make way for

  • v.让路
  • 网络给……让路;让路给;让路于

make way formake way for

make way for


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... lose one’s way 迷路 make way for 给……让路 be angry with 对……发脾气 ...


自考“英语(二)”词组表(11) - 自考365 ... 17.make away 前进,获得成就 18.make way for 让路给… 19.many a 许多 ...


常用动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... make up to 接近,巴结;向~~求爱 make way for 为~~让路,让路于 on the make 急求成功;增加 9. …


高中英语常考词组短语大全[M-N][嘉兴英语网] ... make use of 利用; 假借 make way for 为…让路 manage to do 成功地做…


雅思真题解析-剑7Test1阅读PASSAGE2解析... ... aquifer n. 含水层,蓄水层 make way for 为……腾出地方;让路 replenish vt. …


高一英语短语总结 ... 10. 热身,准备: warm-up 13. 给…让路,让位于…: make way for 1. 传递: pass on ...

He said it was not clear if China was the intended beneficiary of the timber that would be cleared to make way for the bogus project. 他表示,还不清楚中国是否是这个可疑项目将会砍伐的木材的受益者。
Opposition politicians told the BBC that many trees had been been cut down in the area, to make way for development schemes. 反对党政治家对英国广播公司说在当地有很多的树木被砍伐从而为一些开发项目让路。
It was not clear whether he was prepared to make way for a neutral figure to take over as premier, the same people said. 这位人士表示,目前尚不清楚,帕潘德里欧是否准备将自己的总理宝座让与一位中立人士。
To make way for all this, three villages and thousands of villagers had to be moved. 建这些路的时候,搬迁了三哥村子和数千的村民。
Many Uighur inhabitants have been forcibly evicted and relocated to make way for a new city likely to be dominated by the Han population. 如今已有许多维吾尔居民被强行驱逐和迁移,以迎接新的、或以汉族人口为主的城市。
But like many other patients in Gaza he had been made to leave an overcrowded hospital to make way for the dying. 和加沙许多病人一样,他被请出爆满的医院,腾出位置给那些奄奄一息的病人。
Almost pulled down in the 1960s to make way for a second ring road around the modern day city, a large portion in fact escaped destruction. 大约在20世纪60年代,为了在现代化的新城外围再铺一条环形公路,老城墙被推倒了,事实上大部分还是躲过了浩劫。
Excavators discovered this cache of Ice Age remains as an old parking garage was being demolished to make way for a new one. 发掘者发现这个一个像旧停车库样的冰河世纪的遗骨贮藏处为了发现新的东西而被破坏。
Much of that destruction was to make way for cities like Salvador, Recife, Rio de Janeiro and S? o Paulo. 大部分的破坏是为了像里约热内卢和圣保罗这样的城市让路。
Two years ago, Tata lost out to farmers in West Bengal who refused to make way for a factory to churn out Nano cars. 两年前,塔塔(Tata)要在西孟加拉邦盖厂生产Nano汽车,但当地农民拒绝让地,塔塔只好放弃。
The subtle Disclosure discussed previously will now make way for a much more obvious and powerful form of Disclosure yet to come. 过去讨论过的微妙揭露,现在将为一个更明显和有力的大揭露形式的到来创造条件。
Confident that the rotors of revolution would churn out a purified social order, Che radically destroyed the old to make way for the new. 格瓦拉对于革命的搅屎棍能够搅和出纯净的社会秩序很有信心,他激进地打碎旧世界来创造新世界。
At least one has refused to sell his property to make way for the resort despite large financial incentives. 至少有一人拒绝重金诱惑,不愿卖掉自己的地产,为该球场让路。
an old building may be demolished to make way for some development programme, or a new roadway may be constructed through a familiar haunt. 一幢老房子可能被拆迁,为一些的发展项目让路,或者,一条新道路要建,穿过一条熟悉的…
Therefore we trust you can see that putting everything behind you is simply how you make way for a totally new experience. 因此我们相信你们能够明白,把当前的每件事物(财富,利益,权力)留在身后,那么你就为自己创建了一条全然崭新的体验。
Last December five families living near the Athlone stadium were told their homes would be demolished to make way for a car park. 去年12月,生活在阿斯隆体育场附近的五户人家被告知,他们的家园将被拆除建停车场。
One of our best workers has been thrust out to make way for the director's nephew. 为了给主管的儿子让位,我们有一位最好的工人被解雇了。
One of our best workers has been thrust out to make way for the director's son. 我们公司最优秀的职工之一为了让位给董事的儿子而被解雇。
Sad though it is in individual cases, it's a necessary part of the bigger picture; life pushes out the old to make way for the new. 对个体来说这是个悲哀的事实,但在更高的层面上这是必须的:旧的总要为新的让路。
Commissioned by the noble Peruzzi family, it was whitewashed in the early 1700s to make way for a new chapel design. 十八世纪早期的时候,贵族佩鲁奇曾下令将这些壁画用石灰水涂白,以便为小教堂的新设计腾出地方。
Out with the old, in with the new. Make way for the young ! 旧的不去,新的不来,给年轻一代让路吧!
District officials say that most requests so far have related to government plans to knock down housing to make way for redevelopment. 该区官员说截止目前最多人咨询关于政府为二次发展腾出地方而拆卸房屋的计划。
On the way out to make way for the new additions are vending machine cigarettes, as well as pork shoulder joints. 为新添条目腾出位置的是自动售货机所售香烟和猪腿肉。
The damaged goods train will have to be shunted onto a side line to make way for the passenger train. 得把这辆坏了的货车移至支线上好让客车通过。
Israeli bulldozers have flattened part of a building in occupied East Jerusalem to make way for new homes for Jewish settlers. 为了给犹太定居者的新家园让路,以色列的推土机将被占领的东耶路撒冷的一部分建筑物夷为平地。
Herzog knows that the Bird's Nest was built with cheap labour and that residents were displaced to make way for it. 赫尔佐格知道,鸟巢是用廉价劳动力建成的,还让居民搬迁,腾出地方。
We would be outraged if Notre Dame Cathedral or the Great Pyramid of Giza were demolished to make way for modern buildings. 如果有人毁了巴黎圣母院和吉萨大金字塔来建高楼大厦的话,人们肯定会异常愤慨。
The innocent are sometimes slain to make way for grander schemes. You were collateral damage. 有时牺牲无辜是成全重大计划的方式。你是附带的牺牲品。
It is not enough for them to drive an elite car; they need a car with a flasher and a loud horn so that the rest make way for it. 他们的车仅上档次还不行,上面还需要一个闪光装置和一台扩音器,这样其他的车才会跟自己的车让道。
Then the young man said rudely, "I never make way for a fool. " 然后,年轻男子毫不客气地说,“我从来不给傻瓜让路。”