speak out

  • na.大声讲;老老实实讲
  • 网络畅所欲言;大胆地说;大胆讲出

第三人称单数:speaks out 现在分词:speaking out 过去式:spoke out 过去分词:spoken out

speak outspeak out

speak out


speak后加什么_百度知道 ... speak with 和...谈话, 和...商量 speak out 毫不犹豫地说;畅所欲言 speak up 大点声说 ...


新概念英语第一册 『31-40』-少年百科-小荷作文网 ... hate doing sth. (经常性的) speak out大声讲 cheer up: 振作起来 ...


英语作文常用句型及词组 - 豆丁网 ... 国歌 the national song 大胆地说,清楚并响亮地说 speak out 发言,演讲 make a speech ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... put out 扑灭 speak out 大胆讲出 hand out 散发 ...


请翻译以下单词!谢谢_百度知道 ... beyond question 无可争辩 speak out 毫无保留地说出 friction 摩擦 ...


两个英文词组,一个是S开头,一个是G开头_百度知道 ... shut up 闭嘴 speak out 说出来 slip away 流逝,溜走 ...


经典短文背诵--职业道德类 ... bounded up: 绑着的 speak out: 大声说出 construction site: 建筑工地 ...

The main reason for the environmental campaign was to let the real victims speak out for their rights. 让真正的受害者们为自己的权利而呼喊,这是环境运动的存在最直接的原因。
Now in remission from the disease, she said she had decided to speak out after her own doctor warned her never to drink again. 现在她的病情已趋于缓和,医生明确地告诫她别在喝酒。
Almost no one questions the legal right to build the mosque, so if that's all he wanted to say, there was no need for Obama to speak out. 基本上没有人会怀疑建清真寺的法律权利,如果这就是奥巴马想要表达的,那么他根本就没必要说出来。
Even today stray board members speak out on excesses in our financial markets and grumble that inflation lurks around the corner. 即使今天一些美联储委员仍然大声疾呼我们的金融市场过热了,并且抱怨说通货膨胀正隐藏在角落。
Jusu does not know the rebels who killed her daughter, but she is not afraid to speak out in front of her community. 朱苏不知道谁杀了她的反叛的女儿,但她并不害怕发言,她的社区前面。
He longed to speak out from his own pulpit at the full height of his voice, and tell the people what he was. 他渴望从他自己的布道坛上,用最高亢的声音说话,告诉大家他是什么。
Number Thirty is here to stand and speak out for the underdogs that have never been heard of. 参拾号是为了替所有受迫害者发出从未听见的声音。
Wang Wen likes to speak out his opinions at home. In the same manner, he likes to express his comments at school as well. 王文喜欢在家里发表意见,同样的,他也喜欢在学校里发表意见。
To be allowed to speak out is one of the democratic principles to be observed. 允许别人讲话,这是一个应该遵循的民主原则。
Look for the positive moves that will see new governments taking shape, and note those individuals who speak out with the truth. 寻求积极的变动,将看到新政府的成型,并且记录那些个人代表以事实说话。
The government-dominated press is becoming a bit freer, with independent weeklies and local radio stations beginning to speak out. 由政府主导的媒体正变得稍稍自由,独立周刊和当地电台开始大胆表达自己的意见。
I gazed at it eagerly for a long while, not expecting that my grandpa, who was always unskillful to speak out his love, would buy it for me. 原本我只是眼巴巴地望着它,没想到一向不善于表达宠爱的爷爷,竟然会买下它送给我。
She was campaigning as she died, in Italy, for the right to speak out against the Mafia. 她去世前正在意大利,为争取公开评论黑手党的权利作宣传。
Not long ago, one of my friend got marry and he found a secret of his wife's in on the night of their wedding. Speak out or not? 前一段时间,我的一个朋友结婚,在新婚之夜,发现了新娘的一个秘密,到底是说,还是不说呢?
Look through but do not reveal. It is not necessary speak out as long as you perceive things by the heart. 看穿但不说穿。很多事情,只要自己心里有数就好了,没必要说出来。
After celebrating at home with her family, Mendoza will spend her year-long reign traveling the world to speak out on humanitarian issues. 门多萨与家人庆祝胜利后将会踏上一年的环球之旅,进行人道主义宣传。
"If political and military leaders of western Europe do not speak out we will delude our people into a false sense of security, " he said. 他说,“如果西欧的政治和军事领导人不把情况讲明,则将使人民产生一种虚假的安全感。”
She said, her eyes suddenly speak out, my heart also inadvertently touched by her words. 说着说着,她的眼泪顿时横溢而出,我的心也不经意的被她的言语打动。
If the leopard could speak out his mind, he would surely express how anguished he felt for the loss of his speckles . 如果这只美洲豹可以说出他心里的想法,他一定会表达失去了斑点的苦恼。
" Out with language , in with life" or "speak out, get into life" are the rough translations of the slogan . 宣传口号大致可以翻译成“学习德语,融入生活”或者“大声说德语,融入新生活”。
During World War I, President Woodrow Wilson signed legislation making it a crime to speak out against the draft or the government. 一战期间,伍德罗·威尔逊总统签署一项法案,把公开反对政府或征兵定为一项罪名。
I did not speak out of turn, it is said that the production director and general manager of the husband is a student. 不是我多嘴,有人说生产厂长和总经理的丈夫是同学。
Almost none of Pakistan's articulate and educated liberal voices have dared speak out in his defence. 几乎没有一位口齿清楚,教养良好的巴基斯坦自由党人敢为塔西尔说句话。
He was the only one to speak out against the closure of the hospital. 只有他一人直言不讳地表示反对关闭医院。
People will memorize the history by heart instead of only speak out the word-forget coming out of the mouth. 人们会真正用心去记住那些过去的点点滴滴,而不只是像从口中简单说出的忘记那样。
We are in and their feelings tug of war, first let go man will fall, I choose to fall, who let me not to love bravely speak out? 我们在和自己的感情拔河,最先松手的那个人一定会摔倒,我选择摔倒吧,谁让我不把爱勇敢地说出来?
At this moment people of conscience are beginning to speak out against injustice that we have fallen into overseas. 此时此刻,有良知的人们已经开始发出声音,指责我们在海外的不公。
When you talk more, you might unintentionally speak out of turn which might be perceived in a wrong way. 说得过多,你就无意中出言鲁莽,让别人对你误解。
Now that they were all there she might as well speak out her mind. 既然大家都在,她不妨把想法都谈出来。
Her magnanimity provoked his tears: he wept wildly, kissing her supporting hands, and yet could not summon courage to speak out. 她的宽宏大量惹起他的眼泪;他发狂地哭着,吻她那扶着他的手,却还不能鼓起勇气说出来。