afford to

  • 网络得起;负担得起;付得起

afford toafford to

afford to


大学英语四级常用词组 ... affect to 假装 afford to (买)得起(某物) at work (人)在工作;忙于 ...


名词与介词的搭配 - 豆丁网 ... take advantage of 趁……之机,利用 afford to (买)得起(某物);负担得起 side by side 并排, 并肩 ...


4.《交友常用词汇》_百度文库 ... afford◇◇◇ 付得起,提供 afford to◇◇◇ 付得起;能承担 afternoon◇◇◇ 下午 ...

《综合英语二》整理资料[旺旺英语论坛] ... 7. in command 领导 8.afford to (有条件) 9. hold off 使……难接近 ...


Unit 3 复习材料 – 个人日记 – 一百易社区 ... a fifteen-year-old boy 一个15岁的小男孩 afford to 买得起 to do this 做这些 ...


第14课:假如世界没有石油_心情驿站_新浪博客 ... priority= 优先权; afford to支付的起….; so much= 和….一样多; ...


春 色 短语在这里_王思佳吧_百度贴吧 ... cause problems 制造问题 afford to 承担,承受 pay for 支付 ...


NewWords/100-200 - 星尘的天空 - 博客园 ... 10:Besides adv 此外,而且 除***之外 11:afford to 承担得起 12:brave 勇敢 ...

He had a cellphone, but he couldn't afford to top it up, so he took only incoming calls. 他有一部手机,但用不起,因此只能接听来电。
Some seem to believe that our politics can afford to be petty because, in a time of peace, the stakes of our debates appear small. 有人认为我们的政治制度是如此的微不足道,因为在和平年代,我们所争论的话题都是无关紧要的。
I don't think you can afford to say it's all sequential, build out a store network and then do the internet, " he said. " 我认为,你不能说这完全是有续的,先建设门店网络,随后进行网络销售。
The ability to concentrate on those issues at the heart of the negotiation is an asset the CN cannot afford to be without. 全神贯注于那些谈判中的核心问题的能力应成为首席谈判不可缺少的素质。
He said he could not afford to pay all his workers because of declining orders. 他表示由于订单下降,他不可能支付所有工人的工资。
Almost all the affected countries should be able to afford to do this, at least on the IMF's numbers. 至少从IMF的数据来看,几乎所有受影响的国家应该都能够负担得起。
But I also know that in a time of crisis, we cannot afford to govern out of anger, or yield to the politics of the moment. 然而我也明白,身处危机年代,带着怒气治理国家,我们担不起;屈服于一时的政治,我们也担不起。
Do you know how much I love you. I really really can not afford to lose you! 你知道我是多麼愛你.我真的真的不能失去你!
"The world can't afford to have either of these countries stand on the sidelines, " says Kapp. It's up to the U. “这个世界不能有任何这些国家在场边的立场,”卡普说。
The true measure of your style is not how much you can afford to throw away, but how well you look after what you have. 衡量你时尚的真正标准,不是你能够扔得起多少东西,而是你能够把拥有的东西照料得怎样。
Afford to leave the back looking at you, I will not remain silent, but cried aloud. Dear, back to less than the former, but will not stop. 能留下后面看您,我不会保持沈默,而是大声哭泣亲爱的,回到较少比前,但是不会停止。
So Rubens can maybe afford to be a bit more aggressive, and Jenson is going to be thinking more about scoring points. 所以说鲁本斯可以稍稍表现的有侵略性一点,而巴顿要尽可能的取得积分。
To meet this challenge, the U. S. , or any other country that wants to remain in the game, can't afford to repeat past mistakes. 为了迎接这一挑战,美国或任何其他希望继续在这场比赛中保留一席之地的国家,都负担不起重复过去错误所带来的后果。
But, when you're younger, you can afford to take a little more risk in terms of what you're investing in. 但是,如果你足够年轻,你就能去承担些许风险。因为你有能力去把失去的赚回来。
She was, she says, lucky to be able to afford to leave. 她说,她很幸运可以这样义无反顾地离开。
You are going to have to be more tight with your money. You can't afford to keep spending like this. 你得注意紧着点儿花钱了。这样挥霍下去你吃不消的。
How much can I afford to lose on this trade? 本次交易我能承担多大的亏损?
I'd expect to see a strong team sent out against Unirea. We can't afford to be complacent and field all the fringe players and kids. 我非常期望一支强大的球队面对乌尔济切尼,我们并不会因为周围是我们的球迷而得意。
He said the nation cannot afford to let the $858 billion measure fall victim to delay or defeat. 他说,美国不能让这个8580亿美元的议案被拖延或是不能通过。
It was not so much a victory for multilateralism as a recognition that no nation could afford to go it alone in this global crisis. 由于没有任何一个国家能够在这次全球金融危机中独自买单,对主张多边合作的人来说,也不能算是什么胜利。
How much more greenhouse gas emissions can the world afford to bear, then, if developing countries keep consuming as much energy. 假如世界各国持续像今日中国那样消耗巨大能源的话,我们的地球到底能够承受多少温室气体的排放。
Much as Washington might not like the AU, it cannot ignore the AU, nor afford to turn the AU into a diplomatic adversary. 尽管华盛顿可能并不喜欢非盟,但是不能忽视非盟,也不能试图将非盟变成一个外交敌人。
He felt content, as if his daughter were already off living somewhere on her own, in comfort and joy, and he could afford to take a break. 他感到心满意足了,好像他的女儿自己离开,安逸而快乐地到某个地方去生活了似的,他能够休息一会儿了。
An adult thinks "I can't afford to pay cash for it, but I am managing my finances in such a way that I will one day be able to. " 一个成年人想的是:“我用现金买不起它,但以我现在的理财方式,有天我会买得起的。”
As with most health benefits, it comes down to lifestyle, rather than how much you can afford to spend on products. 获得最大的健康之益这个目标成为了人们的生活方式,而他们从不去考虑能为购买这些产品负担多少。
America, with a younger population, can afford to keep it a smidgen lower. 由于美国的人口较年轻,退休年龄可以稍低一点。
Anything such a man asks shall be granted, his kind is so rare that no employer can afford to let him go. 这样的人所有的要求都能得到满足,他们的善良如此珍稀,任何老板离开他们都损失惨重。
Just as the car industry can't afford to lag too far behind the consumer, it also can't afford to be too far ahead of him. 汽车业既不能落后于消费者的要求太远,也不能超前太多。
We simply cannot afford to be distracted from our central purpose. We cannot let the momentum, the drive, stumble for a moment. 我们绝不能忘记我们的核心宗旨,而且一刻都不能减弱势头和活力。
Is there such a thing as a non-regulated part of the financial sector that you can afford to ignore? 你可以忽略金融业中不受监管的部分,哪有这种事?