be in favor of

be in favor ofbe in favor of

be in favor of

You cannot be in favor of your own values, which are at a distance from the values that you espouse. 不能只对自己的价值观有利,而和周围人的价值观形成一定的距离。
If you're not willing to give up some freedoms (or at least the conveniences you grew up with), you must be in favor of child abuse. 如果你不愿意牺牲一些自由(或者至少牺牲一些“方便”)的话,你肯定会被别人指为虐待儿童。
The Indian Prime Minister is said to be in favor of trying to build bridges with Pakistan. 印度总理表示将在试图与巴基斯坦建立桥梁的青睐。
Yet they seem ready to push this legislation as a way to block offshore drilling while appearing to be in favor of it. 然而,他们看似着手推行貌似获得支持的立法来阻止近海取油。
You're a Dustman. But you don't seem to be in favor of killing me. Why not? 你是一个死亡者。但是你看起来并不那么想杀死我。为什么不呢?
In this they were exactly like ordinary politicians, who often find themselves to be in favor of bills before they are against them. 在这时,他们和一般的政治人士没有任何不同,经常发现自己在反对前就已经同意了法案。
It makes no sense to be in favor of some instances of abortion but opposed to all instances of mercy killing euthanasia. 赞成某些人工流产而反对所有的安乐死,这样做是没有道理的。
For the "PUBLIC SPHERE" , the competition among different media will be in favor of the appeal of public opinions. 对于“PUBLICSPHERE”来说,不同种媒体的竞争将有利于公众意见的诉求。
In the conservation process, the control should be in favor of hardening concrete strength and growth temperature environments. 在养护过程中,应控制混凝土在有利于硬化及强度增长的温度环境中。
In fact, if Thomas Jefferson were around today, the chairman of the Cato Institute says that he'd likely be in favor of gay marriage. Why? 事实上,如果托马斯杰佛逊还在的话,卡托研究所的主席说他很有可能赞成同性婚姻。为什么?
So discussing how to construct the community culture would be in favor of constructing the harmonious socialist society. 所以,探讨怎么样建设社区文化,将有助于社会主义和谐社会的构建。
To improve the teaching methods and procedures in PBL will be in favor of medical literature retrieval course teaching. 对PBL教学方法在教学方式和教学步骤上进行改进,应用于医学文献检索课,更有利于医学文献检索课教学。
Personally, I'd be in favor of that. 我个人赞成这个观点。
I would be in favor of making it illegal to smoke while driving. 我会支持立法禁止驾车时吸烟。
This kind of resolution will be in favor of the criminal objectively. 这样的处理方法,在客观上是轻纵了罪犯。
You would be in favor of his coming, wouldn't you? 你会赞成他来的,是不是?
why everyman be in favor of the privacy of the famous persons? 为什么普通人喜欢知道名人的隐私?你想不想当名人?
And we should look for the reason in many ways and many angles, and be in favor of harvest and enlightenment from the process of history. 而且应该多方位多角度的去寻找原因,有利于我们从历史的历程中得到启示和收获。
Using black and white can not only show all feature of image but also be in favor of doing more processing by computer. 黑白二色就足够表示指纹的纹线信息,也有利于用计算机的进一步的判断和处理。
British public opinion would not be in favor of the UK joining military action 英国民众意见并不赞同应该加入联合武装行动。