fall off

  • na.下降;(从马上)掉下来;扫兴颓丧;离开
  • 网络跌落;减少;衰退

第三人称单数:falls off 现在分词:falling off 过去式:fell off 过去分词:fallen off

fall offfall off

fall off


初中英语短语大全 ... 51.leave the hospital 离开医院 54.fall off 跌落 55.need to get up early 需要早起床 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... fall back 后退,退却 fall off 下降,跌落,减少 fall to doing 着手(做)…;开始… ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... fall back 后退,退却 fall off 下降,跌落,减少 fall to doing 着手(做)…;开始… ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... cut off 切断,断绝 fall off 跌落,掉下 keep off 避开,勿走近 ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... rise and fall 涨落;抑扬 fall off 减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退 fall on 落到;指向 ...


飞机基础知识_百度文库 ... 松动 loose 脱落 fall off 剥落 delaminated ...


新概念第三册精解 ... make a study of sth: 对什么作出研究 fall off 坠落, 掉落 die from: 死于 ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... rise and fall 涨落;抑扬 fall off 减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退 fall on 落到;指向 ...

Polypropylene fiber is not easy to fall off, easy to clean, compared with the high quality nylon and wool prices more acceptable. 丙纶的纤维不易脱落,易清洗,与优质锦纶和羊毛相比,价格更能接受。
Occasional piece leaves fall off, in my view, would seem to be on a piece of forest. 偶尔一片树叶掉下来,在我看来,似乎就倒了一片森林。
"I hold your breath for breath to say: " I hope every time I desire to say, your feathers will not fall off, the color will not dim down! 我屏住呼吸一口气说了出来:“我希望我每次说出愿望的时候,你的羽毛不要脱落,颜色不要暗淡下来!”
Nonetheless, there has been a fall-off in the basic membership due to redundancies among the professional classes. 尽管如此,由于专业阶层的裁员,公司的基础会员数量有所下降。
The word seemed to fall off the lips of Davos panelists with an ease than suggested years of familiarity. 这个词似乎是从达沃斯专门小组成员们的嘴上自然流出,说明他们多年业来对此已经熟悉。
The brightness of any point-source illumination diminishes rapidly with distance. This weakening of light is called fall-off. 任何点光源的光照亮度随着距离增加会迅速衰减。这个就叫光的衰减。
The main reason we fall off the rails this time of year, he says, is because we think we have to be perfect which, of course, is impossible. 我们从走错道儿的主要原因,他说,是因为我们认为我们必须要变得完美,当然,这是不可能的。
Fall-off - How much the strength diminishes with distance. 衰减-强度以距离减少而减少。
He was terrified that if he were to mount the podium and try to conduct an orchestra his head might fall off. 他害怕如果爬上台去指挥乐队,他的脑袋会掉下来。
Today, I saw a small child take a really bad fall off his scooter, so I got rid of my cigarette and ran to help him. 今天看见一个小正太从他的滑板车上重重的摔下来。所以我扔掉我的烟并跑过去帮助他。
And the ghost lamented to his son that his mother should so fall off from virtue, as to prove false to the wedded love of her first husband. 鬼魂又对儿子哀叹说:他母亲竟然堕落到这个地步,这样背弃同她第一个丈夫的一场恩爱。
"We have seen IPO performance get weaker and weaker over at least a year, and participation in IPOs fall off further and further. " “我们看到,至少一年以来,IPO的表现越来越弱,投资者对IPO的参与水平不断下降。”
Sometimes people get all caught up in being politically correct and just kind of fall off the cliff. 在政治生活中,人们经常是在悬崖跌落的一刹那,才会被动的纠正所有的偏见。
To make apply is in the pearl powder on the face is unapt fall off, but amid adds a bit honey, the quantity is not too much. 为了使敷在面上的珍珠粉不至于脱落,可在其中加一点蜂蜜,量不要太多。
At the point where the capacitor impedance equals the resistor, the gain of the entire circuit begins to fall off toward a gain of one. 在这点电容的阻抗等于电阻增益整个电路开始坠落走向增益之一。
When you don't do this, and your bra is left too high on your back, the front of your bra slumps, and the straps fall off. 当你不这么做,并且后面的带子过高的时候,胸罩的前部就会塌下来,肩带也会下滑。
DANGER: Try not to fall off the ladder or bar into the concrete pit at the bottom right. 危险:不要从梯子或挂绳上掉到右下角的水泥陷阱里去!
Phoebe: If I let go of my hair, my head will fall off. Chandler: (re TV) Ooh, she should not be wearing those pants. “如果我不抓着我的头发,我的头就会掉下来。”噢,她真不应该穿那条裤子。
Some of the Wemmicks admired Lucia for having no dots, so they would urn up and give her a star. But it would fall off. 有些人很钦佩露西亚没有得到任何灰点,所以他们便想为她贴上星星,但是一贴,贴纸就掉下来了。
It may then become permanent on the surface or fall off AS a result of abrASion. 这些纤维球可能会永远粘附在织物表面,或由于摩擦而脱落。
He tried again, pulling so hard that it seemed both his hands would fall off. 他用足气力再拉,似乎双手都快拉断了。
Eventually the polyester is unable to support the weight of the algae, and they fall off into a collection duct positioned underneath. 最后聚酯不能支持藻类的重量了,就会落到安在下面的管子里。
Sometimes they put us on a pedestal that feels more like a tightrope -- so narrow that we're bound to fall off eventually. 他们有时把我们奉若神明,让我们感到是在走钢丝,这么窄的立足点最终必定会摔下来。
What they are trying to say is that bits fall off machines - especially when they start to break down. 作者们试图说的是,颗粒从机器上脱落下来,特别当机器开始损坏时。
And he begins to wonder what would happen if one of those men would fall off the roof. 他开始想像如果其中一个男人会从屋顶上跌下来的情境。
Then the soldiers cut off the ropes of the boat, and let her fall off. 于是兵丁砍断小船的绳子,由他飘去。
Hence , it will not fall off , giving the wearer confidence and a sense of security . 就能紧紧贴住肌肤,不会脱落,给您十足的信心和安全感。
One day, Richard saw one of these springs fall off his desk. It rolled over itself in the most fascinating way. 一天,查理德看到其中的一个弹簧从他的桌子上掉了下来,以非常迷人的方式自个儿翻转了起来。
Bhagavan, many charges fall off quickly these days. But there are some that are very deep and do not seem to release very easily. 巴关,最近我有很多情绪负荷都很快被处理掉了,但仍然有一些负荷埋藏很深,好像不容易放下。
When the wind is coming, some leaves will fall off, but trees are always so tall and straight. 每当风起时,都有些树叶会掉落,但是,大树总是那么挺拔和伟岸。