
美 [biː]英 [biː]
  • n.英语字母表的第 2 个字母
  • abbr.(=billion)十亿
  • 网络乙;到;良好




1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 2 个字母the second letter of the English alphabet

3.[c][u](学业成绩)第二等,良the second highest mark/grade that a student can get for a piece of work

4.[u](表示两个或两个以上可能性中的)第二个used to represent the second of two or more possibilities

5.[u](假设的或不指出姓名身份的第二人)乙,乙某used to represent a person, for example in an imagined situation or to hide their identity

中草药英文名 - 豆丁网 ... Poncirin 枳属甙 Praeruptorin A,B,C,D 白花前胡甲,,丙,丁素 Proanthocyanidins 原花青素 ...

高二物理选修3-1期中考_百度文库 ... 点的 场强。 a Q1 Q2 24、 点分别移 B、C、D、E 和 10 V,则 a、b ...


缓冲蛋白胨水_试剂药品培养基_仪器试剂_供应... ... (B) 良好 (B) 良好 (B) 良好 ...


2008年人力资源三级考试预测题 -... ... (A) 第一 (B) 第二 (C) 第三 ...


石油英语词汇(B1) ... B 贝尔 b 十亿 B&S wire gauge 美国线规 ...


石油英语词汇(B1) ... B register 变址寄存器 B 贝尔 b 十亿 ...

B. J. Fogg, editor of a book called "The Psychology of Facebook, " says that you get out of these sites what you're looking for in them. 在B.J.Fogg主编的新书《Facebook的心理学》中,他说到,你从那些网站里你会得到你要找的东西。
All you loved was Mel B's money , I didn't see that you could never be the type of man to meet my need . 你只是看中了我的财富,你永远都不可能成为心中的标准男人。
One day, B in a newspaper to see a written essay, a call to ask the disease. 有一天,乙在报上看到甲写的一篇散文,打电话去问甲的病。
Provide a variety of paths mode. A: Default path of the enemy's attack. B: open space, the enemy automatically find the road. 提供多种路径模式A:规定敌人的进攻路径。B:开阔场地,敌人自动寻路。
De La Garza: I am so thrilled that Ford Moto Company is going to be entering the B-segment with such a highly competitive vehicle. 德拉萨加尔萨:我很高兴,福特汽车摩托车公司将是进入的B段这样的高度竞争性的汽车。
Apologists for religion point to the Sistine Chapel and Bach's Mass in B minor as some sort of justification for it. 辩护者提到西斯廷教堂与巴赫的B小调弥撒作为为宗教辩护的理由。
A farewell to a life out of the plan is to leave the hospital, B to live down. 甲列了一张告别人生的计划表离开了医院,乙住了下来。
I can always count on you for a slamming mix, a no-B. S. opinion, or just a bit of well-informed advice. 我经常依靠你做一些有爆发力的混音,或者仅仅是一点能让人长见识的建议。
B: Well, it could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother. 哦,它可能是个男孩。也许这些耳环是他送给妈妈的礼物。
As you may know, on the rushing step of B level examination, all seniors have been challenging by means of hard studying. 此时正值B级考试冲刺阶段,全体高一同学皆在挥汗奋进、挑灯夜战,为自己、为学校拼搏。
This form of vitamin B helps sustain the syncopation of movement between the heart and the veins and capillaries . 这种维生素B帮助维持心脏和静脉及毛细血管之间的流程切分。
It's late 80s job is more than handled by the B-2 anyway and we save quite a bit of money that maintaining the aircraft took. 它的后期,80年代的工作是多所处理的B-2无论如何,我们节省相当多的钱,维持飞机。
B&TF: If you were a writer or producer, what kind of a storyline would you envision for your characters? 如果妳们是编剧或者监制,妳们会想为妳们的角色设计怎样的故事线?
You banged hard into the fence while trying to catch that ball. B: My shoulder is still very tender . 你好不容易才冲出重围去接那个球我的胳膊现在一碰都还疼呢。
Briant loved baby signing so much, she's now made a business out of it, offering special playgroups. B很爱手语,她现在已经利用手语开发出了自己的商机——提供特殊的幼儿游戏。
B: Yes, I did. And I still do. You don't know how much I enjoy my college life. 你说的对,我如今还是想完成学业,你不知道我有多喜欢现在的学校生活。
B. K. thought Sue was just playing games. He couldn't understand how she could forgive him for such a terrible crime. 想这是sue玩的手段,他不明白她为什么要原谅一个罪犯。
B oh, really feels disappointed, you think the notebook easily to useor table model to be easy to use? B哦,真扫兴啊,你觉得笔记本好用还是台式好用呢?
As well, the acquired bilingual will not be able to translate as readily in both directions (from B to A language and A to B language). 同样,后天双语者也不能很容易的达到双语互译(从B语言到A语言和从A语言到B语言)的水平。
B: I read about him in the paper this week. He'd been blind for about eight or nine years. 我在这星期的报纸上读到过有关他的报道,他已经瞎了八、九年了。
B That wouldn't be a problem. How much would you take out? 没有问题,你想提多少钱呢?
B: It sounds like a great offer , give me a little time to think it over , and I will get back to you by the end of the week. 听起来价格不错。给我点时间考虑一下,我这个周末之前给你回话。
A: Maybe you're right. But it would be the best way for me to keep vigorous to do other things, like shopping. . . B: Shopping? 也许你是对的,不过这样我才有精力去做其他事,比如逛街…B:逛街?
Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties" . 甲方和乙方以下单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。
B: Yeah, in a couple of days I have to decide who I'll be going out with for the next five years or so. 乙:是啊,过两天我就得决定往下五年跟谁交往了。
B. The child boarded the train to Beijing in spite of the fact there was little money on him. 尽管这个男孩身上没带多少钱,但他还是坐上了开往北京的火车。
When it reaches point B, it comes to a halt, and I'm going to ask you now h We've done that in the past in a different way. 到达点B后,停止运动,现在我要问你们,的值是多少。,what,is,the,value,of,h。,过去我们做过这个,用不同的方法。
Answer (B) is incorrect because unforeseen obstacles cannot be anticipated and do not necessarily indicate that planning was inadequate. 选项(B)错误的原因是不可抗力因素本身是不可预知的,而且它并不表示计划就是不适当的。
I then made a new branch called empty-gdbinit and switched to it (I could have done this with git checkout -b empty-gdbinit as well). 随后我生成一个名为empty-gdbinit的新分支,然后切换到该分支(我也可以使用gitcheckout-bempty-gdbinit完成这个操作)。
B. Okay. How much do you want me to get? A gallon? 好的,你要我买多少?一加仑?