rule out

  • na.排除
  • 网络排除…的可能性;划去;拒绝考虑

第三人称单数:rules out 现在分词:ruling out 过去式:ruled out

rule outrule out

rule out


考博英语词汇 ... round about 周围;大约 rule out 排除;不考虑 run away 出走;离家;逃跑; 抛下...而离去;逃避 ...


英语作文常用词组_百度知道 ... 466. ring sb. up 打电话给… 467. rule out 排除…的可能性 468. run out of 用完 ...


大学英语精读第6册 ... rt. 和谐相处, rule out 划去, 排除, 取消 think about rumor 流言, 谣言, 传闻// ...


Time单挑1000 77-82词_比尔_新浪博客 ... disconnection: 分离 切断 绝缘 rule out: 拒绝考虑 排除 helmeted: 佩戴头盔的 ...


“男性工作”:美女也没便宜占-英语点津 ... 6. gender: 性别。 7. rule out: 把……排除在外。 8. edge: 优势。 ...


考博英语词汇 ... round about 周围;大约 rule out 排除;不考虑 run away 出走;离家;逃跑; 抛下...而离去;逃避 ...


词语的固定搭配_百度文库 ... argue about 争论 rule out 排斥 a stand for 扞卫 第六十二组 ...

It is unlikely that the President could ever become a dictator, Congress, the press and the people between them rule out such a possibility. 美国总统不可能变为独裁者。国会、新闻界和人民共同监督,排除了这种可能性。
Therefore, the history of the production of Tri-color does not rule out the possibility of the early years of the Liao Dynasty. 因此,辽朝生产三彩陶瓷的历史,不排除早到辽朝初年的可能。
Outgoing chairman Paul Skinner did not rule out a compromise deal to appease shareholders angry at being shut out from the fundraising. 卸任主席保罗.斯金纳不排除采取折衷的方法,来平息股东们因被排除在集资行动外而燃起的怒火。
She did not rule out a return to the company in the future. 她没有排除将来回到公司的可能性。
The bank didn't rule out that fraudulent activity might have taken place following the attack but said Citi's debit cards weren't affected. 花旗并未排除攻击后发生欺诈活动的可能性,但说花旗的借记卡未受到影响。
We need to rule out what "might have" happened and stick to what "must have" or at least "would probably have" resulted. 我们需要排除“可能”发生的并坚持那些“必然”发生的或至少“将会很可能”导致的结果。
George Osborne, shadow chancellor, is refusing to rule out his own windfall tax and demanding that banks forgo their tax losses. 影子财相乔治-奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)拒绝取消他自己提出暴利税方案,并要求银行放弃税损。
The White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, speaking to reporters on the flight to Denver, refused to rule out a second package. 白宫新闻发言人罗伯特•吉布斯在飞往丹佛的行程中,面对记者的发言,并不否认第二个经济计划。
Although those synthetic antioxidants seem to be promising, their toxicity and side effects rule out their extensive prescription. 虽然合成抗氧化剂似乎很有前途,却因其毒性和副作用,不能广泛用作药物。
The general does not rule out the possibility of terrorist leaders including Fazalullah slipping out of the area. 加尼不排除包括法扎拉赫在内的恐怖分子头目已经逃出该地区的可能性。
Alonso did not rule out a move away from Liverpool but insisted that he is happy at Anfield. 阿隆索不排除离开利物浦,但是强调他在安菲尔德非常开心。
Problem is, they might hate that major, do badly in it and subsequently rule out a career they might have been great at. 问题是,他们也许不喜欢这个专业;学得很差,而且还排除了从事自己或许能干得不错的职业。
Their search was complicated by daughter Malia's allergies, which would rule out many of the "mutts" the president has said he would prefer. 他们的寻犬之路因其女儿玛丽亚的过敏症而变得复杂,总统曾经声称瞩意的很多“杂种犬”因此被排除在外。
He wanted a city to "rival London, New York, Tokyo or Shanghai" . He did not rule out the construction of more skyscrapers. 他想要一个能够和伦敦、纽约、东京或上海匹敌的城市,而且不排除建设更多的摩天大楼来实现它。
Renho has no aspirations right now to become prime minister, she said, but she doesn't rule out the possibility. 她说,目前自己没有当首相的想法,不过她并不排除有这种可能。
At a news conference Monday afternoon, Flinchum did not rule out a separate shooter for the dormitory incident. 在周一下午的新闻发布会中,Flinchum称并不排除这宿舍枪击案为同一枪手所为。
But who can rule out the notion that the most improbable alternative might be the only one possible? 但说不定最离奇的选择反而却是唯一的答案呢;谁也不能排除这种可能性。
She added that Kraft hoped to engage in friendly negotiations with Cadbury but did not rule out a hostile offer. 罗森菲尔德补充说,卡夫希望与吉百利进行友好协商,但不排除进行敌意收购。
That result would seem to rule out a large swath of possible masses and interaction strengths, including the values seen by PVLAS. 这项结果于是排除了某个大范围的轴子可能质量,以及其作用力强度,包括从PVLAS所观测到的数值。
"But we are optimistic. We wouldn't rule out a pullback in the market but we see that in the long term as a buying opportunity. " “但我们很乐观。我们不排除市场会回落,但我们认为,从长期来看,这将是一个买入机会。”
Britain did not rule out the possibility of military strikes, and US planners were preparing for such a move. 英国没有排除军事打击的可能性,美国作战规划者也正在准备此类行动。
By tracking sea-level change over the entire period, the geologists were able to rule out shifting land levels as the cause of this finding. 通过跟踪观察各个时期以来海平面的变化,地质学家们能够排除这种情况:陆地高度的变化导致了上述发现。
He asked who benefited from undermining stability, and added: "I do not rule out that this was a gift from abroad. " 他质问那些因暗中破坏稳定而获益的人,并强调:“我并不排除这是来自国外的礼物。”
That does not rule out collecting information for behavioural targeting or to create new and useful web products. 这不排除为行为定向或创造有用的新网络产品而收集信息。
Opposition politicians continuously pressed him on whether he would rule out that he had talked about the bid with News Corp. personnel. 反对党政客继续对卡梅伦施压,要他明确表示,能否能完全排除他曾和新闻集团的员工谈论过竞购英国天空广播公司一事。
While he didn't rule out an expansion of that program, he said there was a limit to how much it could accomplish. 虽然他没有排除扩大上述方案规模的可能性,但表示这样做的程度是有限的。
He did not rule out standing for parliament and becoming a sort of elder statesman for his party, the People of Freedom (PdL). 他并未排除进入议会以及成为其政党自由人民党(自人党)某种元老的可能。
But she said it is too early to completely rule out a larger conspiracy. 不过,她同时说,完全排除屠杀案后有更大阴谋的可能还为时过早。
Watson did not control it carefully to rule out a wide range of possible interpretations. 华生未能谨慎地控制实验以至于不能排除大量其他解释的可能性。
Benigno Aquino III said the president Aoe, do not rule out possible terrorist attacks. 总统贝尼尼奥·阿基诺三世说,不排除恐怖袭击可能。