spy on

  • v.探听
  • 网络暗中监视;侦查;窥探

第三人称单数:spies on 现在分词:spying on 过去式:spied on

spy onspy on

spy on


英语必修三单词表_百度文库 ... glare 怒目而视,闪耀 spy on 暗中监视,侦查 limit 限制,限定,界限,限度 ...


英语必修三单词表_百度文库 ... glare 怒目而视,闪耀 spy on 暗中监视,侦查 limit 限制,限定,界限,限度 ...


2004年6月大学英语六级A卷超详细超精解分析 ... reap vt. ① 收割,收获②获得,得到 spy on 暗中监视,窥探 lean toward 倾 …


人教版高一英语必修3词汇复习总结[嘉兴英语网] ... 20.move round 绕过 21.spy on 在暗中侦察;打探 22.upset sb. 使......不 …


高一人教版英语必修3的重点短语_百度知道 ... stare at 凝视 spy on 打探 be sick with 对……觉得恶心 ...


英语必修三四词组 - ◇﹏尐xin的日志 - 网易博客 ... 16.怒目而视 glare at 17.侦察,窥视 spy on 22.砍倒,减少 cut down ...

As you were spy on what's inside, you will find that everyone's mind at least a piece of his own hidden areas. 随你窥探哪个人的内心,你都会发现,每个人的心中至少有一块属于自己的隐蔽区。
If that wasn't enough, De Santis said the club also tried to spy on its former temperamental star Christian Vieri by tapping his phone. 这还不够,德桑蒂斯又披露说,国际米兰也曾经通过他的电话录音来监视他们喜怒无常的前球星维埃里。
Moscow is trying to implement controls that would allow it to spy on users or cut off the Internet from the rest of the world. 莫斯科政府目前试图实施控制,以让它监视用户或将国内的互联网和世界的互联网切断联系。
I intended to find some clues to prove myself innocent. That was all I intended. I never did intend to spy on any of your secrets. 我想找到一些线索以证明我的清白,仅此而已,我并没有任何刺探机密的意思。
How much did you pay the man to spy on your husband? 你付了这个人多少钱来暗中监视你丈夫?
Shortly after, her husband was also detained as a spy on his way home from a walk. 很快,她的丈夫也在回家的途中,被当作间谍拘留了起来。
Even after the Ore Truck and Refinery is gone, the vantage point from the cliff can spy on half of the enemy's base. 甚至在矿车和矿厂已经被干掉以后,由于悬崖的有利位置,它们还可以继续监视敌人的大半个基地。
Google said the software was used both to spy on users and to launch strikes against dissident Vietnamese websites. 谷歌表示,该软件既被用于暗中监视用户,也被用于向越南异议人士的网站发动攻击。
How I know this thing is all tied up with the decision to spy on him. 我知道这件事情的原因和监视他的决定有密切的关系。
I don't mean him to see me. I just mean to spy on him. 我不让他寻我,我要侦察他。
Particularly vexing for Huawei is the suggestion that the company could be used to spy on behalf of the government in Beijing. 最令华为苦恼的是,美国暗示华为可能为中国政府所用,从事间谍活动。
"I don't feel that school has the right to put cameras inside the kids' home, inside their bedrooms and spy on children, " Holly said. 妈妈霍利说:“我觉得学校没有这个权利把摄像头放进孩子的家里,放进他们的卧室来监控孩子们。”
Little and dark Miss Mayer used to go about in soft slippers not be heard and the better to spy on the girls . 小个子,黑皮肤的梅叶尔小姐,为了不让人发觉,总是穿着软底鞋到处走,以便更好地监视女孩子们。
More realistically, you'll want to spy on your test version of the Workbench, known as the Run-time Workbench. 更实际的是,您会希望侦探测试版工作台,称为运行期工作台。
Detect Remote Viewing. You know when others spy on you remotely. 侦测遥视:你能够获知他人在远距离窥视你。
Spying test: These tests attempt to spy on users' input or data. Keyloggers and packet sniffers are typical examples of spying tests. 间谍测试:这些测试试图监测用户的输入信息或者数据,键盘记录和数据包嗅探是几种常用的间谍测试。
In the 1970s and 1980s it was not even allowed to spy on the party bosses and had to act within Soviet laws, however inhuman. 在上世纪七八十年代,克格勃是不能调查党内大佬的,且必须在苏联法律框架内行动,虽然它的有些做法不人道。
The helicopters will be used to spy on suspicious vessels and will open fire when necessary to stop any piracy. 舰队将派直升机侦查并跟踪可疑船只,阻止海盗的抢劫行为,一旦遇袭将坚决自卫。
The company sent him to spy on the competitor's sales force. 公司派他去侦察竞争对手的销售力量。
I thought you were a new customer and now I know you only came to to spy on me and my menu. 我本来以为你是一位新顾客,现在我才发现你只是过来打探我和我的菜谱的。
His job was to spy on the enemy. 他的工作是侦察敌军。
Either you want to read your own chat logs or you want to spy on your love one, this program allows you . . . 无论你想去读自己的聊天记录,或者您想监视你的爱人,该程序允许您在不知道密码的情况下查看…
Michael and his friends spy on board a manacled convict, rumoured to have killed an English judge in Ceylon. 还有,迈克尔和朋友在船上发现了一名戴手铐的罪犯,据说曾在锡兰杀死了一名英国法官。
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, no opponent has had the ability to spy on U. 自从苏联政权瓦解后,再也没有对手有能力近乎全面地侦查美国通讯。
In the game it is fine to steal territory with your army, spy on your enemies or send assassins to kill them. 在游戏中,你可以从你的敌人那里掠夺土地,向你的敌人派遣间谍,或是向敌方派出刺客。
Nokia Siemens had a similar experience in Iran where the regime used its telecoms networks to spy on dissidents. 诺基亚西门子(NokiaSiemens)在伊朗也有类似的遭遇,当局利用其电信网络暗中监视异见者。
Then the operating system performance statistics are used like traffic webcams to spy on the data flowing through the system. 然后,与流量网络摄像机类似,操作系统性能统计数据用于监控流经系统的数据。
The researchers wanted to analyse how the internet was affecting long-term relationships and whether couples used it to spy on each other. 研究者试图分析互联网对夫妻关系的影响程度以及是否夫妻会使用网络技术监视彼此。
Analysts say that a surge in trade and travel between the two has made it much easier for the former Cold War rivals to spy on each other. 分析人士说,大陆和台湾之间贸易和旅游的激增使这两个冷战时期的对手互派间谍变得更加容易。
A young, high-ranking policeman, having a strong anti-communist sentiment, came as a monk to spy on Luangpor Teean. 一位年轻又有强烈反共产主义情节的高阶警察,乔装成僧侣来侦察隆波田。