at the same time

  • na.同时;另一方面;与此同时
  • 网络然而;在同时;可是

at the same timeat the same time

at the same time


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at other times 平时 at the same time 同时,然而,不过 at times 有时,不时 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at other times 平时 at the same time 同时,然而,不过 at times 有时,不时 ...


成人本科学位英语考试词组表 - 豆丁网 ... at the rate of 以…的速度 at the same time 与此同时 at the sight of 看见 ...


初二英语词组(上) ... enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 20. at the same time 在同时 21. in the world 在世界上 22. ...


复试知识 - 考研复试 考研论坛 ... anyway 无论如何 at the same time 可是(表轻微转折) but 但是 ...


字典中 交 字的解释 ... (13) 地名。汉代交州的略称[ Jiao prefecture] (2) 一齐[ at the same time] (4) 互相,相互[ each other] ...


九年级英语上册... ... 16. work hard to do sth. 努力去做某事 17. at the same time 在同一时间 18. move to + 地方 搬迁到某地 ...


面壁思过 English, 翻译, 例句, 字典... ... 思维 thinking; 一壁 one side;at the same time 有壁犁 mouldboard ploughs ...

Einstein is trying to do his scientific work at the same time that he's working six days a week. 爱因斯坦尝试去做他的科学工作,与此同时,他一星期工作六天。
If Northern Rock had been taken under public control at the same time, the Bank lending would have been unnecessary. 如果政府同时接管北岩,央行就没有必要贷款了。
At the same time, the men were told that the US government was evil and did not care about them and that they should forget their families. 同时他们被告知,美国政府十分邪恶,不关心他们。他们应该忘记自己的家人。
Enjoying her native culture and fondness for her mother tongue, at the same time, being capable of speaking at least two foreign languages. 喜欢自己的母语文化,但至少掌握两门外语。
This caused general astonishment, and he had the pleasure of being eagerly questioned by his wife and five daughters all at the same time. 一言既出,满座皆惊。太太和五个女儿异口同声,急切地向他发问,这使他十分得意。
At the same time, a civil war was taking place in El Salvador, and again, the civilian population was caught up in the conflict. 与此同时,萨尔瓦多爆发了内战,再一次,平民被卷入冲突。
At the same time, China is not able to invest too much money in the matter at present time. 与此同时,中国政府目前还不能投资太多的资金。
At the same time, QC at the next check whether the number of each inside page is correct, whether the sample size and a uniform requirement. 同时,QC在旁检查每本内页数目是否正确,是否与样品规格要求一致。
Moreover, even if it did dare to cut rates, how much would this assist the economy if long-term rates jumped at the same time? 此外,即便是美联储大胆降息,如果长期利率同时跃升,降息举措对经济还能有多大的帮助呢?
He devoured books, often working his way through several at the same time, and was an avid consumer of crossword puzzles. 他非常热爱书籍,常常在同一时间能将几本书从头看到尾,也特别热衷于拼字游戏。
They say everybody should light their candles at the same time on Sunday evening to light up the city, which is often cast into darkness. 他说,每个人都应该在周日晚上同一时间点燃蜡烛,照亮这座警察陷入黑暗的城市。
Yet at the same time they remain young girls, trying to grow up in a harsh glare of unprecedented publicity. 但与此同时,她们还是年轻的女孩,试图在前所未有的公众关注下成长。
But at the same time, I wanted to do it because we live in a very violent world, and I wanted to show what John was, you know? 但同时,我之所以想做这个展览,还因为我们生活于一个充满暴力的世界,我想告诉人们约翰是什么,你懂吗?
At the same time, however, how much productivity improvement have we have seen? 然而同时,我们看见了多少生产力能力的改进?
At the same time, the side effects of your treatment may make it a challenge for you to take in enough calories and protein. 但与此同时,治疗副作用却又可能使你难以摄取足够的热量和蛋白质。
At the same time I would like it to be able to take advantage of the existing tools like Blend or Illustrator for doing the layout. 同时我希望它能利用现有工具(如Blend和Ilustrator)在布局上的优点。
because at the same time they are "slugging it out with a global powerhouse" in the form of McDonald's. 因为在这段时间,他们正“与类似麦当劳经营模式的国际集团一决高下”
If audience members start reading all the text on such a slide, they will not be able to listen to you as the speaker at the same time. 如果观众开始阅读这样的幻灯片上的文字,他们就不能同时听你这个演讲者说话。
But at the same time I have to think of my kids, of my family, and to be there for them, so it is a bit of an emotional moment. 但现在我也要为我的孩子和家庭考虑一些,我需要在那里陪着他们,这真是一个令人难过的时刻。
At the same time, contrary to what you seem to think, federal taxes are not extortionate by modern historical standards. 同时,与你想象的相反,按照现代历史标准看,美国联邦税率并不算过高。
Feinting with his left he took a half-step backward, at the same time upper cutting with the whole strength of his right. 他假装用左拳进攻,可以马上退后半步,把右拳用全力向上猛攻。
But, at the same time, taxpayers are right to be outraged that the bailout itself was poorly thought out, unable to live up to its promises. 但同时,纳税人有权对援救计划的出台本身就未经深思熟虑,从而难以实现承诺这点感到愤怒。
I sort of agree with this notion, but at the same time say that with a bluetooth keyboard I can be productive on the iPad. 我有点认同这一观点,但如果配备蓝牙键盘,我就可以通过iPad来进行创作。
At the same time, he says, texting can be so hard to resist that teenagers aren't likely to stop just by hearing such a message. 与此同时他认为,发短信的诱惑是那么难抵制,以至于青少年们不大可能仅仅因为听到这则消息就停止发短信。
At the same time, a growing number of evangelical Christians are beginning to see global warming as a moral issue. 同时,有越来越多的福音基督徒开始视全球变暖为道义问题。
At the same time, see how much memory usage increases in the task manager. 同时,查看任务管理器中的内存使用是多少。
If a woman could talk out of the two sides of her mouth at the same time, a great deal would be said on both side. 假如女人能够同时从嘴巴的两边说话,那么两边都会说上一大堆话的吧。
HuffPo is often accused of piggybacking on the work of traditional media outlets while at the same time hastening their demise. 《赫芬顿邮报》经常受到批评,称其一方面抄袭传统媒体机构的作品,另一方面加速它们的衰落。
DevOps is all about trying to avoid that epic failure and working smarter and more efficiently at the same time. DevOps就是想方设法的避免这种“终极失败”,同时让大家用更聪明更有效的方式去工作。
At the same time, Mr. Obama said the war in Iraq was a war of "choice that provoked strong differences in my country and around the world. " 与此同时,奥巴马先生说美国在伊拉克的战争是一个“(决策)选择”的结果,而这个“选择结果引起了我的国家与世界其他国家之间的强烈分歧”。