send off

  • na.寄出;发出;送走;打发
  • 网络为…送行;给……送行;送别

第三人称单数:sends off 现在分词:sending off 过去式:sent off

send offsend off

send off


大学英语四级常用词组 ... send in 呈报;送…参加比赛 send off 寄出;为…送行;解雇 send out 发送;派遣;发出请柬 ...


高考必备词组 - 豆丁网 ... send for 派某人去请,去叫某人 send off 发出,寄出 send out 发出,发射 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... send in 呈报;送…参加比赛 send off 寄出;为…送行;解雇 send out 发送;派遣;发出请柬 ...


在线英汉词典翻译_百度知道 ... send message 发送信息 send off 寄出;派遣;给…送行 send as 发送为 ...


英语动词短语_百度知道 ... send for 派人去叫 递(名片等) send off 驱逐 送别, 给...送行 (of)( 从…)出去; ...


高中英语词组大全 ... send for 派人去请 send off 派遣, 寄出 send out 发送,派遣 ...

Today we gather here to have a send-off meeting, as Mr Li, our good friend, is going to leave for his homeland tomorrow. 今天我们聚集在这里开一个欢送会,因为我们的好朋友,李先生明天就要回国了。
We are gathered here today to send off one of our upperclassman , Mr. Smith, who has been appointed to his new post in London. 今天在这里我们在这里相聚,为我们的学长史密斯先生送别,他被派到伦敦担任新职。
The African Union says is ready to send off a taliban of soldiers to Somalia to boost the African peacekeeping force there. 非洲联盟表示现在已经准备好向索马里派遣一大批的士兵,以增进当地非洲和平维护武装力量。
If he'd played in that match he would have got a great send-off and it all would have been fine. 如果他踢了那场比赛一切都会没事,我们会为他送别。
And give this send-off for her as if she is alive. 并且,为她欢送,犹如她活的似的。
But I could have handled it better, giving him a big send-off and taking pains to make it look like his idea. 但是我本来可以把事情处理得更好些,比如给他举行一个盛大的送别仪式,尽力地制造一种表象,好像离职是他自己的主意。
The death of her father, and his clear orders for an unfussy, secular send-off, prompted Ms Murray to consider her own long goodbye. 她父亲的去世,以及他生前要求简单的、非宗教的送行仪式,这一切促使Murray开始考虑起她自己的后事。
Transport oxygen and nutriment necessary for metabolism to the body and send off the metabolic products. 运送机体代谢活动所必须的氧气和营养物质,运走代谢产物。
Would you please drop in at the post office on your way home and send off this book for me? --Sure. I'd be glad to. --Thanks a lot. 在回家的路上顺便去邮局把我的书寄走好吗?--可以。乐意为你效劳。--多谢了。
In the evening Kathmandu's sizable Tibetan population comes out to stroll around the temple and send off their prayers. 傍晚时分,大量在加德满都的藏民都会来绕着寺庙边走边祈祷。
Afterwards, mother proposal see good articles can be read to each other to see who can read both given an emotional send-off after. 后来,妈妈提议看到好文章可以给对方读,看谁读得既流利又声情并茂。
Panchiao read aloud two poems to send off again: The door rests surprised Huang Wei Quan2 , more the wall Mo Ai Lyu's flower pot. 郑板桥又念了两句诗送行:出户休惊黄尾犬,越墙莫碍绿花盆。
Having originated from " The Book of Songs" , send-off poems have evolved into one of the main themes in poetic creation. 古代送别诗自《诗经》滥觞始,其后逐渐演绎发展成为诗歌创作的重要题材和类别之一。
We are gathered here today to send off one of our managers, Mr. Liu, who has been appointed to his new post in New York. 今天我们聚在这里为我们的一位经理刘先生送行,他被指派到纽约就任新职。
We are not gatITed ITe heeasystays to send off first of we upperclassman, Mr. Smith, which get be appointed to his new post in London. 当今在那里咱们在那里相聚,为咱们的学长史密斯男士送别,他被派到伦敦London担任新职。
Even if the firm says they are not hiring at the moment, get a contact name and send off your package anyway. 甚至如果那家公司说他们现在不招人,不管怎样你也要得到那个联系人的姓名,并且把你的包裹寄出去。
They have perfected what they need to send off as their attitude to make you think you should approach them or allow them to approach you. 他们力求使自己的态度完美一边你会接近他们或者允许他们接近你。
And at a send-off ceremony for American Olympians at the White House, he said he can not wait to cheer them on in person. 在白宫举行的美国奥运代表团的欢送仪式上,布什总统说,他热切期待著当面给这些运动员们加油。
He had had his day, had said his prayers and made his confession, and why should they not give him a hearty send-off? 他红极一时,念过祷告,做过忏悔,为何不风风光光地为他送行呢?
The Send-off Down the close, darkening lanes they sang their way To the siding-shed, And lined the train with faces grimly gay. 发送小康唐氏收盘时,他们唱变暗车道的路上对于壁板棚,并与铁路撩澜旁冷冷地面对同性恋。
She passed away a couple of weeks ago and on Tuesday we gave her a much deserved final send-off. 她在几个星期前去世了,周二的时候,我们为她安排了一场盛大的葬礼。
She expected her husband would instantly divide her aunt's, legacy into two equal portions, and send off one-half to his brother at Paris. 她以为她丈夫马上就会把姑妈的遗产平分为二,送一半到巴黎给弟弟去花。
Maybe I'll send off for travel brochures or sit down in front of the piano. 我也许会写信索取一份旅游手册,或在钢琴前坐下来。
Members of America's Summer Olympic team are preparing to head to China after a formal send-off at the White House. 参加中国夏季奥运会的美国代表队的成员在前往北京之前,白宫为他们举行了正式欢送仪式。
Yesterday, thick frost in morning made the Heng state natural ground tranche pure, imitating a Buddha delivered Jing to send off for a hero. 昨日,清晨的浓霜让衡州大地一片洁白,仿佛在为一位英雄交警送行。
groups in opinion, for reference, send off a resume alumni brainstorming for our mentors try to do something. 群体见解、仅供参考,欢送有履历的校友集思广益,为咱们的学弟学妹尽量做一些事。
Locals confirmed that Pakistani soldiers were given a send-off party this weekend here in this town along the Afghan frontier. 当地人证实,巴基斯坦士兵本周末在阿富汗边境一个城镇举办了告别宴会。
It was a poignant occasion for many but, typically, Arsenal gave the terrace a rousing send-off. 那是一个经典的动人时刻,阿森纳为这个老看台送上了一个令人感动的告别仪式。
The Wall Street Journal reports that hundreds of fans arrived at his send-off, where he was sporting short hair. 据报道称,数百名粉丝为Rain送行,而Rain也是一头清爽的短发。
During World War II, San Francisco was the send-off point for many soldiers to the Pacific Theater. 第二次世界大战期间,旧金山是欢送点,许多士兵的太平洋战区。