fall out

  • v.〈非正式〉吵架;争执;闹僵;分手
  • 网络争吵;脱落;闹翻

第三人称单数:falls out 现在分词:falling out 过去式:fell out 过去分词:fallen out

fall outfall out

fall out


大学英语四级常用词组 ... fall into 落入;陷于;河流注入 fall out 争吵;闹翻;结果 fall out of 放弃(习惯等) ...


四级英语短语大全_百度文库 ... fall in with 同意;依从 fall out 脱落;吵架 fall through 失败,落空 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... fall into 落入;陷于;河流注入 fall out 争吵;闹翻;结果 fall out of 放弃(习惯等) ...


Sherlock S01E03 新鲜出炉 ... Butt 笑柄 Fall out 吵架,翻脸 Within an inch of one's life 差点丧命 ...


求新目标英语初中语法_百度知道 ... fall off 下降,减少 fall out 争吵;使离开队列,解散;发生 fall through 失败,终成泡影 ...


f all填空_百度知道 ... fall on 由。。负担;袭击,进攻 fall out 争吵;结果;掉队 fall out of 从。。。中掉出;放弃(习惯等) ...


每日30个新单词 (woorden / 第三个1000 :) ... (visa 签证) 22. (fall out 掉下来) 23. 3 (paragraph 段落) 25. ...


akurgimx - 天涯问答 ... Cut the crap! 少来了,胡说八道 Fall out! 解散 I'll find out! 我会查出真相的 ...

If you fall out with someone, aim to start afresh the next time you see them. 如果你与某人吵架,计划着下次遇到他们时重新开始。
He said the pirates were going to take over the school and only eat candy and our teeth would turn black and fall out. 他说接下去学校就归海盗管了,我们从此后只吃糖不吃别的,一直到牙都蛀黑了掉光了为止。
It was then that she glanced down and saw a twisted length of white rope protruding from his pocket, about to fall out. 她向下瞄了一眼,看见一条扭曲的白绳从他的口袋里露出一小截,马上就要掉出来了。
It's just that the state of nature that's how the biology would seem to fall out. You want to go on? 那就是自然的状态,是生物学,如何看上去失和,你们想继续吗?
I thought when the drums started it would keep up forever. I expected to see people fall out of the boxes or throw their hats away. 我以为鼓一旦敲响便会一直响下去,我期望看到人们从包厢里跳下来,或是把帽子扔掉。
In spite of all this care the Horse's coat grew steadily duller. Its eyes sank in its head and hairs began to fall out of its tail. 尽管有这些照料,马的皮毛还变得黯然无光了,眼睛也凹了进去,尾巴也直掉毛。
Don't try to make a contest and fall out with him, otherwise, you will be the only one who gets hurt. 你不要和它较劲,更不要跟它翻脸,否则的话,受伤害的只会是你自己。
So you can't go from one extreme to another and fall out with him, start criticising him. 所以你不能从一个极端来到另一个极端,去批评他。
Had gum fall out of your mouth while trying to blow a bubble. 吹口香糖的时候糖从嘴里掉出来了。
As one of the great nations, Lodge said, the United States must not fall out of this line of march. 他还说,美国作为一个大国家,不要在这方面掉队。
And look what they're doing to her. When you fall out of line , what do you think this going to happen to you? 看看她们现在对她做了些什么,你要是和她们闹翻了,这些事情也会发生在你身上的。
when you fall out of her weak hands you a drawing to encourage you to stand up journey. 在你摔倒的时候伸出她柔弱的纤手拉你一把,鼓励你站起来继续前行。
If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me. 如果你还继续摆动你的脖子,你就不要想同我去商店。
When poured into the pot of beans, she did not Noted that a fall out beans, fell on the ground beside a straw. 当把豆子倒进锅里时,她没有注意到一粒豆子掉了出来,落在地上的一根麦草旁。
I once traveled with her in Guangdong, and she never let go her sketching book, and nothing beautiful would fall out of her. 我曾经和她一起在广东旅行,她的速写本从来都不离手,也不会将任何美的东西落下。
Mr Obama's quandary is obvious: in grappling with that second point, he would fall out with the Democratic base. 奥巴马的进退两难是显而易见的:要解决上述第二个问题,他将失去大部分民主党人的支持。
The child died from her fall out of the high window. 孩子从高处的窗户掉下去摔死了。
Your life jacket will help you to stay up if you fall out of the boat. 如从船上掉下去,你的救生衣可以使你不沉入水中。
He never cried on the trip and laughed happily when he would be barricaded in a bunk so he could not fall out when we were in heavy weather. 旅途中他从没哭一声,逢到有风暴的天气,他被挡板围在一张铺上免得滚落下来,这时他会快活地笑起来。
They fall out on top of him with numerous bite marks all over their bodies. 他们属于列于上方的他与众多咬马克所有超过他们的尸体。影片
It had been a difficult week for the Club as they coped with the fall-out from the 1-0 defeat at Upton Park. 上周对于阿森纳是艰难的一周,他们要面对在厄普顿公园球场0:1告负的不利局面。
Nature , with its infinite wonders , can create waterfalls that flow upward and fish that fall out of the sky. 自然,与它的无限奇迹,可能创造向上流动并且钓鱼在天空外面的那个秋天的瀑布。
But some of his younger people came away thinking Rivlin had been testy and uncooperative enough to fall out of his favor. 但他的一些年轻人回来的时候就想Rivlin已经正点的烤羊肉和足够时都必倒在以色列的他的好感。
Put on your lifejacket, which would help you to stay up if you fall out of the boat. 穿上救生衣。这样在你万一从船上跌到水里时,它会帮助你不沉到水下去。
In the sea, on my piece of debris, I had really believed I was the only one to fall out of the plane. 我随着残骸在海上漂泊的时候,真的以为只有我一个人掉出了机舱。
The move comes as Brazil is increasingly blazing its own path in its efforts to deal with the fall out of the global economic crisis. 值此之际,巴西正为应对全球经济危机的影响而日益谋求开辟一条新的道路。
He had to fall out of smoking on account of his baby's health. 考虑到他孩子的健康,他不得不戒掉抽烟这个习惯。
As I got back in the car, my wife, Carol, said, "I think I heard something fall out of the car. " 当我返回车上时,内子嘉璐说:「我听到一些声音,好像是有东西从汽车掉到地上了。」
His hair began to fall out as a result of the side effect of weight-loss pills. 因为减肥药的副作用,他的头发开始脱落。
If a squirrel should jump or fall out of a tree the tail can be spread out like a small parachute to slow the squirrel down. 如果松鼠跳跃或者从树上掉下来,尾巴能够像降落伞一样展开,使松鼠慢慢下落。