bus stop

  • n.公共汽车停靠站
  • 网络公共汽车站;巴士站;公交车站

复数:bus stops

bus stopbus stop

bus stop



2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bus n. 公共汽车 bus stop n. 公共汽车站 bush n. 灌木丛,矮树丛 ...


巴士站”(bus stop) 指划定为巴士站、而专利巴士可在其内停泊或停车上落乘客的道路范围;“中央分道带”(central reservation) …


日常生活中的英语单词_爱问知识人 ... hometown 家乡 bus stop 公交车站 sports 体育运动 ...


the bus stops at the bus stop 的意思_百度知道 ... at the= 在 bus stop= 公车站 the bus= 公共汽车 ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... suddenly 突然地 bus stop 公共汽车车站 smile 微笑 ...


96学年新民小学三年级英语单字表 - 豆丁网 ... bus 公车 bus stop 公车站牌 but 但是 ...

Have at least one adult present at the bus stop to supervise the children. 在公车站至少有一个成年人在场监督孩子。
Peng Yu, a resident of that city, says he helped an old woman up after she had fallen near a bus stop. 该市居民彭宇说,他曾扶起一位在公交站牌附近摔倒的老妇人。
The dog followed came to a bus stop, began to see a timetable. 狗随后来到了一个公共汽车站,开始看时刻表。
Ross: Then, uh, then we got dressed, and I. . . I walked her to the (looks up, realises, and points) the bus stop. . . I'm fine. 然后,我们穿上衣服。我…我陪她走到(向上看,意识到,并指着)公交车站…我没事。
You might be waiting a while for one of these to pull up at the local bus stop. 或许你正在当地汽车站等待这么一辆车停下来。
But Juan Leyton, a retired chauffeur, who was also at the bus stop, said he believed the signs to be correct. 但是一位也在该公交车站的退休司机胡安·雷顿(JuanLeyton)说,他相信这些指示牌是对的。
The next day, after I see him off at the bus stop, I walk around with a Ready brek glow and an overwhelming feeling of relief. 第二天,在公共汽车站与他告别之后,我兴高采烈和充满放松感地四处走。
Mr Smith, who was very fat, was rushing to the bus stop on a hot noon when he found a little boy followed him from behind all the time. 一个炎热的中午,肥硕的史密斯先生正在赶往车站,他发现一个小男孩总是紧跟在他后面走。
The bus stop and John stand up gloomily for he thought of his mother was in sickness. 汽车停住时,John正想起了他病中的母亲,于是满面忧伤地站了起来。
A few minutes' walk from a bus stop, still near enough to hear the din of the highway, lies Nexus World. 从公共汽车站出发走上几分钟,仍然可以听到高速路上的喧闹,“纳克索斯的世界”就坐落在那里。
"Good thing you're still here, " I said as I got into the car, "or I'd have had a long walk to the bus stop. " “幸好你还在这儿,”我进车之后对他说:“否则我就得走很远去坐公交车了。”
But times going are going and gone it's gone like the wind that can't stop, but stop not at the bus stop, you in my drop top. 但是时代即将匆匆去它就像风的消失不能停止,但不会停止在公共汽车站,你在我的跌幅居前。
By the time she reached the bus stop for her homeward trip, her stomach was one big knot. 的时候,她达到了巴士站,她的回家之旅,她的胃是一个大结。
I was on a bus stop, waiting for the local bus, when my eyes caught sight of her standing besides her mother. 我是在一个公共汽车站,等待局部总线的,当我的眼睛捕捉看到她,除了她的母亲的地位。
A bus was just about to leave as I got to the bus stop. 我一到公车站,刚好有一班公车要离站。
In a bus stop, road traffic flow is often delayed by bus. 公交站点的运行往往影响道路交通流畅通与否。
"I'll pull out the laptop, and when I'm on Michigan Avenue here in Chicago, put it on a garbage can or on the seat of a bus stop, " he said. 在芝加哥这里的密歇根大街时,我会掏出笔记本,把它放在垃圾桶上或公交车站的座位上。
If it takes 10 minutes to walk from the bus stop, get off at the next furthest stop so you get a few more minutes walking. 如果你从汽车站走到家需要10分钟,那么你可以在下一个站点下车,这样你就有更多一点时间用来走路。
What's she doing? She's waiting for her mother at the bus stop. 她在干什么?她在公交车站等她妈妈。
For the system that the on-ramp is at the upstream of the bus stop, we propose the average spacing feedback method. 对于入匝道在公交车站上游的瓶颈系统,我们采用了平均车头间距反馈的方法。
By the time I got to the bus stop, I realized the bus had left already. 当我到达公共汽车站时,我意识到公共汽车已经离开了。
So it was that, heavily laden, tired and hungry we set off for the bus stop shortly after dark on the Monday evening. 所以背着沉甸甸的袋子,身体疲惫不堪、肚子饥肠辘辘的我们在周一夜幕降临不久后便出发前往公车站。
Factory. A film producer happened to catch sight of her one morning waiting at a bus stop, as he . 一天早上,一个电影导演开车的时候,偶然看到了正在等车的她。
For instance, it can place your photo in a poster on the side of a bus-stop shelter, or on the screen of an old black-and-white TV. 例如,它可以用你的照片替换巴士站棚侧面的海报,或者老式黑白电视的萤幕。
If I had known that you were coming, I would have met you at the bus stop. 如果我知道你要来,我就会去公车站见你了。
At the bus stop, the announcement to passengers on a stationary bus was as clear as a bell. 大巴停了,停稳后一边响铃一边通告乘客到站清车了。
She stood hesitant for a minute and then struck out for the bus stop. 她站在那儿迟疑了片刻,然后拿定主意向汽车站疾步走去。
Three hours later the police officer returned to the same area and, sure enough, the blonde is still waiting at the same bus stop. 三个小时之后警察巡逻回到这片区域,却发现那位女郎依然在等。
They were preaching from house-to-house . While preaching, they met a man by the name of Devasigamani who was at the bus stop. 他们逐家布道,在巴士车站遇见了一位名为得瓦昔加玛尼的人。
Mom cooked a pot of fruit soup and four of us sat at the table in the kitchen talking for a while, before I saw them off at the bus stop. 家里很小,不适合招待客人。妈妈烧了锅水果羹,四个女人围坐在厨房的餐桌边聊了一会。然后我送她们步行五分钟到车站。