in line with

  • na.和…成一直线;〔美国〕和…一致
  • 网络符合;按照;跟…一致

in line within line with

in line with


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in line 成一直线;整齐;一致 in line with 跟…一致;符合 line up 排队,使排成一行 ...


介词短语 - 豆丁网 ... in line 成一直线,排成一行 in line with 和...成直线,与...一致,按照 line up 排队,使排成一行 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in line 成一直线;整齐;一致 in line with 跟…一致;符合 line up 排队,使排成一行 ...


英语四六级短语 - 豆丁网 ... in league with 和…联合 in line with 和…一致 in one's heart of hearts 在内心深处 ...


2010辽宁高考英语完型吴军... ... 254 in general 一般来说: 255 in line with 与┄一致,符合┄; 256 in mind 心里想着某人或某 …


介词短语_百度百科 ... in line 成一直线,排成一行 in line with 与 …… 一致,按照 at a loss 困惑,不知所措 ...


专四高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... in itself 本质上,就其本身而言 21 in line with 与……一致 in memory of 纪念 ...

With remains found in Utah, this dinosaur was more in line with the Jurassic Park stereotype, and of the same family as well. 人们在犹他州发现了它的遗迹,并由此发现,这种恐龙更加符合侏罗纪公园中的恐龙形象,并且,它也是驰龙大家庭中的一员。
Instead, keep your knees in line with your shoulders during the "catch" phase (turning your toes out) of your kick. 实际上,在开始抓水阶段(脚尖蹬出阶段),需要保持两膝盖之间的宽度和肩部相同。
"We don't discuss William's private life, it's a matter for him, " she said, on customary condition of anonymity, in line with policy. 这位匿名的发言人,一如往常的按照既有的政策说道:“我们不要去谈论威廉的私生活,这是他自己的事情。”
As fact, Boom is in line with nonlinear bending force mechanism. The stability of the surface is the essence of strength problem. 事实上,臂架的受力符合非线性弯曲的机理,表面的稳定性问题的实质是强度问题。
However, in line with the results using the Consensus forecasts, the trade channel does not seem to be important for emerging markets. 可是,依据成果运用遍及展望,商业通道似乎并不是很主要的新兴市场。
She said the proposal is in line with the EU's twin-track approach of using both dialogue and sanctions to target Iran's atomic program. 她说,这项建议与欧盟的双轨制做法是一致的。双轨制是指对伊朗的核计划同时采取对话和制裁手段。
The management of the trainers ' team can be worked out in line with the company policy . 根据企业的特点,拟定内部讲师团队的管理办法。
He said that Egypt admires the achievements China has scored in political, economic and social areas in line with its own characteristics. 他说,埃及非常钦佩中国按照自己的模式在政治、经济和社会发展方面取得的成就。
However, the measurement information is often not supplied in a simple way, in line with the needs of the industry. 然而,测量信息往往不以简单的方式提供,符合业界的需要。
As I said in Cairo, each nation gives life to democracy in its own way, and in line with its own traditions. 如同我在开罗所说,每个国家都以自己的方式、按自己的传统赋予民主生命力。
A Somali boy tries to drink from a cup as he waits in line with his mother at a camp in Kenya's sprawling Dadaab refugee complex. 一个索马里小孩和妈妈在肯尼亚混乱的难民集中营排队时试图喝水。
In that case, the Court DID not satisfy itself with interpreting the copyright statute in line with undefined constitutional norms. 在那个案件中,法院对于依据不明确的宪法规范解释著作权法案表示不满意
The company in line with the rigorous objective manner, provides the high quality service positively for the general customers. 公司本着严谨客观的态度,积极地为广大客户提供优质的服务。
In such circumstances you are ready to leave duality, for a new level that is more in line with your own and your needs. 在这种情况下便表明了你们已经准备好离开二元世界了,因为一个新的水平才真正符合你们自己和你的需求。
In the Senate, Obama amassed a voting record in line with that of the Democratic Party's liberal wing. 奥巴马在参议院的投票记录与民主党自由派的记录一致。
We instruct our Finance Ministers to complete the implementation of these decisions in line with the timetable set out in the Action Plan. 我们要求各国财长按照《行动方案》中的时间表执行上述决议。
This natural phenomenon occurs twice a year when a satellite and a receiving earth station come directly in line with the sun. 这个自然现象每年两次当卫星运行到太阳与地面站在一条直线上时发生。由于太阳的那些辐射能量干扰卫星通讯造成信号阻塞。
Members observed that the indicators continued to be generally stable and in line with those for other markets. 委员会成员留意到有关指标大致上继续保持稳定,并与其他市场的情况相符。
Furthermore, it is something of an 'uncorrelated' asset, meaning it won't necessarily rise and fall in line with everything else. 而且,它是一种“无关联”资产,也就是说,它的价格不会随着其他各种投资品的价格而波动。
No special skills are required for an employee of the relevant dealer to create such an ad in line with the CI in just a few minutes. 无需专门的技能,几分钟之内,相关经销商的员工就能在网上利用CI软件制作出这样一份广告。
Tax revenue is linked to GDP but not fully correlated with it. The growth rate of tax revenue usually doesn't move in line with that of GDP. 所以,税收与GDP既相关又不完全相关,税收收入增速与GDP增速往往表现为同向而不同步。
"If Bayern offer me a new deal then it must be in line with what I'm expecting, " he added. 如果拜仁现在还想留住我,那么他们给的合同必须达到我的期望。
Still, if I were in a more remote area, I could use GasBuddy to tell me whether the price was in line with the local market. 此外,假如我住在很偏远的地区,我能用GasBuddy来确认油价是否和当地市场价齐平。
Such a fall would bring prices back in line with the long-term trend. 这种跌幅将会使价格回落到与长期趋势相符。
It is shown that this conversion technology is of good social and economic benefit and is in line with the concept of recy. . . 结果表明,该转化技术具有显著的经济效益和社会效益,符合循环经济理念,具有工业推广价值。
Further sequencing, sequencing results showed the footage inserted in line with expectations, there was no mutation, the correct time frame. 又进一步测序鉴定,测序结果表明插入的片段与预期相符,没有出现碱基突变,其读码框正确。
In this case, there was to be a special focus on interiors to ensure maximum possible personalization in line with current fashion trends. 在这种情况下,有一个特别的重点放在内部,以确保尽可能多的个性化符合当前流行趋势。
"A price cut would be in line with past cycles, " said Paul Jackson, an analyst at Forrester Research in London. ForresterResearch驻伦敦的分析师保罗•杰克逊(PaulJackson)表示:“降价将符合过去的几个周期。”
However, sales are a poor indicator of a trader's performance as they move up and down roughly in line with the price of commodities. 但销售收入不是衡量农贸公司业绩表现的良好指标,因为它们业绩基本上是随着农产品价格的波动而起伏的。
Chinese officials say the infrastructure had to be built anyway and that spending was in line with that of previous host cities. 中国官方表示基础设施建设必须要进行,因此奥运会的开销和其他先前主办国无大出入。