drawn out

  • na.抽出;拔出;掏出;提出
  • 网络拉长;拉出来;冗长的

第三人称单数:draws out 现在分词:drawing out 过去式:drew out 过去分词:drawn out

drawn outdrawn out

drawn out


Ddgo航运海事资料网--海事技术资料文章-- ... 3. pulled out 拉出 4. drawn out 抽出 5. taken out 取出 ...


什么意思... ... drawn on v. 以(某人)为付款人;硬背装订 drawn out 抽出,拉长 drawn under 出票依据;出票条款;在…开立 ...


古埃及-... ... Shinar:Two rivers 二河, Mose:Drawn out 拉出来。暗兰和约基别的儿子。暗兰 Sargon:Sun -prince 太阳的主 …


Flash Cards About New Toeic 片语 Jimmy -... ... day off 休假 drawn out 冗长的 drop by 顺道拜访 ...


Saddam Hussein ... tribunal: 法庭 drawn out: 拖得很长 gassing: 毒气攻击 ...

The chairman gave this long drawn out speech ab out how the company is going to fight the recession. 董事长发表了长时间的演讲,大谈公司将怎样对付经济衰退期。
Palermo are ready to accept this offer, as they look to finally close what has become something of a long drawn-out soap transfer saga. 巴勒莫准备接受这份交易,因为他们打算最终结束这场上演了很久的转会闹剧。
After 38 games, a long drawn-out season and a bit of good and bad luck, you tend to get the worst three teams at the bottom. 经过38场比赛,一个旷日持久赛季有点好的和坏运气,你会得到最糟糕的三支球队在底部。
We do not know what his parents called him. Moses is the name given to him by Pharaoh's daughter and simply means 'drawn out'. 我们不晓得他的父母为他起了个甚么名字,只知道法老的女儿为他起了「摩西」这个名字,意思很简单,就是解作「拉出来」。
I know, but I notice from the bank statement that the amount paid in is less than the amount drawn out. 我知道.可我从银行结单看出.付给员工的数目小于提取出来的数目。
Chief executive Tony Hayward said the firm expected the global economic recovery to be "long and drawn out" . 首席执行官Tonyhayward表示,该公司预期全球经济复苏是“漫长的”。
Nine or ten names were drawn out of a hat, and two of them happened to be Andy's and my own. 上面以抽签方式选了九或十个人,其中两个正好是安迪和我。
If he arrives at the city, its people will need more than just air cover to save them in what could be a bloody and long-drawn-out battle. 如果他抵达该市,当地人民将需要比空中掩护更多的保护,才能将其从一场可能变为血腥、历时耗长的战争中拯救出来。
It also demonstrates that swift reform is often more effective than drawn-out and painful adjustments. 它还表明,快速改革往往比拖拖拉拉的痛苦调整更有效。
The defense secretary rejected some of her specific criticisms as simply wrong and said the war against terror will be a drawn-out process. 国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德并没有简单地否认希拉里的一些批评,他说抗击恐怖主义将是一场持久战。
Uria cites the long, drawn out negotiations between the White House and Congress over raising the debt ceiling as an example. 乌里亚援引白宫和国会就提高债务上限进行的旷日持久的谈判为例。
We have been able to outline the steps in the long drawn out process of producing present-day levels of oxygen in the atmosphere. 我们已经可以绘制出长期进化过程中产生的大气中现存的氧气水平的大致步骤。
These aerosols also influence how much carbon dioxide gets drawn out of the air by plants on land and in the sea. 这些气溶胶或多或少也影响了陆地和海洋中的植物对空气中二氧化碳的吸收。
The venom drawn out from suffering would be enough to poison the whole world in a bloody eruption, bursting out of the volcano of our being. 从苦难中抽出的毒液,足以使得整个世界七窍流血。它正从我们生命的火山之中不断的爆发出来。
Treasury bonds were weaker and yields rose as investors cut safe-haven positions built up in case of a drawn-out election. 国债出现下跌,收益率上升,原因是投资者削减避险头寸,这些头寸是此前投资者为防止出现旷日持久的选战而建立的。
In short, getting to the point where our economy can thrive without fiscal support may be a difficult, drawn-out process. 简言之,了解如何在不用财政方法就能够复兴经济是一件既困难又乏味的事。
With a protective slot, effectively fix eyelash style and protect your skin. The slot can be drawn out for cleaning. 外置防护槽,有效固定睫毛造型,保护皮肤,可抽出清洗。
Believe it or not, but women are often in the mood for a quick fix instead of a long, drawn-out, mushy love fest. 不管你相信与否,女人总是更情愿闪电开战,而不是庸长乏味的缠绵不清。
Voluntary euthanasia was a later concern, this one strengthened by watching his mother's drawn-out death in 1977. 自愿安乐死是他后期的一个关注点,在他1977年亲眼目睹自己的母亲痛苦的死去后,他便更执着于此了。
In a computer 15, a hard disc drive 17is allowed to be inserted into a housing 16or drawn out therefrom. 一种可连接到计算机(15)的外壳(16)并可以从中分离的硬盘驱动器(17)。
All this after a deliberately drawn-out recuperation following the injuries which marred last season and his World Cup. 而此前他的伤病以及之后长时间的恢复过程则严重影响了上赛季的表现,包括世界杯。
Wire in the storage container will therefore be drawn out in a smooth manner limiting or substantially preventing tangles. 因此,在储存容器中的焊丝将以一种限制或基本上阻止缠结的平滑方式被拉出。
The energy can be drawn out of the concept, but the concept itself remains intact, in its original form. 能量可以从概念中拿出来,但是概念本身没有变化,还是原来的形式。
Led by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), it aimed to test how the financial sector would cope with a drawn-out emergency. 模拟演练由金融服务局(FSA)牵头,旨在检验金融部门如何应对一场旷日持久的突发事件。
The autobiography is quite interesting apart from the long drawn out section that deals with the author's schooldays. 除了描写作者学生时代那个冗长的章节之外,那部自传很有趣。
Chrysler's bankruptcy may really have been a trial run for General Motors' somewhat larger and more drawn-out process. 克莱斯勒公司的破产可能真的已经试运行的通用汽车公司的大一些,更旷日持久的过程。
The country accepts around 250, 000 "New Canadians" a year through a drawn-out process that makes it easy for applicants to disappear. 该国每年接受大约250000名左右的“新加拿大人”,但通过一个漫长的审核过程很容易使申请者放弃。
Recovery will be more drawn out in the developed world, he said. 他还称,发达国家经济复苏将需要更长时间。
When foods are eaten, the grained flat plate is drawn out and folded to be a container used to hold garbage or the foods. 食用时,抽出带纹路的平板折叠成容器,用来盛垃圾或食品。
It was a long drawn out moment, like a deep sigh, like a sunset. . . a special, and unique memory, just for me. 那是一个被延长的瞬息,它像夕阳、像发自内心的长叹,是很特别、独特且只有我能体会的回忆。