in respect of

  • na.关于
  • 网络就…来说;关于和涉及;至于

in respect ofin respect of

in respect of


英语固定搭配-动词短语-汇总资料?? ... in praise of 称赞 in respect of 关于,就……而言 in search of 寻找,搜找 ...


respect单词用法,急求!!!_百度知道 ... in all respects 无论从哪方面来看 in respect of 关于;就…来说 pay one's respects 拜访 ...


... Toilet terms 厕所词汇 In respect of 关于和涉及 Saying yes and no 怎么说是和不是 ...


respect的用法 ... with respect 怀有敬意 in respect of 至于;关于;就…而言[亦作 as respects 至于;关于 ...


政府公文写作手册 - 免费文档下载 ... in regard to 有关 in respect of 有关 in this connection 关於这一点;在这方面;为此 ...

In case of a claim for compensation in respect of this consignment, it should be supported by adequate documents (sufficient evidence). 如对所交之货有异议,索赔时须提供充分证明。
Note: do not forget to put the mouse in a timely manner, remove from the snack food, otherwise fine being levied in respect of the will! 注意:别忘了把鼠标及时从零食上移开,否则也会挨罚的!
Pakistan as you know is a hot market in respect of security systems. 正如你所知,在巴基斯坦安全系统是一个火热的市场。
In respect of Luka Modric, we are not prepared to sell, at any price, to Chelsea Football Club or any other club. 我很尊敬摩德利奇,我不打算出手,无论是任何报价,不论是切尔西还是其他的俱乐部。
He said Mr. Berlusconi agreed with him on the way forward both in respect of Africa and climate change. 内布莱尔说,在非洲和世界气候变化的前景问题上,贝卢斯科尼同意他的观点。
Unless otherwise provided , the Bank will issue a statement in respect of each account at approximately monthly intervals . 除非另有规定,本行将大约每月就每个账户寄发月结单一次。
the liability of the company in respect of the guarantee or security has not been discharged before the beginning of the financial year. 该公司就该项提供或保证所承担的法律责任,在有关财政年度开始前并未解除。
Reservations may not be entered in respect of any of the provisions of this Agreement without the consent of the other Members. 没有得到其他成员的允许,不能对本协议中的任何条款提出任何保留。
The provision of this paragraph shall not affect the taxation of the company in respect of the profits out of which the dividends are paid. 本款规定,不应影响对该公司支付股息前的利润所征收的公司利润税。
Her head bowed, his feet nowhere to dodge the next one in respect of her playing, she was burning with anxiety. 她低着头,两只脚无处闪躲,下一个就该她上场了,她心急如焚。
The HKMA has no plan to take such actions in respect of Hongkong Chinese Bank or any other local bank. 金管局没有计划就香港华人银行或任何其他本地银行采取上述行动。
The company is not liable in damages in respect of any failure on its part to redeem or purchase any of the shares. 公司无须就其未有赎回或未有购买任何该等股份负损害赔偿的法律责任。
Profitability of the bank will be further enhanced by the release of the general provision made in respect of the mortgage loans. 此外,由于银行无需就有关按揭贷款提拨一般准备金,所以盈利得以进一步提高。
We do not accept any responsibility whatsoever in respect of any such Information . 对任何该等资料,我们不承担任何责任。
The FEHD will not issue a health certificate in respect of any trade or arrangements that may, for any reason, be considered undesirable. 对于认为不当的贸易或安排,不论原因为何,食环署一概不会签发衞生证书。
The latter are not liable to contribute in respect of debts and liabilities incurred after they ceased to be members of the company. 后者对他们停止作为公司成员后发生的债务和责任不应承担义务。
EDT (Electronic document transmission) shall be deemed to be valid and enforceable in respect of the provisions of this contract. 本合同的条款下的电子文件传输应视为有效的和可强制执行的。
Unless the policy otherwise provides, the original assured has no right or interest in respect of such re-insurance. 除非保险单另有规定,原被保险人对此种再保险没有权利或利益。
The purpose of doing a baseline study in respect of a project is to determine what additional environmental pollution it may cause. 基线评估,就是要具体交代工程对环境造成了多少「额外」污染。
There is in force such a policy of insurance in respect of third party risks as complies with the requirements of this Ordinance. 已具备一份有效的和符合本条例规定的第三者风险保险单。
Time is of the essence in respect of any of your obligations under this Agreement . 与阁下于本约之任何义务有关时,时间均为基本要素。
In respect of concrete measures, maybe China still wants to leave some room for financial transactions for normal trade. 就具体措施而言,可能中国仍希望为金融交易留一些余地,进行正常贸易。
In respect of Southeast Kowloon, we plan to turn the former Kai Tak Airport site into a new development area. 在东南九方面,我们计划在启德机场旧址建设一个全新的发展区。
Chinese narrative poetry has uniqueness in respect of plot chosen, different from that of Western epic poetry. 中国叙事诗在情节上有不同于西方史诗的独特性质。
settlement: an act that discharges obligations in respect of funds or securities transfers between two or more parties. 结算:清偿双方或多方之间资金或证券转让债务的活动。
Director may vote in respect of any contract or arrangement in which he is interested. 董事可以就与其存在利益关系的任何合约或安排进行表决。
Commission in respect of each individual order shall become due to the Agent when the purchaser executes the order or should have done so. 单个订单的佣金应于购买人兑现订单款项时或该日期到期时,付给代理商。
Limit of indemnity in respect of any one accident or series of accidents arising out of one event. 一次事件或引起的一连串事故的赔偿限额。
any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right, title, interest, privilege, obligation or liability. 就该权利、拥有权、权益、特权、义务或法律责任所作出的调查、法律诉讼或补救办法。
Bank charges in respect of transfers are payable by the first beneficiary unless otherwise specified by the bank. 除非银行另有规定,有关转让的银行费用应由第一受益人支付。