head up

  • na.指挥;给…加盖子;同“head”
  • 网络抬头;主持;领导

第三人称单数:heads up 现在分词:heading up 过去式:headed up

head uphead up

head up


泳的呼吸是抬头head up),非常本能和自然的行动,所以赞成蛙泳作为首选学习泳姿,方便初学者去学习。


新官上任开场白 - 第一访的日志 - 网易博客 ... live up to 达到(期望,配合) head up 主持,领导 sales force 销售业务主力军 ...


新官上任开场白 - 第一访的日志 - 网易博客 ... live up to 达到(期望,配合) head up 主持,领导 sales force 销售业务主力军 ...


英语单词head是什么意思,英文单... ... head to 向...(方向)前进 head up 走在前头, 当头; 给....加盖子 head a revolt 带头造反 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... head on 迎面地,正面地 head up 在…上加盖子 keep one's head 保持镇静 ...


求ashley... ... Head up,hands up 抬起头,举起手 these are Headstrong Crazy days 这是勇往直前疯狂的日子 ...


friends 单词_(A櫅gc_新浪博客 ... obligation 责任 义务 head up 小心 newsstand 报摊 ...


小笨霖英语笔记本六十一至一零七 ... 8. Run it out. 把它跑完. 9. Head up. 注意. 2. I feek like killing someone. 我真想杀人. ...

The bulls have began to close, some play played some lazy, leisurely down, some of your head up, the wind took them to a distant Shen huan. 牛儿们有的开始互相亲昵,有的玩耍戏闹,有的闲适地懒躺下,有的把头抬起,风就把它们的呻唤带向了远方。
So, baby milk or other beverages, to head up some of his, and feel free to erase him out of the water or milk flow. 所以,宝宝喝奶或其他饮料时,要将他的头抬高一些,并随时给他擦掉流出来的水或奶。
If the rope were shorter, it would cause the foal to hold his head up in an unnaturally high, fatiguing position. 如果绳子再缩短一点,这会导致马驹必须让他的头保持一个不自然的高而且容易疲劳的姿势。
Her condition means that she cannot walk, talk, keep her head up in bed or swallow food. 阿什利不能走路、说话,不能把头平放在床上,也不能吞咽食物。
"I've had a wonderful 18 years of staying injury-free, so I just want to go out with my head up, no regrets, " he said. “我18个赛季都没有收到伤病困扰,这非常美妙,所以我只希望能够毫无遗憾地抬着头走出去。”他是。
The child didn't raise his head up and still unhesitatingly keep on casting the fishes around him into the sea. 这个孩子头也不抬,仍坚定地把身边的鱼抛回海里。
When he had paid off his debts, he felt he could hold his head up again. 他付清欠债后觉得自己又可以抬起头了。
This seems to be a man with a bloody axe holding a woman's head up which has been severed from her body. 这里好像是写到一个男子用一把血淋淋的斧头砍下了一个妇人的头。
Pierre went out into the yard, and muffling his head up, lay down in his carriage. 皮埃尔穿过院子,蒙着头在自己马车里躺下睡觉。
Keep your head up and your eyes focused on what you know to be ture. 你要抬起头,眼睛注视着你所知道的事物。
But it only lasted a moment or two, before he held his head up, and looked straight at me. 但这只是一小会儿的事,接着他又抬起头来,眼睛直直地盯着我。
At many points, though I tried hard, I honestly did not understand what he wanted to say and I was just shaking my head up and down. 虽然我尽力想要弄明白他到底想要表达什么,但我更多的是陷入迷茫,只是一味地点头。
And as you are traveling down your road, don't look down at your feet. Keep your head up and your eyes focused on what you know to be true. 当你沿着自己的道路走下去时,不要低头看自己的脚,你要抬起来,眼睛注视着你所知道的真实的事物。
John, disappointed in himself, in his cowardice, banged his head up against the wall and groaned, exasperated. 约翰对自己的怯懦感到非常失望,烦躁地把头靠在墙上,但不小心用力过度,让他痛苦的低声呻吟着。
He could nod his head up and down, and he insisted that only he had the right to make decisions about the Shepherdess. 他能上上下下的点头,他强调只有他才有权对牧羊女作出决定。
Looking head-up, the vast sea of humanity to an analysis of men, women and children face, but all have the same look of sadness. 举目平视,茫茫人海中一眼能辨析男女老少的脸,却都拥有着同样忧伤的神情。
Speak with your head up, in a clear voice. Talk to the person in front of you, not to your shoes. 说话有底气,口齿清楚。说话时,正视对方,不要低着头。
But he came through that and he showed lots of character to keep his head up and consistently turn in high-quality performances. 但是他熬过来了,并且还显示出了一些持续进步的势头,并一直给出高质量的表现。
And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes open, with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child. 你会开始抬起头来以成人的洒脱坦然接受你的失败,而非象孩子般忧伤不已。
Chuck: Hey, I was thinking maybe this weekend, we could head up to that place in the mountains, just the two of us. 嘿,我在想这个周末,我们可以去爬山,就我们两个。
i'm nothing but a singer with my head up in the noose. 我只是一个微不足道的,缚手缚脚的歌者
The SEC, which seems to have been taken aback by the scale of the malfeasance, can hardly hold its head up high either. 美国证券交易委员会似乎也为此次弊案的规模所震惊,他们也无法抬起头。
'Go, get thee after thy legs, ' said the lad to the head, and he cast the head up the chimney, too. “去,跟你的腿作个伴吧,”小伙子对巨人的头说,然后把巨人的头也扔到烟囱上了。
It's easy to lose track of your time and life if you just take it one day at a time and never lift your head up to look straight ahead. 这容易浪费你的时间和生命,如果你只是要一天一天地过不会提起你的头到直视前方。
He says he made an "inadvertent error" and he's trying to keep his head up. 他说他犯了“一个因疏忽而造成的错误”,他正在试图保持冷静。
After Mr. B got out of jail, we wonder if he could hold his head up. 先生出狱后,我们怀疑他是否还能抬起头来。
I remember you tilted your head up to the sun and told me that this was one of the best days of your life. 记得你斜着头看着太阳,告诉我那是你一生中最快乐的日子之一。
"If You'd seen how bad he was . . . He was skin and bone, too weak to hold his head up, " he said. 他说:“如果你看过他的情况有多么糟糕……他瘦得皮包骨,虚弱到头都抬不起来。”
I will hold my head up high to try to see you. There's so much I wanna say before that "I miss you" . 我会高高抬起头试着看到你,在我和你说“我想你”之前还有太多东西要说。
Now he got his head up from the wood and out of the slice of fish that his cheek had crushed. 现在他从木船板上抬起头来,不再贴在那爿被他脸颊压烂的鱼肉上了。