他对此根本一无所知。
On your part it is in fact a tremendous achievement, to have had lives during the darkest hours and to have risen up from them. 对你们来说,这实际上是一个了不起的成就,在最黑暗的时期生活过,并且从其中提升起来。
She may think of him and treat him that way, buying his food, paying his health bills and his taxes, but in fact Allan is a dog. 她说,“亚伦是我的第四个孩子”。她可能会很替他着想,帮他买食物,付医药费和税…但事实上,亚伦只是条狗罢了。
In fact, researchers say that this group of women is more likely to experience insomnia than any other. 研究人员称,事实上,这个年龄组的妇女比其他人更可能经历失眠。
In fact, JAXB is probably just as flexible as either of the two previous methods shown in terms of setting up output properties. 事实上,JAXB在设置输出属性方面的灵活性与前面两种方法是不相上下的。
In fact, with the advent of the Internet and World Wide Web, it has never been easier to obtain an appropriate personalized baby gift. 事实上,随着因特网和万维网时代的到来,想要得到一个合适的个性化礼物变得史无前例的简单。
Such student-directed instruction is often called "self-instruction " even though it is in fact guided by whoever designed the media. 如此学生管理的指示时常被叫做“自我指示”即使事实上它被此媒体的设计者操纵。
Let us leave to one side what we might in fact think of a desire to which even this outcome is not indifferent. 让我们将欲望的一般看法先搁置一旁,虽然它跟这件事情的结果不是没有关系。
He said he was, in fact, eating LESS junk food since my departure. 他说,在我出发旅行之后,他反而少吃了很多垃圾食品。
If you were in fact the case that there was an immaterial substance there influencing how the atoms move how on earth would you know? 如果你真的遇到了那种情况,存在着一种非物质影响着原子的运动,你究竟是怎么知道的呢?
In fact that applies all round as you do not normally go through such a period of testing, without making remarkable spiritual progress. 在事实中是围绕在你周围的所有回应是因为你不会简单的就通过这个测试的周期,而是要取得卓越的灵性进程。
The most notable thing about him is in fact, his creative approach to any problem. 事实上,他最显著的特点是能创造性地解决问题。
In fact, for a good deal of what she said, I daresay she was the author. 我敢说,她讲的种种事情中实际上确有不少是她自己创作出来的。
In fact, saying something crass would be one of the things that made you think they were a greasy salesman. 实际上,某一些人说愚蠢而没有同情心的话——这只是他们的所作所为之一——反而会让你觉得他们像虚情假意的推销员。
In fact, people can feel and act like owners even if they work for a company that isn't trying to make a profit. 事实上,即使人们受雇的公司并没有在努力赢利,人们也能觉得像企业主(老板)并像企业主(老板)一样行动。
In fact she would openly talk about how much she wanted to be a mother and have somebody to call her own. 毫无疑问珍妮弗·罗佩慈想要一个孩子。事实上她公开表示她有多想要成为一位母亲和拥有一个属于自己的孩子。
In fact, I couldn't seem to get out of it. 事实上,我也没想起来到底是怎么一回事。
that what appeared to have been a sunshiny love song perhaps is in fact a bittersweet imagination of a deluded lover. 在《永远的第一天》结束前,我们会发觉这首看似欢乐的歌,也许实际上是对一个虚假爱人的甘苦想象。
In fact, pigs are curious and insightful animals thought to have intelligence beyond that of an average 3-year-old human child. 事实上,猪有好奇心,有理解力,他们的智力超过人类三岁孩子的平均水平。
In fact, the effects of the RISC approach on computer design is far more than just a collection of methods to run the CPU faster. 实际上,RISC方法对技术设计的效果已远远不止是使CPU运行更快速的各种方法的集合。
In fact, any one person, never money from a poor man, after hardship of effort, continued to earn a lot of a lot of money. 其实,任何一个人,从没钱从一个穷光蛋,经过艰难困苦的努力,日后不断地赚到了很多很多的钱。
The confidential nature of your salary, in fact, can be a greater benefit to you. 实际上,保持你薪资之机密性会给你带来更大之利益。
"I'll start, " offered the wife. She took out her list. It had many items on it. Enough to fill three pages, in fact. As she started. “我先开始吧。”妻子说。她拿出她的单子,上面列举了很多条,事实上,足足有三页纸。
In March, they appeared to suggest they had a deal, when, in fact, they did not. 3月,他们在实际上没有达成协议的情况下,表现出似乎已达成协议。
Much of this over-structure is an attempt to hide that in fact, behind the will not to slip out of the market, is a struggle for survival. 这种上层建筑的大部分,都是掩饰在不被市场淘汰的意愿背后为生存而挣扎的事实。
And that, in fact, these connections were vast, and that we were all embedded in this broad set of connections with each other. 事实上,这些关联是如此之广泛,我们所有人都身处在这个广博的网络中,与彼此相连。
If someone use common glass cloth fabric, seems to have no problems. In fact, it is not. 如有人使用普通玻璃纤维网布,似乎没有什么问题,其实也是不行的。
In fact, the approval was as much an act of faith and of political calculation as a full endorsement. 事实上,美国除了对中国的银行给予一个全面的认可之外,同意开设分行只不过是一种‘相信的表示’和政治计算罢了。