keep in touch with

  • v.与…保持接触
  • 网络与……保持联系;和…保持联系;与…保持联络

keep in touch withkeep in touch with

keep in touch with


【资源】英语常用短语 ... keep good hours 保持良好的生活节奏 keep in touch with 与……保持联系 keep off 使……离开 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... keep at 坚持(做);使不停地做 keep in touch with 和…保持联系 knock up against 碰撞;同…冲突 ...


牛津英语高一词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 赚钱 make money 112. 与……保持联络 keep in touch with 113. 对……负责 be responsible for 1…


仁爱英语九年级上册单词_百度文库 ... narrow 狭窄的 keep in touch with 跟……保持联系 relative 亲属;亲戚 亲属; ...


台山电大 ... A. gaze 是“凝视”的意思, A. keep in touch with与某人保持联系”, D. on one’s own 的意思是“靠自己,独立”, ...


高一英语必修4知识点讲解 -... ... Unit 4 重点汇集 keep in touch with 同……保持联系 get in / into touch with 和……取得联系 ...

s not easy to keep in touch with friends when they are far away, however, they are always on her mind. 和远方的朋友保持联系不是一件容易的事,但是她一直记挂着他们…
I hope one day to meet them and in the meantime we shall keep in touch with you as you resume your work at your new post. 我希望将来能见到他们。同时等您在新的岗位开始工作以后,我们将与您保持联系。
We keep in touch with their families and with a special department of the police, and work to prevent the children from becoming criminals. 我们与他们的家庭和警察局的特殊部门保持联系来防止他们走上犯罪打道路。
I have tried to keep in touch with Betsy over the years; her mother was one of the finest people I've ever known. 多年来,我一直努力与贝琪保持联系,她的妈妈是我所见过的最好的人之一。
And if you need to keep in touch with the office while you are here, our secretarial and business services are ready to help. 如果您在入住期间仍需办公,酒店的秘书服务和商务中心将助您一臂之力。
Sure. It matters to me. You know. Today, it's not quite difficult for me to keep in touch with each other by Email or mobile messages. 是的,那对我很重要。在今天用电子邮件或手机短信交流并不困难。
I would love for you to keep in touch with me I feel that you are a good soul inside and terrific lady, do take care, Scott. . . 我非常希望你能够与我保持联系,我感觉到你内在有一个很好的灵魂而且是一个出色的女士,一定要保重。史葛特。
Still, in his free time, he managed to keep in touch with Heather leading up to his surprise visit late last month. 在空闲时,他设法跟Heather保持联系,直到上个月的惊喜拜访。
These extensions make it easy to keep in touch with friends and manage entertainment media. 这些扩展让与朋友联系、管理娱乐媒体更轻松。
It is a common practice for Britons to send cards to keep in touch with people that they do not know well or they do not see very often. 英国人习惯用卡片来与那些不是很熟或者不常见面的人保持联系。
Keep in touch with your father about how he's managing, and offer to help again if and when he seems more receptive. 与父母保持联系,关注他的进展,如果或者当他看起来更愿意接受的时候再次提供帮助。
Keep in touch with coworkers, meet at friend for lunch, or just get out of the house and socialize every once in awhile. 和其他的同事保持联系,和他们一起吃午饭或偶尔走出房门和大家交流一下。
I come to know a guy on MSN, and keep in touch with him for 5 months. 我在MSN上结识了一个人,而且和他保持交往有5个多月了。
if you listen to my advice, do not keep in touch with him. 如果你听从我的劝告,就不要同她保持联系。
But I've been missing them a lot , and in future I think I'll be trying to keep in touch with them . 但是我一直记挂着他们,我想我今后也一定会努力与他们保持通讯联系的。
Big clients do not want to have to keep in touch with hundreds of freelancers, and negotiate prices etc. with them on an individual basis. 大客户不愿意直接和无数的自由职业者联系,也不愿意和他们每一个人单独谈薪水等问题。
He was glad to see that so many Chinese children like English, and we agreed to keep in touch with each other later on. 睹到那末多中国孩子喜悲英语,他很悲愉。我们相约当前连结联系。
Sorry. I'm afraid that you cannot understand my English. May i ask my boss to keep in touch with you? 情迷美女上司,求翻译对不起,我的英语恐怕不能使你明白,能让我帮你转告给我的上司跟进你吗?。
He kept on ringing me up, but I don't want to keep in touch with him any more. 他不断地给我打电话,可我不想和他保持联系了。
Twilight Network: The eclectic network of coded and underground communications Sin-Eaters use to keep in touch with one another. 黄昏网络:经过编码加密且暗中运作,兼容并包的联络网,噬罪者用以保持彼此间的接触。
Keep in touch with coworkers you worked closely with; they may end up in management roles. 和你的前同事保持联系,因为他们日后有可能跻身管理层。
A younger friend told me that the purpose of Facebook is to 'keep in touch with people you don't want to keep in touch with'. Facebook:你从不想知道的一切…一位年轻的朋友告诉我,Facebook的目的就是“和一切你不想联系的人保持联系”。
We're going to move to New York, but of course, I'll keep in touch with you. 我们要搬到纽约去了,但当然,我们会与你保持联络。
If you keep in touch with your ex-co-workers and boss, you will know when the company is looking for new employees. 如果你同自己的前任老板或者同事保持联系,你就会知道公司什么时候招新。
Thanks again. We hope we can keep in touch with you and share the maintenance experience together. Thanks! 再一次感谢。希望以后多保持沟通和联系,大家一起分享维修经验。谢谢!
I keep in touch with a few of the England girls because our paths have crossed through work. 我和一些女足国家队的队员保持联系,因为我们是同行。
In the lobby of the hotel they provide free internet access on three computers which was great to be able to keep in touch with family. 在酒店的大厅有三台电脑可以免费上网,这样就确保可以跟家人保持联络了。
Mobile phones are very convenient for parents and children to keep in touch with one another. 支持者一方认为:不应被禁止,因为手机可以使父母与孩子保持密切联系。
You'll be able to search, get notifications, share content and keep in touch with friends right from Firefox. 你可以在火狐中直接进行搜索,接受通知,分享信息,与朋友保持联系。
Please keep in touch with me. I hope to see you very soon. 请和我保持联系,我希望不久还可以见到你。