face up to

  • na.大胆面向;正面对付;同“face”
  • 网络勇敢地面对某事;大胆面对;勇敢地对付

第三人称单数:faces up to 现在分词:facing up to 过去式:faced up to

face up toface up to

face up to


大学英语四级常用词组 ... face to face 面对面(的)地;对立地 face up to 勇敢地对付;大胆面向 in face of 面对;纵然,即使 ...


在线英语词典,英文翻译,科技词典,专业词典,在... ... 用功的学生: swot,grind 勇敢地面对某事face up to 勇敢: bravery ...


四级英语短语大全_百度文库 ... drop out 退出,退学 face up to 大胆面对 fall back on 求助于 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... face to face 面对面(的)地;对立地 face up to 勇敢地对付;大胆面向 in face of 面对;纵然,即使 ...


六级通过必备——六级高频词组汇总_新东方网 ... engage in 忙于,从事 face up to 勇敢面对 fall into 落入,陷入,分成 ...


together - 英汉词典 ... face to face 面对面地 face up to 正视, 勇敢地面对(不愉快或难以接受的事情) up against 面临 ...

The HK government needs to grow a backbone and face up to its own pollution problems and stop caving in to money. 香港政府必须挺直他们的脊梁骨,正视他们的环境问题,并且停止向金钱屈服。
And we'd better face up to it and formulate some strategies for coping with it, even if it's not a certainty. 即使它不是确有其事,我们也得面对它,想出对付它的办法。
Susan lost her legs in a car accident. for a time she didn't know how to face up to the fact that she never walk again. 苏珊因车祸失去了双腿。有一段时间,她真不知如何面对自己再也不能行走的事实。
Orangutan mothers face up to eight years of single parenthood raising their infants. 猩猩母亲则要做长达八年的独自养育幼儿的单亲家长。
She had to face up to the fact that she would never walk again. 她必须敢于面对现实:她再也不能走路了。
He pleaded guilty to running a dogfighting operation out of his home in southern Virginia . He could face up to 5 years in prison . 他承认在南弗吉尼亚的家中组织斗狗,并将面临5年徒刑。
It is always wiser and safer to face up to reality, however painful it may be at the moment. 勇于面对现实总是比较明智和稳妥的,尽管当时或许会痛苦。
Huang, one of the main characters of which Verde has been fixed but things like sound like a snowball growing, so have to face up to. 其中主角之一的黄维德一直不动声响但目前事情像滚雪球似的越来越大,所以不得不正视。
He has never been able to face up to the realities. 他从来都不能大胆面对现实。
the fine lines of your eyes so that I could not bear to face up to its smooth face As it is with you in exchange for the beauty. 你眼角的细纹让我不忍去正视自己光滑的脸庞,因为这都是用你的美丽换来的。
In doing so it will have to face up to long-neglected problems, if this is to lead to a true recovery, not just a brief reprieve. 在这么做的时候,如果我们要走向真正的恢复而不是短暂的缓解,我们必须面对我们长久以来所忽视的那些问题。
Two years later, I came back to England and began to face up to my condition, resuming the injections. 两年后,我回到英格兰,并且勇敢的接受我现在的状况,重新开始接受注射。
She couldn't face up to the fact that she was no longer young. 她无法面对自己不再年轻的事实。
As long as we unite as one, united and face up to the disaster, will certainly be able to win a complete victory in earthquake relief. 只要我们万众一心、众志成城,勇敢地面对灾难,一定能夺取抗震救灾的全面胜利。
Face up to the fact that you simply aren't capable of handling the business, and stop blaming the other fellow. 要敢于面对现实,你根本没能力把这件事办好,别再诿过于人了。
It should be the realistic way for Can Xue to become more mature to face up to the present literature circle with a more generous attitude. 走出自我并以更加宽容的心态来直面当下文坛,这应该是残雪批评走向更加成熟的现实起点。
It would be irresponsible of you to run away from difficulties. You ought to face up to them boldly. 见了困难就躲是不负责的态度。你应该勇敢地正视困难。
I began to interrupt. He held his hands face up to quiet me. 我想插话。但他把手举到面前,不让我开口。
He had to face up to the fact that his family disapproved of his wife. 他必须面对家人不赞同婚事的事实。
Mr Hatoyama's administration, meanwhile, should stop pestering the BoJ about deflation and face up to its own responsibilities. 同时,鸠山内阁应该停止在通货紧缩问题上和日本央行纠缠,勇敢面对自己的责任。
Who will be able to face up to and be prepared to cope with these challenges. who can seize the opportunity and r republic booming sector. 谁能正视并做好准备应付这些挑战.谁就能抓住机遇.迅速发展。
Our hero of the game, a poor little dog was an alien intrusion into a monster, you can help it face up to it? 我们的游戏主角,一只可怜的小狗被异形怪物侵扰着,你能帮助它勇敢面对吗?
The only way out of your debt problems is to face up to them, and try to get back in control of your finances. 你的唯一出路是正视债务问题,并设法控制你回去财政。
We scaled the rock face up to the watchtower and discovered that quite a few people had taken refuge inside. 我们登上了石阶,发现只有很少几个人在烽火台里面休息。
No one blame you for your faults, but you even have no guts to face up to your question and correct! 没有人会责备你,但是你甚至没有勇气去面对,去改正你的错误!
Face up to the finishing college life , I don't want to leave from my campus where everything is OK . 面对即将结束的大学生活,我真的不想离开这个一切都很不错的校园。
Just my luck! I've got to face up to the reigning champion in the first round of the golf tournament. 唉,又是我倒霉!在高尔夫球锦标赛第一轮中,我只得面对绝对冠军了。
She had to face up to the fact that she could not work anymore. 她不得不面对自己不能再工作这一残酷的现实。
Case in point: I was able to unlock the phone by holding a photo of my face up to its lock screen. 举例而言,我用一张自己脸部的照片就能解锁手机。
Is no use to bury your head in the sand; you know quite well that enquiry will have to be made. Be a man and face up to it. 拒绝承认问题是不行的,你完全知道人家必定会追究事实的。拿出男子汉大丈夫的气概来,面对现实。