regard to

  • 网络关於;考虑;顾及

regard toregard to

regard to


1011 课堂笔记 ... ... 2. version 译本、译文 3. regard to 关於 4. evolved 发展 ...


笔舞大会之阅读真题 02年6月 笔记... ... in terms 在谈判[协商]中 regard to 考虑 be reflected in 在…有…的反映 ...


黑掉Hacker:一个安全顾... ... 2。legal duty n. [律]法律职责 3。regard to vt. 顾及,考虑 1。legal case 案件 ,案子,词讼,法律案件 ...

I can not boast of much success in acquiring the reality of this virtue, but I had a good deal with regard to the appearance of it. 我不敢夸口我已切实掌握这一德行的真谛,但对它的外观我却了解了不少。
'While this is generally recognized for households, ' he said, 'it is often denied with regard to corporations. 他说,尽管人们通常认为家庭是这样,企业不是这样。
In regard to the question of further strengthening and improving the Party leadership, we shall discuss it in full. 关于进一步加强和改善党的领导的问题,我们将充分地进行讨论。
With regard to his character did, but all it all to the fact that he is not a company want to employ the kind of person. 关于他的个性评估了许多,但是所有一切都归于一个事实:他不是公司想雇用的那类人。
We wish to take this opportunity to ask you to convey our best regard to your family. 借此机会,请你转达我们对你家人的美好祝愿。
sexual intercourse and with it a more tolerant public opinion in regard to a maiden's honor and a woman's shame? 这会不会成为更自由的性交和随之而来的社会舆论对于处女荣誉及女性羞耻的更加宽容的态度逐渐产生的原因呢?
Free expressions are not always pleasant, but they must ever be protected, with no regard to the proclivities of the enemy. 自由的表现形式并不总是令人愉快,但是他们必须始终处于保护之下,对于敌人的癖性我们并不关心。
Used to indicate that the following character should be read as a single-letter format without regard to any trailing letters. 用于表明不论尾随什么字母,随后字符都应该以单字母格式读取。
Furthermore, the ability of man to colonize almost every part of the world is at least in part due to his adaptability with regard to food. 此外,有能力的人进行殖民几乎每一个世界的一部分,至少部分是由于他的适应能力方面的食物。
I would be grateful if you would be so kind as to provide me with certain essential information with regard to the following aspects. 如果您能为我提供有关下列方面的信息,我将不胜感激。
It is with regard to him that I desire to speak to you. Dispose of me as you see fit; but first help me to carry him home. 我正想和您说说他的事,您可以随意处理我,但先帮我把他送回家,我只向您要求这一件事。
In regard to the claims over the patents, Tang said he developed the theory, software, hardware and applications for the karaoke machine. 关于专利,唐骏声称自己研发了卡拉OK机的相关理论,软件、硬件,并申请了专利。
This means all the delays and sluggish progress in regard to your career will end - you will be ready to zoom soon after this happens. 这意味着所有的延误和关于你的事业进展缓慢将结束-你将准备放大后不久,发生这种情况。
Certain country often loses face in regard to its relations with small weak countries on account of its dirty tricks. 某个国家在与弱小国家交往中因其使用卑鄙手段而总是丢脸。
With regard to the world's most wanted criminals, it is always easy to see the tremendous local impact that their crimes have had. 他们是世界头号通缉犯,显而易见,他们的犯罪活动对当地产生了巨大影响。
He had told her so very little that she was all at sea anyhow in regard to the whole procedure. 他没有告诉过她,关于整个事情的进行,她简直什么都不知道。
with regard to metal material, the head-face model can be manufactured into a silica gel model to be cast. 对金属材料,则可以将头脸部模型制作成硅胶模,然后进行铸造。
With regard to stating, doctors have previously been unclear as to what do, he said, "because previously we had no recommendations. " 关于他汀类,医生曾经不清楚怎么办,他说:“因为以前我们没有建议。”
Likewise, it will not be easy to deal with multiple and sometimes competing priorities in regard to access-related library projects. 同样,用它来处理一些关于图书馆项目存取的复杂多样的,或一些具有挑战性的任务时并不容易。
The Commission will therefore have regard to the extent to which material has, or is about to, become available to the public. 因此,委员会将至少要对在已经或将会被大众所获得的资料信息范围内表示出尊重。
I suppose you have come in regard to the matter we were discussing this morning? 我想你是为了今天上午我们讨论的那件事情来的吧?
I have never met this person, and most likely never will, but I had been exchanging heated mails with him in regard to the matter. 我从来没有见过他,也许永远都不会。但是对于这件事我发了一封充满恨意的邮件给他。
I've a strange feeling with regard to you, as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly knotted to a similar string in you. 我对你有一种奇怪的感觉,仿佛在我左边的肋骨有一根弦,跟你小小身躯里同一个部位的弦维系着。
The world looks to you today with regard to Geneva. I believe it would be a grave mistake and a blow to peace if it were allowed to fail. 我相信,如果会判破裂的话,那将会是一个严重的错误,也是对和平的巨大冲击。
There does not seem to be any cause for concern with regard to calcitonin as a marker of excess C-cell stimulation. 似乎没有必要将降钙素作为C细胞过度活跃的标志加以关注。
With regard to the second, the data do not at present favor the hypothesis that dyslexia is the result of a magnocellular deficit. 关于第二个,这些数据目前不支持的假设诵读困难是由于巨赤字。
Kiss your lover deeply and slowly, with no regard to how much time you have or what is going to come next. 深情地,慢慢地亲吻着你的爱人,此时不要去关心你有多少时间,或者接下来要干什么。
With regard to the matter at the request of the right type of question, profession in the civil law more controversial. 关于物上请求权的类型问题,在民法界争议较大。
Whether in a counter-offensive or in an offensive, the principles with regard to these problems do not differ in their basic character. 这些问题的原则,不论对于反攻说来,或对于进攻说来,在其基本性质上,是没有区别的。
The IHT said the paper 'does not engage in unethical practices with regard to our circulation or any other part of our business. ' 《国际先驱论坛报》称,该报在发行以及任何其他业务方面都不存在不道德的做法。