fail to do

  • 网络未能做某事;做某事失败;没能做成某事

fail to dofail to do

fail to do


英语固定搭配-动词短语-汇总资料?? ... aim to do sth. 打算做某事 fail to do sth. 未能做某事 long to do sth. 渴望做某事 ...


牛津高中英语模块2第三单元词组_百度知道 ... fill with water 装满水 fail to do sth 做某事失败 make a note of 做笔记 ...


考研英语作文最后冲刺:应用文写作指导 ... spare some time: 花一些时间 fail to do sth: 没能做成某事 subscribe to: 定购 ...


高中必修一英语语法总结_百度知道 ... fail in doing sth 做某事失败 fail to do sth 没做成某事 fall asleep 入睡 ...


新概念英语第二册课堂笔记——lesson 16 ... fail in doing sth: 在某些方面失败 fail to do没有能够在某事 fail v. 失败 ...


刘岩初级词汇词根_词缀大总结 - 豆丁网 ... For example 举例 Fail to do sth 没能做某事 Form the habit of 养成...习惯 ...

When you realise that you can't do nothing but give your all for the club. If you fail to do that you can't look yourself in the mirror. 我明白了,对于这支球队,你除了全身心奉献,再无旁者可言,如果你不这样做,你甚至无法面对镜中的自己。
It makes sense for the community to expect vehicle owners to pay to maintain their engines, and to pay a fine if they fail to do so. 因此,整个社会有权要求车主适当保养汽车引擎。如车主未能照办,理应缴付罚款,这要求实在是很合理的。
If they fail to do so effectively, the electorate can vote them out in the next election. 如果政府没有尽责,选民可以在下届大选中不再投票支持他们。
Because if you fail to do so in this single market there will likely be an issue the next time you raise another fund. 因为,如果你在这个单一市场上没做到这一点,下次要发起另一只基金就会出问题。
To fail to do so will have lasting effects on your business, your reputation and your client relationships. 说了但是没有做,对你的事业、名声和客户都会造成长久的影响。
Many small businesses fail to do so because they do not know how to price their products or services. 许多小型企业没有做到这一点,因为他们不懂得如何为他们的产品或劳务定价。
Thirdly remind yourself often do not make yourself have many "the last one" or you will fail to do it. 第三经常提醒自己不要把自己有许多的“最后一”否则你就要失败来做这件事。
Journalists are also in a good position to monitor whether politicians are taking action, and to expose those who fail to do so. 记者还能够监督政界人士是否采取了行动,并且曝光那些没有采取行动的政界人士。
As a consequence, junior RUP project managers may not follow RUP guidelines and fail to do thorough testing early on. 因此,初级的RUP项目管理者可能不能遵从RUP的指导方针,在一开始的时候不能全面地检测。
Anything you do, or fail to do, that displeases God is called "sin. " 你做的任何事都不能,做,使神的仪式,就叫做“罪。”
But they will not only fail to do so, even if the right around to give a statement, which seems so out of line, must expose a humble pie. 可他们不但不这样做,即便权利人找上门来也不给个说法,这就显得很过分了,必须公开赔礼道歉。
We insist on your complying with our terms. If you fail to do so, we are sorry that we will have to cancel the order. 我们坚持必须遵守我方条款。若无法做到这一点,十分抱歉,我们将不得不取消定单。
"If we fail to do so, we would be weakening the very fibre and existence of the ANC" . 如果我们做不到,那将威胁到国大党的生存。
When I fail to do my duties, I must also deal with the outcome on my own. 一旦没有完成,我就得独自承担相应后果。
This handout describes some ways in which arguments often fail to do the things listed above; these failings are called fallacies. 本文介绍了一些论证中往往造成背离上述几条的问题形式;这些问题即是“逻辑谬误”。
If we fail to do this, growth and social progress will continue to be the bonded servants of finance capital. 如果我们做不到这一点,增长和社会进步仍将是被金融资本束缚的奴仆。
It is generally accepted among psychologists that most students fail to do justice to themselves at examinations. 心理学家们普遍认为,大部分的学生都不能在考试中发挥出自己的应有水平。
Managers, always suckers for jargon, talk a lot about empowering their workers. However, they often fail to do so in practice. 经理们总是喜欢胡言乱语,分权给他们的工人常挂在嘴边,然而,实际上他们常常没有做到。
Sadly, there are a large number of dangerous functions that come with C and C++ (or are commonly used libraries) that even fail to do this. 遗憾的是,C和C++附带的大量危险函数(或普遍使用的库)甚至连这点(指检查空间)也无法做到。
But sometimes we fail to do so because, we are not brave enough to face those we hurt. 可是有的时候我们道歉并未得到原谅,我们也不够勇敢去面对我们伤害到的人。
"If we fail to do something significant I think it would send the wrong message around the world, " Sessions said. 若我们无法跨出一大步,我认为可能会向全世界释出错误讯息。
Fail to do so however and the effects could be nothing short of catastrophic. 然而不能做到这些,后果将会是灾难性的。
That's what Saatchi says curators, critics, and dealers and collectors fail to do. 这就是萨奇所说的博物馆主管、评论家、艺术品交易商和收藏家们未能做到的。
in other words , a party committee has to establish a nucleus , lest it be lax in its work and fail to do a good job. 这就是说,一定要树立核心。不建立核心,处于涣散的状况,这个党委的工作是做不好的。
Should it fail to do so, the inflationary solution becomes probable. 如果做不到这一点,上述通胀解决方案就会成为可能。
If we fail to do this, so the network education now still not suitable for you. 如果做不到这一点,那么网络教育现在还不适合你。
When you fail to do something, you may be afraid to do it again. 3当你做一件事失败了后,那么你就害怕再次做这件事。
Don't fail to do good even if it is small. 不要因善小而不为。
For if the technocrats fail to do so, the extremists are waiting in the wings. 因为如果这两位技术官僚失败,极端主义者就会迫不及待地登上舞台。
And if they fail to do so, the international community will act accordingly. 如果他们不这样做,国际社会将采取相应的行动。