stand for

  • na.〈口〉忍耐;忍受;主张;拥护
  • 网络代表;象征;代替

第三人称单数:stands for 现在分词:standing for 过去式:stood for

stand forstand for

stand for


大学英语四级常用词组 ... stand by 站在旁边;袖手旁观 stand for 代替;代表;意味着 stand in one's way 阻碍,妨碍 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... Athens n 雅典(希腊首都) stand for 代表;代替;象征;支持 continent n 大陆; 陆地 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... stand by 站在旁边;袖手旁观 stand for 代替;代表;意味着 stand in one's way 阻碍,妨碍 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... Athens n 雅典(希腊首都) stand for 代表;代替;象征;支持 continent n 大陆; 陆地 ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... wait for 等候 stand for 代表,表示 long for 渴望 ...


l六级核心词汇_新东方任晓军_新浪博客 ... show to 引导,引领 97-1-66 stand for 容忍,接受 93-1-60 take on 承担,接受 91-6-…


一些动词加介副词构成的短语动词 - 豆丁网 ... stand out 引人注目 stand for 是……的缩写,代表,主张 stand up for 支持,维护,保卫 ...


高中英语词组大全1_文档下载_文档资料库 ... set up 建立 stand for 代表,代替/赞同,支持,拥护 stand out 显著,显眼,杰出 ...

It was cold today, so we put a pair of booties on Niuniu, and she could stand for nearly half a minute at a stretch in those shoes. 今天比较冷,我们给妞妞穿上一双小棉靴,她踩着小棉靴可以一次站上半分钟了。
The geometric means of every 5 vectors are used to act as representative samples to stand for five aging stage. 然后取聚成一类的局部放电特征量的几何平均值作为标准样本,分别代表5个不同的老化阶段。
He won't stand for it. He'll have you out on Tuesday, so that you may as well make up for your mind to it. 那个让他受不了。他打算在星期二把你赶出去,所以你还是作一点准备的好。
You think for yourself and express your ideas. You know what you stand for and you won't stand for. 你为自己考虑,为表达你的主见你知道你自己的主张和自己不支持的一面。
'Males are able to stand for months on the ice without swimming, so we don't have any concerns about that, ' she said. 贝克说:“雄性帝企鹅可以在冰上站上几个月不游泳,所以我们不必担心这个。”
At this point, maybe you guys should develop a media platform which can stand for your voices and deliver messages to all around the world. 在这一点上,也许你们应该建立能代替自己声音,并将这些信息传播到世界各地的媒介平台。
Brian: No, you have to let the teapot stand for a few minutes and then the tea will be ready to drink. 布赖恩:不可以。你得放著茶壶不动几分钟,然后茶就可以喝了。
He's getting too darn fresh. I'll stand for a good deal, but once in a while I got to assert my authority, and jumped him. 他越来越不象话了,平时我都忍着,可是偶尔也得维护我的威信,我训了他一顿。
For all that, it came as a surprise when Mr Barbour announced that he would not stand for president. 虽然如此,当哈博宣布他不会竞选总统的时候还是令人大吃一惊。
But with opinion polls showing his popularity diving, on November 5th he said he would not stand for re-election. 但根据民意调查显示他的声望一路下滑,阿巴斯在11月5日宣称他不会再次竞选。
The result has been a profusion of bland slogans that have come to stand for sustainable development and a greener approach to growth. 其结果是,中国政府推出了大量空泛的口号,支持可持续发展和更环保的增长模式。
Your leaders must be beyond reproach and stand for freedom, honesty and a desire to be a servant of the Love and Light. 你们的领导者们必须变得无可指责,并且为自由,诚实发言,并且愿意成为服务【爱与光】的仆人。
Stand for the truth -- The Bible tells us our responsibility is to never oppose the truth but to stand for it at all times. 持守真理--圣经上告诉我们,我们的职责不是与真理反对,而是每时每刻持守真理。
I won't stand for any more of her bad manners; I shall ask her to leave my house. 我再也不能忍受她的粗鲁举止了,我要请她离开我的房子。
IBMers used to joke that the company letters stood for "I've Been Moved" ; now they're more likely to say they stand for "I'm By Myself. " IBM的员工过去对这几个字母的释义为“我已经搬家了”,不过现在他们说“我自己干呢。”
Officers whose terms of office have expired or will expire at the beginning of the next term may stand for election to any open position. 人员的任期已满,或将在下一任期开始届满可能参选任何打开的位置。
Remember to do it in love, but you will have to stand for the right If you want Christ's best for yourself and for your church. 你若想基督将各种好处给予你和你的教会,就必须按正道而行,和凡事凭爱心而作。
"I'm sure then he (Max Mosley) will take his holiday and not stand for re-election. He would have no reason to stay, " said the Briton. 伯尼说:“我确认那是莫斯利会开始他的假期,并且不会在继续竞选连任。他没有理由留任。”
BARACK OBAMA: "But from where we stand, for the very first time, we are beginning to see glimmers of hope. " OBAMA说,在第一次非常时期,从站立的地方,我们正在看到希望的曙光。
So they'll let me carry on seeing him, and like everything else, he'll be an escape for me, he'll stand for what I'd like to be. 因此他们会让我继续与他见面,象其它东西一样,他会是我回避现实的一种方法,他代表了我所希望成为的那种人。
He makes himself stand for the morality, benevolence and rebukes other for the sake of justice. Such a man is called 'messenger of evil'. 这种将自己放置在仁义道德这边,以正义之师的名义指责别人,说别人的不是,这种人我们称他为菑人。
If I were you, I wouldn't stand for that sort of treatment. 如果我是你,我就不能容忍这种待遇。
Widow Douglas is trying to civilize me? and I won't stand for that. 道格拉斯寡妇想要教化我,那我可受不了。
And as you know, if there's one thing the Republicans will not stand for, it's electing some Hollywood celebrity to public office. 大家知道,有件事儿是共和党从不支持的,那就是把好莱坞明星选成政府官员。
The letter "x" is often used to stand for an unknown number. 字母x常被用来代表一个未知数。
There you were, face to face with someone whose views and belief system should have been opposed to all that you and I stand for. 如果是从前的话,与观念与信仰完全与你和我相反的人面对面一直都是难以想象的。
At the reception, katie had to take a few rests. The pain did not allow her to stand for long periods. 在招待会中间,卡蒂不得不小憩一下,她身体上的疼痛不允许她站立太长时间。
The scroll was sealed in seven places as it had been rolled up. The scroll seems to stand for the title deed of the whole earth. 那书卷用七印封严,它似乎是代表了这个世界的「所有权证书」。
The next day, January 6th, Democrats were stunned when Mr Ritter announced that he would not stand for re-election this year after all. 次日即1月6日,黎特尔当即宣布自己最后不会支持今年的改选,这让民主党人大跌眼镜。
How much embarrassment will you accept to take a stand for Jesus? 你愿意为了维护耶稣而面对多少尴尬的处境?