by hand

美 [baɪhænd]
  • na.用手的;用手递交的;(婴儿)用牛奶抚养的
  • 网络用手工;手动;手工的

by handby hand

by hand


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at hand 在手边;在附近 by hand 用手;用手工的 in hand 现有在手头;在进行中 ...


2010高考英语知识串讲5 - 向往的日志 - 网易博客 ... in hand: 在手中,在掌握中 by hand用手工 at second hand: 间接地…


三线汽车脚垫、地毯包边机-锁边机 (生产厂家) ... 压脚提升 Presser food lift 手动 By hand 膝控 By knee ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... The examination is at hand. 考试临近。 by hand 手工的 hand in hand 手牵手 ...


切莫小看定冠词the _教育_教学_论文 ... day 在白天 hand 手工做的 sea 由海路 ...


高中英语词组大全 B ... by far 大量,…得多(修饰比较级最高级) by hand 手工地 by means of 通过这种方式 ...


专四高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... by far 最,……得多 by hand 用手,用体力 19 by iteslf 自动地,独自地 ...

As long as you wait until it's full to run it, it uses less than a third of the water that you'd use doing the job by hand. 等到洗碗机装满后在打开它,它比用手洗能节省三分之一的水量。
Doing this task by hand can become time consuming and is often inconsistent. 手动做这项任务比较浪费时间,往往(多次插入)不一致。
To take advantage of any HTML not known to the editor, you'll have to insert it by hand (or wait for the next version of the editor). 为了充分使用编辑器所不知道的HTML,将不得不手工插入它(或是等待下一版本的编辑器)。
Yet another way is to watch its color, or give it a try can be identified even by hand! 还有一种方法是看它的颜色,或给它一个尝试,甚至可以用手确定!
Patchouli is often grown on small plots in remote areas where harvesting is usually done by hand using just scissors or knives. 广藿香通常是长在偏远地区的小块土地上,人们通常只是用剪刀或小刀去收割。
Asked the master thief think of him, go in until all the places touched by hand with a handkerchief wiping again. 小偷想起师傅嘱咐过他的话,在出门之前,把所有用手摸过的地方都用手绢擦了一遍。
Printing made it possible to produce more copies in a few weeks than could have been produced in a lifetime written out by hand. 印刷使以前要一生的时间用手工抄写出来的复制品现在只要几个星期就可以生产出更多的复制品出来。
Five, listen to her talk, looking at her eyes, occasionally by hand and gentleness petting once her hair. 听她说话时,看着她的眼睛,偶尔用手温柔地抚摸一下她的头发。
Far more than just a tool for communication, the act of writing by hand appears to be an important building block for learning. 用手写字远不只是一种交流的手段,更似乎是学习道路上的一块重要基石。
The papyrus was already beginning to crumble, so he did not dare touch it by hand. 这些纸草已经开始碎裂,所以他不敢用手去碰它们。
For creators, whether they're writing DOAP by hand or creating tools to output it, a validator shows compliance to the specification. 对于创建者,不管他们是手工编写DOAP还是通过创建工具输出DOAP,验证程序(validator)都会保持与规范的一致性。
She had a mechanic who built an air-conditioner compressor by hand at a substantial savings to buying a new one. 布兰迪本人认识的一个汽车维修工可以亲手制造一个空调压缩机这样可以为她省下一大笔钱。
I tried several cups of Susanto's brew, which had been roasted by hand in an earthenware pan over a wood fire for seven to 10 minutes. 我尝了几杯Susanto煮的咖啡,他将咖啡豆放在木头火堆上的陶土锅里,手工炒了7到10分钟。
Viz. that what might be a little to be done with help and tools, was a vast labour, and requir'd a prodigious time to do alone, and by hand. 同时也可以说明,做任何工作,如果有助手和工具,本来是一件轻而易举的事情,但若单凭一个人空手去做,便要花费大量的劳力和时间。
American farmers should be thankful; just think of trying to pollinate all those crops by hand. 美国的农民应该心存感激,试想一下:如果要人工为作物授粉那将会是什么样子呢。
Oil oozing out of rocks or dug out by hand was usually enough to meet the modest needs of those who lived nearby. 从岩缝里渗漏出的或者人工挖掘的石油通常足够满足附近居民的需要。
At the moment , doing something like this by hand would take you probably a couple of days . 目前,手工绘制出这些动作,恐怕要花好几天。
The UN said the decline in Columbia was caused mainly by the authorities' destruction of plants by hand rather than by aerial spray. 联合国称,哥伦比亚产量的降低主要是由于官方毁灭徒手种植而不是空中喷洒的作物。
Today the things which give a piano its soul are still made by hand. Machines do not dominate; here the hand of the master is at work. 今天,授之钢琴以琴魂的不是机械,而是创作大师那双灵巧的手。
Some survivors have been dug out of buildings by hand, but those buried deep within them cannot be freed without heavy equipment. 有些幸存者从废墟中掘出生路,但是对于那些深埋在废墟中的人来说,没有重机械的帮助而逃生无异于异想天开。
Easy to keep clean; the cover is machine washable, the mattress can be washed by hand. 易于清理;外套可机洗,床垫可手洗。
Unless you live in a developed city, you do your laundry by hand, and no matter where you live, you hang it out to dry. 除非你生活在一个发达的城市,你自己给自己洗衣服,无论你住什么地方,你都可以挂出来当街晾晒。
the door switch in the elevator, please do not directly impede the door by hand or body movement, this may lead to the risk of collision. 在电梯开关门时,请不要直接用手或身体阻碍门的运动,这样可能导致撞击的危险。
There would be great values for my physician if he would close his office and build an automobile by hand. 会有我的医生伟大的价值观,如果他将关闭他的办公室,建立手工汽车。
is said to be manually operated, since the recording of the accession number onto the features card is done by hand. 这种类型组配被称为是人工操作的,因为在特征卡上写登记号是用手写的。
Now if I were showing you how to use ASP. NET 1. 1, I'd tell you to open a text editor and start typing the XML by hand. 如果我以前向你演示过如何使用ASP.NET1.1的话,那么我会告诉你打开一个文本编辑器并手工敲入XML文本。
To pick up trash, Dad used a little machine that looked like a lawn mower. Mom and I emptied garbage cans and picked up litter by hand. 父亲用一台类似割草机的机器来收集垃圾,母亲和我就清空垃圾箱,用手捡垃圾。
The baskets are filled with a polymer powder which can turn the wet oil into a solid, making it easier to collect by hand. 这些篮子里装满了聚合物粉,将这些潮湿的浮油变成固体状,更加容易用手收集。
If the cage is lifted over the limit switch cam or lose the power suddenly , the cage can be pried up and down by hand . 当吊笼越过限位开关触发板或突然失电时,可对吊笼进行手工撬动升降。
The stuffing is usually blown into the stuffed toy by a machine, but the insertion point is closed by hand. 填充物通常通过机器吹到填充玩具内,但玩具的填充口要人手工缝好。