be satisfied with

  • v.满足于
  • 网络对……感到满意;对……满意;对……表示满意或满足

be satisfied withbe satisfied with

be satisfied with


大学英语四级常用词组 ... give satisfaction 使满意,使满足 be satisfied with 对…感到满意 save for 留供…用 ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... be rich in 在……丰富 be satisfied with 对……满意 be senior to 比……大 ...


大学英语三级考试常考词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... be rich in 富于 be satisfied with 对…满意,满足于 be second to 次于 ...


常用英语词组._百度知道 ... be proud of 以……自豪 be satisfied with 对……表示满意或满足 believe in 信任;信仰;支持;赞成 ...


求高一英语必修4短语词组大总结_百度知道 ... thanks to 由于 be satisfied with 对……满足 lead a … life 过着……生活 ...

We still have to be aware about holding on to the ball and controlling the game but I think there was plenty to be satisfied with. 关于定位球的把握我们仍然要加以注意,从而控制好比赛,但是我认为这场比赛还有很多是我满意的。
A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. 人口中所结的果子,必充满肚腹。他嘴所出的,必使他饱足。
No man ought to be satisfied with a little if he is capable of using and enjoying more. 如果一个人有能力使用更多、享受更多,他不应该只满足于这一点点财富。
While it may seem easy to say you should be satisfied with what you have, it's the truth. 你应该对现在拥有的一切感到满足,这样事情似乎就容易得多,事实也确实如此。
Expectations worthy of a new digital messiah; after almost two years of hype and speculation, it seems we'd be satisfied with nothing less. 这样高的期待配得上一位新的数码救世主;在差不多两年的猜疑和假设之后,貌似我们满足之极。
After years of continuous development, we have accumulated numerous field experience, I believe we must be satisfied with your partner. 经过多年的不断发展,我们已积累了无数的现场经验,相信我们一定是您满意的合作伙伴。
As demonstrations increased in frequency and maturity, ASDI continued to be satisfied with the work we were doing. 当演示的频率和成熟度增加时,ASDI对我们所做的工作继续保持满意。
Some angels, especially those with technology backgrounds, may be satisfied with a demo and a verbal description of what you plan to do. 有些天使投资者,尤其是那些有技术背景的人,可能会只凭一个测试版的软件或者一次口头说明就相信你的创业计划。
I learned to read carefully, and not to be satisfied with a superficial undersanding of a book. 要认真阅读,不满足于表面的一知半解。
What's more important in your career , to make money or to be satisfied with your work? 在你的职业生涯中,是赚钱重要还是对工作感到满意重要呢?
Sadly, more often contractors forget to improve this part of the profile and seem to be satisfied with vague descriptions and objectives. 可悲的是,多数情况下,承包人却忽视了要提高该项资料的质量,似乎很满意自己含糊不清的描述与目标。
The company seems not to be satisfied with the volume of business the present agent has so far handled. 该公司看来对现在的代理至今的营业额并不满意。
But by now I haven't known if the manager will be satisfied with my work and how much the fee will be even though I believe myself. 不过,尽管我相信自己可以做好,但至今为止我还不知道负责人能够满意我所做的工作,也不知道费用是多少。
Oh, it is nothing, if Miss Han do not mind, I can introduce you to someone, you will be satisfied with. 呵呵,是没什么关系啦,如果韩小姐不介意,我可以介绍一个人给你认识,你一定会满意的。
We have reason to be satisfied with this improvement given that we started with a well designed set of indexes. 由于一开始我们就有了一组设计良好的索引,因此有理由对这里获得的性能提升幅度感到满意。
Don Juan in turn will likewise yield to his fate, be satisfied with that existence whose nobility is of value only through revolt. 唐璜也进而屈服于命运,并对这只因反抗才有价值、才显高贵的存在心满意足。
And he longed to be satisfied with the carob pods which the hogs were eating, and no one gave him anything. 他恨不得拿猪所吃的豆荚充饥,也没有人给他。
Tonight we have to be satisfied with a good result after a good performance and I think we deserved it. 今晚我们经过不错的表现赢得了不错的错解,而且我认为这个结果是理所当然的。(霍二就这点追求了?)
She should be satisfied with you, because she give birth to a world's greatest basketball player. 她应该对你感到满意,因为她生出了一个世界上最伟大的篮球运动员。
If you see something interesting, don't be satisfied with just a wide shot. 如果你看到一些有趣的景象,不要只满意一个广角镜头。
The others were usually bondholders, who had to be satisfied with what was left after the banks had been paid. 拥有第二追索权的是债券持有人,拥有银行清算完毕之后企业剩余资产的追索权。
As ASDI started using the Phase 1 version of the software on their site, they continued to be satisfied with the product. 当ASDI开始在他们的站点上使用第一阶段产生的系统版本时,他们继续对产品表示满意。
The woman seems to be satisfied with Mr. Saunders' past experience. 女士似乎对桑德斯先生的经历很满意。
Unfortunately, you won't likely get what you expect now, so be as flexible as possible and try to be satisfied with whatever happens next. 不幸的是,你可能得不到你所需要的,所以更加随和尝试不论发生什麽都保持一颗平常心囖。
Be satisfied with your happiness you have, and be able to endure hardship as well Never forget to forgive. . . 身在福中能知福,亦能忍受坏的际遇,且不忘记宽恕!
I think you'll be satisfied with the quality of these designs. Would you like to go over to my office and take a look? 我想您一定会对这些设计的质量感到满意,您要不要到我的办公室看一看?
Each center has its own form of imagination. All the centers can be satisfied with the imaginary instead of the real. 每个中心都有它自己的想象形式,所有的中心都能满足于想象而非真实。
The breed requires a moderate amount of exercise, which can usually be satisfied with a number of hours outside and an enjoyable walk. 大白熊是需要适量的运动的,它们通常喜欢若干个小时的户外运动或者愉快的散步。
Natural resources of Bulbus Fritillariahave not been able to be satisfied with people's needs. 近年来,随着药用量的不断增加,贝母的野生资源早已不能满足需要。
What would you think of a Snow White for whom the prince never came? Would you be satisfied with just leaving it at that? 一个从未等到白马王子的白雪公主你认为如何呢?你会满意这样的结局吗?