the zodiac

美 [ˈzoʊdiˌæk]英 [ˈzəʊdiˌæk]
  • 网络杀人命盘;黄道;黄道十二星座系列

the zodiacthe zodiac

the zodiac


下一贴:转帖 美国 惊悚 杀人命盘(The Zodiac) DVD-RMVB 301MB ◎译  名 鬼讯号/白色噪音/借声还魂◎片  名 White Noise◎年   …


2000 年,“黄道”(the zodiac)油画版发行;“周围”(ambiente)获得ssbbww由hewlett-packard co.颁发的第七届年度微型发行新闻 …


...《黄道十二星座系列》(The Zodiac),图书《四季星座百科》、《星世界探访》、《太阳系探访》、《大宇宙... 笔者建议 …


2006年电影列表 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 新婚奥客 You,Me and Dupree 极道杀手 The Zodiac 超人集中营 Zoom ...


...恐惧阴影》(Shadow of Fear)   《十二宫杀手》(The Zodiac)   《法律与秩序》(Law&Order)   《牙医的秘密生活》(The Secret Live…

The Moons chariot shall run amok in the Zodiac; the Pleiades will burst into tears. None of these will return to the duty expected of it. 月亮的战车会疯狂地走进黄道带,昴宿星会爆炸成碎块,不会回归到所期待的责任上。
(astronomy) apparent meeting or passing of two or more celestial bodies in the same degree of the zodiac. (天文学)黄道带同一度上的两个或更多的天体明显的相会或通过。
So Cleopatra had the Zodiac created to "inscribe for eternity" the moment of his death, or to be more precise, her own rise to power. 于是埃及艳后克利奥帕特拉的星座-“铭刻永恒”他的死亡之时,或更准确地说,她获得了权利。
So in a relationship, Aries, the child of the zodiac, is the motivator and wants to be the controller. 所以黄道带中的孩子——白羊座,在一个关系圈中往往是活跃分子,并想成为其中的主导者。
The poInt of the ecliptic or the sign of the zodiac that rises In the east at the time of a person's birth or other event. 运星,命宫某人出生或其它事件发生时升起于东方的黄道点或黄道十二宫
You will have Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, soon to crown you celestial favorite of the zodiac in January for a year's stay. 木星会为你带来礼物和幸运,二零一零年的你将会成为宇宙的宠儿。前所未有的一年即将到来。
Soon the universe will introduce you to the other members of the zodiac, and for a year, you will wear the jeweled crown. 不久,宇宙会向您介绍了十二生肖的其他成员,并为一年,你会磨损宝石的皇冠。
The zodiac is the band around the sky where the sun, moon and planets move through. 黄道是天穹中太阳、月亮和行星运行的轨迹带。
He rules over this area of the zodiac and is like a king in his own country, more powerful than anywhere else. 他对这一规则的十二生肖地区就像在他自己国家的国王,更比其他任何强大。
Taking the concept of the signs of the zodiac, I was born in July which means that when I was born the sun was in Cancer. 根据黄道星座的概念,我生于7月,也就是说我出生的时候太阳位于巨蟹座。
Virgo is one of the few signs of the zodiac without an animal symbol but astrologers do link the Maiden with domestic cats and dogs. 处女座是黄道带中少数不是动物的星座,但占星学家仍认为处女座与家中猫狗有关。
One of the 12 divisions of the zodiac, each named for a constellation and represented by a symbol. 黄道带十二个分区中的一个,每一个带都以一个星座的名字命名,用一个图形表示。
Capricornus or Capricorn, one of the constellations and signs of the zodiac, is represented by a goat. 摩羯座或摩羯宫,星座之一和十二宫图的符号,由一只山羊再现。
Have I convinced you, dear Gemini, that almost every sign of the zodiac will want to trade places with you in February? 我是不是告诉你了,双子们,几乎你二月所有星象上的每个信号都需要你去进行些商业活动?
Cancer is one of the most feeling signs of the zodiac, and coming on New Year's Eve, everyone's emotions will intensify. 巨蟹座是黄道带最敏感的星座之一,伴随着新年的除夕,每个人的感情将会更剧烈。
It does not consider constellations of the fixed stars, but divides the zodiac in correspondence to the cardinal points of the seasons. 它不考虑恒星星座,但是区分十二宫与季节基本点的一致。
The book deals with a fascinating period in French history, but it left me wanting to know more about the Zodiac of Dendera itself. 这本书涉及到法国历史上一段迷人的时期,但它让我想知道更多关于丹德拉星座的事。
The zodiac thrives with them to such a point that it prevents their seeing the weeping child. 黄道带竟使他们专心到看不见孩子在哭泣。
This sounds a lot to me like astrology, which lumps everyone into one of twelve signs of the zodiac. 这听起来让我觉得像是占星术,把每个人分入黄道十二宫中。
You were happy, my dear, to get confirmation from other sources, regarding the 13th sign of the Zodiac - OPHIUCHUS. 你曾经非常的开心,我的挚爱,得到了其他源头的确认,关于13个真实黄道星座的事实--蛇夫座。
The floor is sprinkled with signs of the zodiac and bisected by a line of white marble onto which a sun ray falls each day at noon. 地板上散布着十二星座,每天中午都有阳光洒落的的白色大理石条纹把地板一分为二。
Gemini ( Latin for twins ) is one of the constellations of the zodiac . 双子(拉丁文为双胞胎)是其中之一的星座生肖。
This series of 19-year intervals consists of an eclipse at almost the same degree of the zodiac at the same date every nineteen years. 这个序列是每隔十九年,几乎同样的日期在黄道的同一个度数会发生日食。
Every Chinese people has his own Zodiac someone's born animal is the dog someone's is the pig but what's does the zodiac mean? 中国人每个人都有属于自己的生肖,有的人属猪,有的人属狗,这意义何在?
Hill Road, there is a group of rocks varies because it is exactly like the zodiac sign referred to as the "Chinese zodiac stone" . 山道旁,有一组形态各异的岩石,因其酷似十二生肖而被称为“十二生肖石”。
Aries, as the first and fieriest sign of the Zodiac, prefers to set the trends, not follow them. 黄道带中的个最富激情的星座,羊儿宁愿由来引领美容潮流,而不愿跟风从众。
As Mercury now begins to edge back through the zodiac, you'll soon see how a series of small adjustments could make a very big difference. 水星现在开始逆行穿越黄道带,你也将因此在不久后看到一系列细微的调整能够造成多么巨大的影响。
And you, quite frankly, being one of most self-obsessed sign of the zodiac, really need to concern yourself with being you. 你,坦白的说,是十二星座中最自我陶醉的那一个,你最需要关系的是你自己。
You and the Fish are probably the two most sensitive signs of the zodiac. 你和鱼儿是黄道带里最敏感的2个星座。
When Virgo and Scorpio join together in a love match, these Signs that are two apart in the Zodiac are brought together. 当处女座和天蝎座在爱情竞赛中携起手来,这两个黄道之中分离的星座将会相聚。