react to

  • v.对…有反应
  • 网络对…作出反应;对……反应;对……做出反应

react toreact to

react to


Unit 1 Ways of Learning ... propose to 向……求婚 react to 对……作出反应 refer to 提到, 涉及; 查阅, 参考 ...


2012职称英语考试理工类词汇梳理(18)_新东方在线 ... be devoted to 献身于 react to 对……反应 look forward to 期待 ...


常用英语动词与介词搭配 - 豆丁网 ... promote … to 提升至 react to 对……做出反应 reduce … to 使……降低到 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... react on 对…有影响 react to 对…起反应 get ready (使)准备好 ...


Toefl 词组 Part 1 of 4 flashcards | Quizlet ... look back 回顾 react to 对...做出反应; 回应 slide over 回避, 略过 ...


高中英语 5单元词组素材 外研版必修1_第二教育网 ... out of order 无序 react to 对…的反应 the stage of … 在…期间 ...

In an interview on Monday, Clinton said the US should not over-react to North Korean provocation. 希拉里在周一接受采访时表示,美国不应该对朝鲜的挑衅过度反应。
Anxiety, Freud is said to have explained, is when you irrationally react to a simple stick as if it were a dangerous snake. 佛洛依德说过,焦虑是你对一件小事的容忍的不合理的反应,就像它是条危险的蛇。
How did the people at the synagogue react to Jesus at the end of His address? 30But he walked right through the crowd and went on his way. 在耶稣的讲话结束时会堂里的人是如何回应他的?4:30他却从他们中间直行,过去了。
The word went down from the top, she said, not to react to demonstrations or provocations from protesters or journalists. 她说,这个词从头到脚没有反应抗议者或者记者的示威和挑衅。
A miscalculation would produce big inflation only if the Fed failed to see and react to it. 只有在美联储没有发现和没有做出反应的情况下,计算错误才能引发严重的通货膨胀。
They react to create huge amounts of extra heat, enough to melt the titanium and allow it to pool at the bottom of the container. 它们的反应能放出大量余热,足够熔化钛,并使之在容器底部被收集。
If a thought or an emotion intrudes on your mindfulness and threatens to take you out of the moment, observe it but don't react to it. 如果有一个想法或情绪闯入你的意识,并威胁着要将你带出此刻,那么观察它,但是不要对它反应。
This is a very natural way for atheists to react to religious claims: to ask for evidence, and reject these claims in the absence of it. 这是无神论者在处理宗教观点时候很自然的一种反映:要求证据,并且拒绝那些没有证据支持的观点。
Roboticist Hiroshi Ishiguro of Osaka University built his own mechanical twin to see how humans react to extraordinarily lifelike machines. 大阪大学机器人学家石黑浩制造了他自己的机器双胞胎,以考察人们在面对格外逼真的机器时作何反应。
For now, the USC team is busy trying to broaden Bandit's social skills and enhance its ability to read and react to a child's mood. 目前,南加州大学团队正忙于拓宽班迪特的社交技能,提高其阅读能力和对孩子情绪的应对能力。
The doctor observed the child to see how he would react to the medicine. 医生观察那名儿童对该药物的反应为何。
It can become easy to react to daily concerns without trying to get more results out of our actions. 如果我们不试图通过行动得到更多结果,那对每日事务的反应会变得容易。
Speculation is often based on expectations of a future event, or a sense of how other investors might react to such expectations. 投机行为一般基于对未来事件的预测,或基于一种感觉―其他投资人会对这类预测作出何种反应。
What you feel and how you react to something is always up to you. 对于事物你如何感想以及怎么行动,是你始终要面对的。
The dwarf did not need to be a prophet himself to foresee how Benerro and his followers might react to a second Targaryen. 侏儒就算不是先知也知道当班奈罗和他的追随者知道有另一个坦格利安存在后会如何应对。
This seems like a rather drastic measure, so it will be interesting to see how the publishers on the Brightcove Network will react to this. 这看起来是非常极端的措施,所以看看Brightcove的用户是如何反应的将会很有趣。
It happens in the heat of a game that you get over excitable, but the referees and the powers that be have got to react to it. 在比赛进行的如火如荼处于焦灼状态的时候发生这种事你会变得过于激动,但是裁判和执法官员已经做出了判罚。
Her research has led her to identify two distinct mind-sets that dramatically influence how we react to it. 她的研究使她确定两个明显不同的心态,这两种会在某种程度上大大影响我们对失败做出的反应。
Lucy says, "I want her to be my maid of honor and I'm not sure how she'll react to the dress she'll have to wear. " 露西说,“我想她当我的伴娘,但是我不确定她看到她要穿的伴娘服会是什么反应。”
U2 lead singer Bono said he did not know how fans would react to the record. U2的主唱歌手博诺说,他不清楚歌迷们对这张专辑会做何反应。
How you react to caffeine may be determined in part by how much caffeine you're used to drinking. 你对咖啡因的反应在一定程度上取决于你之前对咖啡因的摄入量。
And they react to these inner feelings just as any animal reacts to any hurt or threat: by readiness to fight or to flee. 内心的折磨使他们像受到伤害或威胁的野兽,要么选择争斗,要么选择逃逸。
Numpad +: Confusion- When activated, the enemy is completely confused and will not react to your presence at all, even if you are uncloaked! 小键盘上的+键:乱-当激活的时候,敌人就会完全陷入混乱当中而对你的存在不会做出一点反应,甚至你没穿斗篷!
How much of a setback to growth do these twin crises represent? And how should economic policymakers react to them? 这双重危机会对经济增长起多大的阻碍作用?经济决策者应该如何应对它们?
Today, as markets react to the concerted bombing campaign over the weekend, oil has continued to rise, taking Brent back over $115 a barrel. 现在,市场对上周末西方的联合轰炸行动作出反应,油价持续攀升,布伦特原油价格重返每桶115美元之上。
My daughter was excited by the abstract concept of a sister, but I was never sure how she would react to the real thing. 我女儿对有个妹妹的抽象概念很兴奋,但我从不确定她会对真正的婴儿如何反应。
Creating applications that are flexible enough to react to the unknown requires a more systematic approach toward application development. 创建能够响应未知情况的足够灵活的应用程序则需要更为系统的应用程序开发方法。
As a writer, having a glimpse into how readers react to different topics, styles and techniques can be very enlightening. 作为一名作者,能够了解到读者们对于不同的话题,风格和写作技巧会有怎样的反应绝对是有启发的。
You could also add actions to the view to react to property broker actions, to read the values, and to set the selection for the view. 还可以向视图中添加操作以反映属性代理操作、读取值和设置视图选择。
Furion Stormrage: Agreed. Just be careful. There is no telling how the druids of the claw will react to us after all this time. 玛法里奥。怒风:我同意。但要小心。谁也无法保证利爪德鲁伊对我们的召唤会如何反应。