made of

  • na.“make certain”的变体
  • 网络用……制成的;由…构成;由…造成

第三人称单数:makes of 现在分词:making of 过去式:made of

made ofmade of

made of


on,in,at,until区别_爱问知识人 ... 5. jealous of 嫉妒于 6. made of 用……制成的 9. tired of 厌倦的 ...


made是什么意思 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... made man 人造人;有成就的人 made of 由…组成,由…构成 made by 由…制造 ...


英语后缀327个... ... ard=of the nature 构成指责或非难名词 38. - aceous=made of 由…造成 7. - ary=belonging to 属于… 46. - ...


前缀+后缀+词根_百度文库 ... state of 状况 made of 制造 full of 充满 ...


每天英语单词每日一句一周详解... ... 1.Tongue: 舌,舌头 / 说话 2.Made of以……制成 3.Yet:, 可是,然而,而 ...


RENNER立式泵-上海越信工业设备有限公司 ... 电机( Motor power) 材质( Made of) 浸入深度( Immersion depth) ...

A hundred years ago if anything looked as if it were made of wood or steel or copper, it really was . But today it might not be so . 一百年前,如果有什么东西看起来好像是用木头、钢或铜做的,而实际上也就是那些东西做的,但今天却不一定了。
Cosmologists speculate that the dark matter may be made of particles produced shortly after the Big Bang. 宇宙学家猜测暗物质可能由大爆炸后不久产生的粒子组成,这些粒子或许和普通的“重子物质”完全不同。
Synthetic vessels made of Teflon exist, but they are prone to infection and blockage by blood clots, and tend to work for only a few months. 现已存在聚四氟乙烯制成的人造血管,但它们很容易感染和形成血栓,且往往只能起几个月的作用。
One or both of a core layer and a cladding layer are made of a cured product of such a photosensitive resin composition. 以及光致产酸剂,其芯层和覆盖层中的一种或两种均由固化产物制备。
Most modern Scottish bagpipes are made up of three wooden pipes, which come out of the top of a bag made of sheep or elk skin. 现代苏格兰风笛大多有三根木质音管,从一个羊皮或鹿皮风袋的上方伸出来。
As is always the case when Liverpool meet Chelsea, much is being made of the tactical battle between the two managers. 当利物浦碰切尔西,总是会成为两名主帅的战术之争。
It was made of aluminiumtubing, Mylar and piano wire, with a weird horizontal stabiliser poking fromthe front like the head of a stork. 这个飞行器由铝质管材、聚酯薄膜和钢琴丝制成,前端伸出来一个活象鹳的脑袋的怪异的水平稳定器。
You know you're getting too much fat in your diet when your freckles are made of pepperoni. 你知道你平时摄取了太多的脂肪使你发胖还引起了雀斑。
The tower is all made of wood, as you can see here nicely. 该塔由木头做成,正如你们所看到的。
Yet when Barack Obama first burst onto the national stage, very little mention was made of his mother. 但是巴拉克·奥巴马一开始突然跃上国家舞台时,他的母亲几乎未被提及。
FSB and FSB-D type centrifugal pump, overflow part is made of Fluor plastic alloy, compact in structure and easy to operate with low price. FSB和FSB-D型离心泵,过流部件全部采用氟塑料合金制造,结构紧凑、操作简单、价格低廉。
Houses were made of sticks covered by mud. There was no electricity or running water. 房屋由覆盖着泥巴的木棍建造而成,这里没有电力与自来水。
When the earth was still flat, and the clouds made of fire, and mountains wretched up to the sky, sometimes higher, folks roamed the earth. 当地球仍是平的、云彩由火构成并且山脉高高插入天空时,而且有时更高,人们在大地上游走。
In the case of fertilizers made of animal manure the principles of animal welfare have to be respected. 如果用动物的粪肥做成的肥料,那么必须考虑动物的健康的情况。
A river carried down in its stream two Pots, one made of earthenware and the other of brass. 河里顺流而下飘着两只罐子,一只是陶质的,另一只是铜质的。
The blackboard is a kind of cultural tool. It is usually made of wooden boards four to five centimeters thick in the shape of a rectangle. 黑板是一种常见的文化工具,它一般呈矩形,用本质夹板做成,厚四五厘米。
China's reform and opening up in the maintenance of the nation's territorial integrity and made of solid step! 改革开放中的中国在维护中华民族领土完整的征程上又迈出了坚实的一步!
It's made of aluminum and while it looks to be as thick as a standard pen or pencil, at 4 inches in length it's probably just a bit shorter. 它的质地是铝合金,长为4英尺(实际也许更短一些),外形酷似一只标准的钢笔或铅笔。
Light often behaves as if it were made of particles. (行为方式状语从句)光常常表现出好像它是由粒子组成的。
In the year of 1870, a sort of ball made of feather and wood as well as a bat woven with strings were invented. 1870年,出现了用羽毛、软木做的球和穿弦的球拍。
The heat sink of lamp is made of stretched aluminum, with its reflex housing made of stretched high-purity anodized aluminum plate. 灯具散热器结构为铝拉伸型材,高纯度阳极氧化铝板拉抻反射罩。
Some have reservations about this power and the use made of it. 有些人对这种权力及其使用持保留意见。
We see them as the domain of supernatural creatures like the djinn, who are made of smokeless fire and are the symbol of elusiveness. 我们把它们看作是超自然生物的领域,比如:精灵。它们由无烟的火焰组成并且是难以捉摸的事物的象征。
Most medals are made of gold, silver, bronze, or lead, the precious metals being used for the finer productions. 大部分奖牌由金、银、青铜或铅制成,而贵金属用来制作较精美的制品。
When an object squashes or stretches, it appears to be made of a pliable material, if it doesn't then it appears rigid. 当一个对象驮或延伸,似乎可以作出一个柔软材料,如果没有,然后似乎僵硬。
Bread might be made of carbs, but everyone knows it's nourishing, so eat a little, he said. 面包也许是碳水化合物构成的,但每个人都知道它是营养的,所以他说,吃点吧。
Since then, Titan has spotted dozens of lakes on Titan's surface, thought to be made of a mixture of liquid ethane and methane. 自那时起,泰坦上已经发现了数十个充满了液态乙烷和甲烷混合物的湖。
Another painter wants to be an architect and build up his picture as if it were made of cubes of brick. 另一位画家则想当建筑师,希望他构制出的图画能产生砖石砌成的感觉。
"The Flower of Space" . At first, it seems to be made of stained glass or something else. However, it's made entirely of caramel. 《空间花朵》,乍一看,这个作品仿佛是用彩色玻璃或是别的什么东西做的。但其实,整个作品都是用焦糖做成的。
I clothed him in a suit made of goatskins, and he seemed to be greatly pleased to be dressed like myself. 我穿的山羊皮做了适合他,他似乎非常高兴能像我自己打扮。