bring down

  • na.降低;击落;削减;使落下[跌落]
  • 网络打倒;使下降;使倒下

第三人称单数:brings down 现在分词:bringing down 过去式:brought down

bring downbring down

bring down


大学英语四级常用词组 ... bring back 带回来,使恢复 bring down 降低(温度等);使倒下 bring forward 提出(建议等);显示 ...


动词_互动百科 ... bring back 送还;使想起,使恢复 bring down 击落;打死,打伤;使倒下;降低 bring forth 产生,引起,结 …


四级英语短语大全_百度文库 ... bring about 导致,引起 18. bring down 打倒;降低 19. bring forward 提出,提议 20. ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... bring about 带来、造成 bring down 使……下降 bring in 引进 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... bring back 带回来,使恢复 bring down 降低(温度等);使倒下 bring forward 提出(建议等);显示 ...


UNIT 6. A Day's Wait_旺旺英语教学网 ... slack 松弛的;放松的 bring down 减少,降低 would rather 宁愿 ...


bring over的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... bring back 回忆; 使忆起 bring down 使落下, 使倒下, 击落 bring forth 引起; 提出 ...


高考英语高频词汇精选-第54期 ... 拿出;提取;邀请外出 take out 2. 打倒, 击落, 打死, 降低 bring down 损坏;身体衰弱 break d…

I could envision more comprehensive reform proposals that would be able to broaden coverage and bring down costs. 我还能想象出更多更全卖弄的改革方案,既能扩大覆盖面,又能降低系统成本。
If they do, the cost of capital will go down and bring down the cost of electricity from nuclear plants, he said. 他说,如果工程能如期交付,并且不超出预算,建造成本将下降,核电厂的发电成本也会降低。
The consensus was that CIT's failure alone was not likely to bring down any other firm. 分析人事达成了一致共识,他CIT一家的倒闭将不会带垮其的公司。
That pace would bring down the unemployment rate by less than half a percentage point over the course of a year. 这样的速度在一年的时间里只能将失业率降低不到半个百分点。
Not dead after all, he was freed by a group trying to bring down the Company, the group founded by Michael's father. 他根本没死,被一个想搞垮“公司”的组织救了,这个组织是迈可的父亲资助的。
The Bank made it clear that it was not aiming to bring down three-month lending rates, which are the markets' most acute pressure point. 银行清楚地表明其意并非拉低三个月拆出利率这一货币市场最灵敏地压力点。
In extremis, you could conceive of a scenario under which the bail-out had to be so large that it would bring down the entire system. 在极端的情况下,你可以想象这样一个场景,违约的规模太大以至于拖垮了整个体系。
Otherwise, the money would be used for blowing bubbles, which could bring down the country. 否则,这些钱就会被用来催生资产泡沫,这也会拖垮经济。
Evening red and morning grey help the traveller on his way; evening grey and morning red bring down rain on his head. 晚红霞,早灰霞,旅客放心上路;晚灰霞,早红霞,便要大雨淋头。
Mr. Geithner said the White House would allow taxes on top earners to increase in 2011 as part of an effort to bring down the U. 盖特纳说,白宫将允许针对富人的税收在2011年提高,以此作为降低美国财政赤字的部分措施。
It will bring down the cost of prescription medicines. Free-market principles are the only things that reduce costs and improve quality. 这会降低处方药物的成本。自由市场原则是唯一可降低成本和提高质量的原则。
So we decided to let them go at it again. Was uranus able to bring down the champ? NOOOOOOOOOOO. 所以我们决定让他们再战一周。那天王星把冠军拉下马了么?没没没。
Self explains to Michael and Lincoln that he wants them to be independent contractors to help him bring down the Company. 赛尔夫向迈可兄弟清楚表示,他希望他们兄弟与他合作来打倒“公司”。
It would bring down eurozone public debt, excluding that of Germany and France, to below half of gross domestic product. 它能将除德国和法国之外的欧元区国家的公共债务削减到相当于GDP的一半以下。
Bring down the quiet, I sat quietly on the right sense of the Lu Qing, I say, we all are waiting for you speech. 台上台下静悄悄的,坐在我右恻的陆青轻声对我说,大家都等着你讲话。
He indicated that the US authorities will direct the companies to cut their fees to help bring down the cost of mortgages. 他表示,美国政府将命令这两家公司降低收费,以帮助降低抵押贷款成本。
Tell yourself that you will not talk about your pain for more than a few minutes - you will not bring down the activity by wallowing in it. 告诉你自己将在一段时间不谈论你的痛苦--你将不去沉溺其中而为活动扫兴。
The Fed went on to say that although the economic data has improved, it is still 'insufficient to bring down unemployment'. 美联储还表示,经济数据已然改善,但还“不足以推低失业率”。
Already laser guns are being developed which could kill an enemy'or bring down an air-plane or a missile at a great distance. 能在远处杀死敌人、击落飞机或导弹的激光炮已在研制之中。
A disaster of the scale of the blow-up HSBC saw in its US consumer finance business would have been enough to bring down many banks. 汇丰在美国消费金融业务上受到的沉重打击,足以令许多银行倒闭。
And then, over time, we were able to bring down the cost significantly to about two percent of what it used to be when we started out. 这样,一段时间后,我们就有能力将支出显著的降低到我们开始的2个百分点。
THERE is only so much fun to be had from a sovereign-debt crisis that has the potential to bring down banks and derail the global economy. 在具有把银行击垮、让全球经济出轨的潜力的主权债务危机中人们实在找不到多少乐趣。
More pandas do not bring down the price for foreign zoos, though, because China controls the supply. 虽然大熊猫越来越多,但是给国外动物园的价码并没有因此降低,因为中国控制着熊猫的输出。
Sweat glands bring down internal temperature through perspiration while ridding the body of the waste fluids urea and lactate. 汗腺通过出汗降低体内温度同时去除体内废弃的尿素和乳酸盐。
That suggests the anticipated GDP growth won't be enough to substantially bring down the unemployment rate. 这种状况暗示,人们期待中的GDP增长将不足以明显降低失业率。
Even after Fukushima, indeed, Areva still urgently needs to bring down the cost of its EPR, argues a Paris-based adviser to the industry. 一位来自巴黎的核工业顾问认为,即使是在福岛事件之后,阿海珐还是迫切需要降低其EPR反应堆的成本。
There's two million of them and their economy is getting better and with all their advances in technology they're gonna bring down America! 中华人口有两千万的人,和他们的经济一天比一天好,和他们的先进技术会将美国摧毁!
Close to occurrences taking place that shall bring down the great divide that has led so many of your world to forget who they are. 与即将发生的事情有多么的接近,这将击溃这巨大的分界,它已经让如此多的人忘记了自己到底是谁。
Bring down your guard and reveal your feelings if you want someone to respond for the right reason and not for your looks or position. 警觉性不要太高了,显露自己的真情,才能不让对方因为你的反应和地位而后退。
So I will not look on them with pity or spare them, but I will bring down on their own heads what they have done. 故此,我眼必不顾惜,也不可怜他们,要照他们所行的报应在他们头上。