hold down

  • na.压制;牵制;阻止;压低(物价等)
  • 网络抑制;缩减;保有

第三人称单数:holds down 现在分词:holding down 过去式:held down

hold downhold down

hold down


大学英语四级常用词组 ... hold back 踌躇,退缩不前,阻止 hold down 压制;抑制(热情等) hold in 约束,抑制 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... hold back 踌躇,退缩不前,阻止 hold down 压制;抑制(热情等) hold in 约束,抑制 ...


英语必备短语_百度文库 ... hand down 递给;传递下来;世代相传 hold down 制止;控制;缩减 put down 写下;记下;镇压; …


物业管理英语课程(整理:罗百辉) ... argue for 赞成 hold down 压低,控制 the depth. 气压随着高度变化,水压随着深度变化。 ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... please hold on 请别挂上(电话中) hold down 抑制;压制;保有 hold fast v. 紧紧抓住 ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... hold a position 处于……(位置、地位) hold down 阻止;压制 hold for questioning 被审讯 ...


英语常用动词和介词搭配 - 豆丁网 ... hold back 踌躇;阻止……;隐瞒消息等 hold down 压制……;缩减……;牵制…… hold i…


考研情感态度词 - 豆丁网 ... hold back 踌躇,退缩, 阻止 228 hold down 控制 229 hold on to 紧紧抓住,坚 持 230 ...

From any screen, you can hold down the search button for a few seconds and a voice menu automatically waits for a command. 无论你在那个界面,你都可以通过按住搜索按钮几秒钟,然后语音菜单就会自动地等待你的指令。
Tamia's last sight before the ER doors closed on her was that of five men struggling to hold down her husband. Tamia在急症室的门关上前,最后看到的景象是,5个人一起把他的丈夫按在病床上。
Renault is trying to hold down prices by separating the cost of the battery from its new electric car, the Fluence. 雷诺也正在试图通过将电池与车身分开销售的方法来降低Fluence的价格。
In the layers palette and hold down the ALT key in two-and-click between them can be classified as a group. 在层面不活洋按住Alt键在两层之间不面击可把他们编为一组。
Operation is simple: just push the button, you can achieve a vacuum seal, easy to hold down the lid handle, to open. 操作简便:只需轻轻一按,即可实现真空密封,轻松按住盖子手柄,即可打开。
Lisa had always been a straight-A student until her junior year, when she had to hold down two part-time jobs to pay her tuition. 莉萨一直是全优生,直到大学三年级,那时她不得不做两份兼职来付学费
Hold down the mode button located on the left side of the front panel, while you reconnect the power cable to the switch. 按住模式按钮就位于前面板的左侧,当你重新连接电源线连接至交换机。
Use the arrow keys to move to the start of the next piece of text to be selected. Hold down the Shift key and select the next piece of text. 用箭头键移动鼠标到下一处要选择的文本的起始处,按下Shift键并选择该处文本。
I'm not enamored at the idea of him playing a major role all season, but "Minerals" should help hold down the fort as Bynum recovers. 我不同意让他一个赛季都承当次要角色,但是他要在俺猪复原时期开好本人的矿(金矿哦)。
With his two sidekicks Caron Butler and Gilbert missing a significant amount of games, Jamison was still able to hold down the fort. 即使他的两位伙伴—巴特勒和阿里纳斯缺席很多场比赛,贾米森依然能够带领球队前进。
You may need to hold down the Shift key during boot to see the prompt, as a system may be configured so that it bypasses the prompt. 引导过程中可能需要按住Shift键才能看到提示,因为系统可能配置为绕过提示。
"These tiny little birds have got to hold down a whole mile of river, " explains Hamilton James. “这些小鸟大约要占有整整一英里长的河流。”汉密尔顿·詹姆斯这样说道。
Regulating the contents of the sensitive, such as the regulation minutes or seconds, hold down the automatic counting, or to pulse count. 对调节的内容敏感,如调节分钟或秒时,保持按下时自动计数,否则以脉冲计数。
Indeed, Japan's abnormally low rates could be viewed as a form of intervention to hold down the yen. 其实,反常的低利率压低了日元的币值,使得日本当局有干预汇率之嫌。
However, the 21-year-old has failed to hold down a regular place in La Seleccion, but Wenger was keen to defend the Catalan playmaker. 尽管如此,这位21岁的球员并没能在国家队拥有固定的位置,但是温格坚决支持这位加泰罗尼亚的组织者。
He's never been able to hold down a steady job. 他从未能保住一份稳定的工作。
That would avoid premature and dangerous tightening while calming bond markets enough to hold down long-term interest rates. 当股票市场保持长期稳定的利率,上述措施能避免早产的个危险的紧张。
Tight controls over the banking system and strict limits on capital movements enable China's leaders to hold down the value of its currency. 对银行系统的严厉监管以及对于资本流动的严格限制使中国领导者能够人为贬低人民币的价值。
Hold down the Control key as you click in the Printer list, and choose "Reset printing system" from the pop-up menu that appears. 按住Control键,同时点按“打印机”列表,然后从显示的弹出式菜单中选取“复位打印系统”。
Hold down the Control key and double-click on a vacant part of the floating window to dock it in its last position. 按住Control键,双击一个浮动窗口的空白部分将其固定在它以前的固定位置。
If you hold down the SHIFT key as you move a sizing handle, the Image editor shrinks or stretches the image. 如果移动尺寸柄时按住Shift键,则图像编辑器将缩小或拉伸图像。
To do a hard turn, hold down the brake key (Down Arrow) and then press one of the turn keys (Left Arrow or Right Arrow). 做硬又按住刹车键(向下箭头),然后按之交键(左箭头或右箭头)之一。
despite continual development , richardson was never able to hold down a regular first - team spot. 虽然还在进步,理查德森却不能在一线队打上主力。
If you hold down the Shift key while right-clicking on a file or folder, you'll see a whole list of extra items that are normally hidden. 如果你在右键点击一个文件或文件夹的同时按住Shift键,您会看到一整个通常隐藏着的额外菜单项。
To sort again by an additional column, hold down the SHIFT key and click another column header. 若要按其他列对列表进行进一步排序,请按住Shift键并单击其他列标题。
Or it could stretch out the maturities of some of its securities holdings, which could help to hold down longer-term interest rates. 又或者,美联储可延长其手中部分证券资产的到期日,此举可能有助于压低长期利率。
To save a frame of a webpage, hold down the Control key and click the frame, then choose Save Frame As from the menu. 要存储网页的框架,请按住Control键并点按该框架,然后从菜单中选取“将帧框存储为”。
The oil giant then tried to shoot heavy drilling mud into the hole to hold down the flow so it could then insert a cement plug. 这个石油巨头后来尝试向裂口中喷入比重高的钻探泥浆,企图堵住外流的原油,然后用一个水泥塞子堵住缺口。
As long as you hold down the Shift key, you'll keep on adding more tasks into the model. 只要您按住Shift键,就可以不断将更多任务添加到模型中。
Although a strong yen hurts exporters , it helps hold down the prices of imports, for such things as oil and food. 尽管坚挺的日圆会打击出口商,但它也能抑制进口商品的价格,例如石油和食品。