believe in

  • v.相信
  • 网络信任;信仰;信奉

第三人称单数:believes in 现在分词:believing in 过去式:believed in

believe inbelieve in

believe in


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... come across 偶然遇见;碰上 believe in 信任;信仰;支持;赞成 habit n 习惯 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on behalf of 代表…,为了… believe in 相信,信仰,主张 make believe 假装,装作 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on behalf of 代表…,为了… believe in 相信,信仰,主张 make believe 假装,装作 ...


最常用英语短语_百度文库 ... be in the way 挡路,妨碍 believe in 信仰,信奉 be looking up (形势)有好转,有起色 ...


励志小短文 ... 7. owe v. 应给予,欠; 2. believe in 相信……的存在,信任; 3. owe sb. a living 天生应该照料某人; ...


崇_互动百科 ... 11. 崇仰[ worship] 2. 崇奉[ believe in (a religion)] 9. 崇信[ believe in(a religion)] ...


高中英语常用词组归纳(珍藏版) - 豆丁网 ... in turn 轮流 believe in 相信,信任 7 bring in 引进,引来,吸收 ...

Many prominent researchers are now beginning to believe in the idea of a parallel universe and wormholes. 众多杰出的研究员开始相信平行宇宙和虫洞理论。
Yet the screenplay for "Red" seems to say that you believe in fraternity. And the end of "Blue" is optimistic since Julie is able to cry. 问:不过【红】的剧情似乎暗示了你对博爱的认同,【蓝】的结局也挺积极的,因为朱琍终于可以哭了。
I don't have a firm believe in Feng Shui, but if changing the positions of my stuffs can change my luck, then why don't I give it a try? 我没有很信风水啦,不过如果改变东西的方位可以改运的话,我想试试也无妨喽。
She said he never thought of God, never talked about God, didn't believe in God. 她说她父亲从没想到过上帝,从不谈论上帝,不相信上帝的存在。
I feel very presumptuous and uncomfortable about trying to explain out loud the things I believe in. 我想,若是大声解释我的信仰,不仅会给人一种自大的感觉,也会使我感到不安。
Even if you don't feel at all confident, you can behave as if you are. Once you start acting confident, you'll begin to believe in yourself. 即使你一点都没有信心,但你也要表现得很自信。一旦表现出了自信,你就已经开始相信自身了。
The moment you truly believe in Him and ask Him to save you, you are saved from the everlasting death and separation from God. 当你真心相信他并求他救你的时刻,你已经被救脱离了永远的死亡及与神隔绝。
'I do believe in destiny, ' she says. 'If I had continued to do my music, I would be doing what I'm doing now. ' 我真的相信命运。如果我坚持做我的音乐,我也可以做到今天的这个程度。
Always be wise enough to know that you do not know everything , Foolish enough to believe in miracles. 时常明智地提醒自己并非知晓一切,并可爱的相信奇迹的出现
Of course we each differ in the amount we believe in free will and this may well affect how much help we are prepared to offer others. 当然,我们对自由意志相信的程度有差异,而这也同样会影响我们在多大程度上准备帮助别人。
He talk increasingly about his believe in God and how the God guide him in his daily life and his biz. 他越来越多地谈及他对上帝的信仰,以及在日常生活和事业中上帝是如何指引他的。
We, the Council and its Members, believe in social justice and respect the dignity and worth of every individual. 社联及其会员坚信社会公义,并尊重每一个人的尊严及价值。
Faced with these nonsense, do not believe in themselves, calm, not to be utter chaos of the gas and the heart. 面对这些乱说,自己不要轻信,心平气和,不要被乱说乱了气和心。
I was getting ready to bust when she stopped, looked up into my eyes and said "Do you believe in Jesus? " 我正做好爽的准备,她突然停了下来,抬起头来望着我的眼睛说……“你信耶稣吗?”
To me, protesting is standing up for what you believe in. Getting off the couch and into the streets. 对于我来说,抗议就是为了坚持你所信仰的东西。
He said: 'Our goal was to explore the fundamental question of why people believe in a God to different degrees. 我们的目标是探索‘为什么人们会在不同程度上相信上帝’这一基本问题的答案。
"I'm glad to see you believe in yourselves, " he said. "You all get 'A's. " 看到你们都这么自信,我很高兴。你们都获得了A。
Some people don't believe in psychiatry, and I don't know if I believe in it, either, '' she said. “有些人不相信精神病学,其实我也不知道自己信不信,”她说。
No relationship comes with a guarantee of happiness, so the best that you can do is to be honest, believe in yourself and follow your heart. 没有感情能够获得幸福的保证,所以你最好就是保持真诚,相信你自己,听从自己内心的召唤。
He does not know his letters, ' he said to his cousin. 'Could you believe in the existence of such a colossal dunce? “他不认识字,”他对他的表姐说。“你能相信会有这样的大笨蛋存在吗?”
"I'm kind of an old-school naturalist, " she said. "I really believe in immersing yourself in the environment of the animal. " “我有些像旧学院派的自然主义者,”她说。“我真的相信你可以将自己融入于动物的环境中。”
I know he wants to and that he realises how much we as a group believe in him. 我知道他想证明自己,而且他意识到我和我们的球队是多么地信任他!
Train attendant replied: " no, " but they don't believe in or to the train to go. 列车员答:“没了,”但他们不信还是向列车走去。
It may be the metaphor of that the unreligious is mortal , but I believe in nihility fatally . 这也许是因为非宗教即是尘世,而我很不幸地信仰虚无。
The moment I realised I could authorise myself to believe in my own worth was the moment I truly started valuing myself. 在我认识到我自己可以认同我的自我价值的时刻,我开始真正地评价自己。
I have to show how much I believe in this team by showing my commitment. 我必须要通过展示出我的中场,来展示出我有多么地信任这支球队。
That's why India has been a bit of an embarrassment for those of us who believe in democracy, especially when compared with China. 因为这个,对我们这些信奉民主的人而言,印度一直有点叫人难堪,尤其是与中国放在一起比较的时候。
A person's right to believe in anthropogenic climate change, and not be hounded out of his job because of it, is now enshrined in law. 公民有权利信仰认为气候变化所造成的影响并不能因为追逐它而不工作,此项法案已经在法律中明文昭示。
I wish I could believe in God. It would be good to think there was some point to it all. 我希望我能有信仰。有个信仰可以支持你是很好的。
This is how much I believe in the power of the new techniques that I am teaching that nobody else knows about. 因为如果你对课程不满意,可以要求退款!由此可见我对所教授的这种世人未知的新技术充满信心。