how far

  • na.(离…)多远;到什么程度[范围]
  • 网络距离;有多远;多长距离

how farhow far

how far


八年级上册英语单词 ... far 远的 how far 多远 kilometer 千米 ...


冀教版七年级英语重点短语总结 - 豆丁网 ... On one’s way to + 名词) 60. how far (距离) at 8 o’clock 在八点钟 95. ...


美国俗语大全(一) ... he's what? 他是怎么了? how far? 有多远? how late? 迟了多久? ...


小学英语词组大全 ... How long 多长时间 问时间长度 How far 多远 问多远;多长距离 bag 包 ...


高中英语常考词组短语大全[H][嘉兴英语网] ... how come 为何会,为什么 how far 多远,到什么程度 how long 多久 ...


How是什么意思_百度知道 ... how old“ 问年龄”; how far问距离”; How do you like ... ?“ 问喜欢某物或某人的程度”; ...


高中英语12_爱问知识人 ... B.How offen 发生频率多少; C.How far 距离多远 A.How long 多久,指时间的持续,时间“段:; ...

But in a year in which China's immaculate pageantry showed how far it had come, Mr Hu was a one-man reminder of how far it still had to go. 今年,中国完美的国庆庆典展示了其巨大成就,但胡士泰一案提醒我们,这个国家还有很长的路要走。
The force of an earthquake depends on how much rock breaks and how far it shifts. 地震的力量取决于岩石断裂和多远它转移。
This can be really encouraging when you see the progress you've already made; it's easy to forget how far you've come. 当看到自己已经取得的进步时,那的确很振奋人心。这使你很容易忘掉自己已经前进了多远。
No matter how far you and I separated, our feelings will not be like a broken line, there will always be linked together. 无论你和我分隔多远,我们的感情就像一根不会断的线,永远都会连在一起。
It is really amazing how far he reached considering the fact that he never used any other transportation beside his bicycle. 让人吃惊的是他去了那么远的地方,而交通工具只有他的自行车。
How far can I swim? How long can I hold my breath? How much can I lift? How high can I jump? 我能游多远?我能屏息呆多长时间?我能举起多重的东西?我能跳多高?
Achievement starts when you know that your present place in life does not determine how far you will go. 当你知道你当前的位置无法决定你能够走多远的时候,成就的旅程就开始了。
And so, he wrote an op-ed piece in The Guardian about Katie's song, in which he said, well, we know exactly how old, how far from the edge. 当中,他指出我们确切知道宇宙边缘有多老及离我们多远,就是12--137亿光年,不是用猜的。
THERE is no clear answer to the question of how far east Europe stretches. But Romania and Bulgaria are European by any definition. 东欧向东延伸有多远的问题,没有明确答案.但是罗马尼亚和保加利亚不管怎么说都是欧洲的。
You are going to use it to see how far it is possible to predict what the writer will say next. 你用它来看看能预测到多少作者接下来将要说的。
But because had not consider from the ship, how far away, he also cannot let ship launched. 但由于事先没有考虑周全,船离海边太远,他怎么也无法让船下水。
Ellsberg marveled at how far technology has come, that with the click of a mouse such a massive volume of information can be released. 艾斯伯格惊讶于技术如此之发达,以至于轻点鼠标便能发布海量信息。
No matter how far, how much difficulty you have individuals willing to share. 无论距离有多远,有多大的困难,有个人愿意为你分担。
To see how far China has come, so fast, look no farther than Ms. Zhang's own family. For her parents, education was barely an option. 中国的变化有多大,发展速度有多快,在张小平一家的身上可见一斑。对她的父母来说,受教育几乎是不可能的。
How much carbon dioxide you save, if any, depends on how far you live from work and how you get there, among other things. 如果真有的话,你可以节约多少二氧化碳?它取决于你住得有多远还是你如何完成目标抑或其他因素?
He seems to have been a very shrewd judge of how far he could push the top brass, the bureaucracy, the courts and Congress. [color=#444444]他能够相当精确的判断出政府要员、官僚机构、法院以及国会的底线在哪。
Bottom Elevation - Defines how far down the camera is allowed to see . 底部高度-定义摄像机向下的视角。
Service suppliers are able to set up the data in one place and print out the mail at a remote location, no matter how far away. 服务供应商可在一个地方创建个人数据并在另一处打印邮件,无论相隔多远。
Earth's gravity in the end how much, how far? 地球的引力到底有多大、多远?
If you think this is all too bourgeois, make John a revolutionary and Mary a counterespionage agent and see how far that gets you. 如果你认为这是太资产阶级,使约翰革命和玛丽一反间谍代理人,并见有多远即让你的。
Elevation - Defines how far up the camera is allowed to see. 顶部高度-定义摄像机向上的视角。
which by the way, I thought was a venture bold enough, considering that I knew not how far it might go, nor what was beyond it. 说起来,这实在是一个大胆的冒险举动,因为我既不知道要爬多远,也不知道里面究竟有什么东西。
So how did we know how much to offset the text or how far down from the top to place it? 那么,我们如何知道文本应该偏移多少,应该放置在距离顶部多远的位置?
She said she did not know how long the campaign would last, saying that depended on "how far and wide the campaign goes. " 她说,她不知道此活动将持续多久,这将主要取决于“活动进行的深度和广度”。
How much oil is already sullying the gulf, and thus how far the disaster's effects may yet spread, is a matter of dispute. 已经玷污了海湾的石油有多少,这场灾难的影响可能蔓延多远,是具有争论的问题。
How far British obligations could extend is unclear: Michael Foot, a former British regulator, is due to report on the matter in October. 但英国会承担多大的义务,这尚不清楚:MichaelFoot是英国以前的监管者,他将在8月份对此事向政府作报告。
This is one of the great things in - life for you and for me-- a challenge: How far can you go and get away with it? 这是你和我,一生中的美好时刻-,一个挑战:你能走多远,能摆脱它?
So Ganesh is one who gives the balance, the "Vivek" , the understanding to you by which you know how far to go with things. 格涅沙是给予平衡者,即「Vivek」,这是让你了解事物如何发展的知识。
It remained unclear how much radiation had escaped from the power station, or how far it had spread. 目前尚不清楚福岛第一核电站泄漏了多少核辐射,也不清楚辐射范围有多广。
And yet, many Darwinians are anxious, a little uneasy, would like to see some limits on just how far the Darwinism goes. 可是很多达尔文主义者都有点急切不安,想看看达尔文主义的极限,看它到底能走多远。