raise money

  • na.筹款
  • 网络筹钱;募捐;集资

raise moneyraise money

raise money


新概念第三册精解 ... be equal to + n:1. 与…相匹敌 raise money 筹款 raise price 提高 ...


八年级英语期末复习计划_百度知道 ... 10. pay for 支付;赔偿 11. raise money 筹钱 12. book a ticket 订票 ...


... 3. your first pair of skates 你第一双滑冰鞋 4. raise money 募捐 5. the first one to do sth. 第一个做某事 ...


TOEFL短语词组 ... railroad industry 铁路工业 raise money 集资 range from...to... (在...到...内)变动;显示不定(或不等) ...


初二英语_百度知道 ... see the sunrise 见日出 raise money 筹集资金 book a ticket 预订车票 ...


初中英语重点词组_安娓娜_新浪博客 ... radio station 无线电台 raise money 募集资金;筹钱 read aloud 大声读 ...


词汇 ... rise to the heights of greatness 攀登崇高理想的高峰 raise money 筹资 the New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所 ...

Remembering her scars, he called it "To write love on her arms" and printed the unusual slogan on T-shirts to raise money for her treatment. 想到她身上的伤痕,他给文章起名为《在她手臂上写爱》,并将这条不同寻常的口号印在了T恤衫上,为她的治疗筹款。
Or Lehman has been trying to sell off some of its assets, including its asset management unit to raise money. 为了筹集资金,雷曼公司已经开始出售旗下资产,包括它的资产管理部门。
Hey, Joseph, you know I'd sure like to help you raise money for the Red Cross. 这个朋友回答说:嗨,约瑟夫,你知道我肯定是愿意帮你为红十字会筹款的。
The bank would be owned by the public, but would raise money on capital markets and be controlled by a commercially-orientated board. 该银行将是一家公有机构,但将在资本市场融资,并由一个商业头脑的董事会控管。
Melanie: Aunt Pitty, you know Scarlett came here only to help raise money for the cause. 梅兰妮:琵蒂姑妈,斯佳丽到这儿,只为了替我们的保卫战筹钱。
One was the son of a schoolteacher, another the son of a textile-mill manager. A third pawned his wife's jewels to help raise money. 其中一个是老师的儿子,另一个是纺织厂经理的儿子,第三个是典当了他妻子的珠宝筹集到了钱。
After all that trouble, the Scouts decide that the best way to help homeless animals is to raise money at a yard sale. 经历了这些麻烦之后,童子军认为,要想帮助那些无家可归的动物们,最好的方法就是在庭院举办旧货出售,募捐筹款。
I'd been getting ready to go out when a man appeared on the doorstep with a clipboard trying to raise money for a homeless charity. 我已经做好了出发的准备,这时门口来了个人,拿着一个文件夹,想为一个无家可归者慈善组织募捐。
Many seek to use China to prove their point in our political process or to raise money for the cause to which they are committed. 许多人使用中国牌来证明自己的政治观点,或者为他们所致力事业的酬款。
Some of these parties, like the one held by Elton John, raise money for AIDS charities and are always well-attended. 有些这类宴会,比如说由埃尔顿·约翰举办的,目的是为了给艾滋病慈善机构筹款,而且总是座无虚席。
You know, raffle tickets or candy or some other goody to help "the cause" raise money? 你知道,抽奖券或糖果或其他一些戈得帮助“事业”筹钱?
So when you go out to raise money, be prepared to not only answer how much you are hoping to raise, but also why? 所以,当你去融资时,不但要准备好回答你想筹集多少资金,还要准备好回答为什么?
They fret that the problem will thus seem less of a crisis and that this will make it harder to raise money. 他们还害怕这样会使相关问题因为这些数据而看起来不再那么重要,并且加大筹款困难。
I volunteered to do a parachute jump to raise money for charity but I got cold feet at the last minute and didn't to through with it. 为慈善事业筹集资金我自愿参加跳伞,可是在最后一刻我临阵害怕了,结果没有完成任务。
He was motivated in part by a desire to raise money for the rest of his ailing business empire. 他的动力一部分是意图在他境况不佳的商业帝国的部分增加收入。
Unless there's some huge market crash, the next couple years are going to be a good time for startups to raise money. 除非发生一些巨大的市场崩盘,否则接下来的几年对于创业者来说将是筹资的好时机。
The company also plans to raise money from charitable foundations to lend out, with the interest being reinvested to fund further loans. 齐放还计划从慈善基金组织吸纳资金用来放贷,获得的利息会再次投资到贷款中去。
He returned to Canada to go on a speaking tour to raise money for humanitarian efforts among the Spanish people. 他回到加拿大继续巡回演讲,为西班牙人民的人道主义需要筹集资金。
The implication was that I had been selling overnights in the White House to raise money for the DNC. 媒体暗示说我在白宫通宵达旦地向大家推销是为民主党全国委员会筹集资金。
It opened in 1835. She also began to raise money for her dream of a permanent, non-profit school for the higher education of women. 同时,玛丽开始攒钱以期实现自己的梦想,即建立一所为女性提供高等教育的永久非营利性学校。
However, healthy companies that did not need loans were finding it laughably easy to raise money. 然而,那些并不需要贷款的健康公司却发现筹集资金非常容易。
The point is, though, that she was selling these tidbits to raise money for her passion. 关键是,她正在卖小食品来为她的信仰筹钱。
I can forward that email to James and Micro if they would like to see that paperwork as proof that we are looking to raise money. 我可以转发该电子邮件詹姆斯和微型如果他们想看到,我们正在筹集资金,以证明文书。
I see your club is involved in various health research projects and is trying to raise money for further research. 我看到你们的俱乐部有影响在多样的健康调查计划和尝试着去投资更多的钱去搞一些更远大的调查。
Cause marketing is all about motivating an audience to take action, usually to raise money or collect goods. 所有的慈善事业都是鼓动观众参与,通常是参加筹集资金或者是捐赠物品。
She makes model toys out of olds TVs and sells them to raise money for the Children's Hospital. 她用就电视做玩具模型把他们卖出去为儿童医院募捐。
Henry decided to raise money for his orphanage. He covered his whole suit in pearl buttons and people gave him money. 亨利计划为他的孤儿院筹款,于是他用珍珠钮扣覆盖住整个外衣,而人们都给他钱。
A tartan to help raise money for the British Antarctic Survey, a government organisation for scientific study. 这款格子是为了英国南极研究-一个科学研究的政府组织的筹款而生。
Mr Crossley says: "I would be staggered if many non-UK businesses could raise money on Aim over the next six months or so. " 克罗斯利表示:“如果在未来6个月左右的时间,许多非英国企业都能在Aim募集到资金,那我会感到吃惊的。”
He would like to raise money to help the children in poor areas. 他想募捐钱去帮助贫困地区的儿童。