
  • 网络大;压力;指定人员



香水专辑... ... E.D.T.-- 原料含量约在15%~8%之间,香水中单位售价最便宜,容量一般比 E.D.P ,可于浴后使用(如 毕扬( Bija…


4 设计压力D. P )之订定原则 2 - 2 0 2 . 2 . 5 试验压力之订定原则 2 - 2 1 2 . 3 配管焊接基准 2 - 2 2 2 . 3 . 1 适用范围 2 -...


船舶管理术语及英文缩写 ... 国际安全管理规则 ISM CODE 指定人员 D.P 港口国监督 PSC ...

斗室练箭: 行列输入法研究 ... d.u, 鯈 d.p, d.bb 翛 ...

分类:委内瑞拉旅美球员 - 台湾棒球维基馆 ... 卡 J.C D.P 宝 C.P ...


楼层导视 - 黑龙江远大购物中心有限公司 ... 金利来 goldlion 麦克斯菲瑞 D.P 迪艾薇 D&V ...

At this point consumer spending is only about 35 percent of G. D. P. , about half the level in the United States. 目前,消费支出进展GDP的35%,约为美国的一半。
G. D. P. measures the total amount produced and spent in the nation during a particular time frame, like a year or a quarter of a year. GDP衡量了在一个时期内(一年或者一个季度),国家生产和花费的总和。
If health care costs rise 6 percent in a year, for example, that counts as higher G. D. P. , but how much is our health actually improving? 就比如说,医疗所占的份额一年上涨6个百分点,就算国民生产总值也同时相比例上涨,但是我们的健康状况的改善真正能有多少呢。
In the absence of any statistic of comparable cachet, however, the G. D. P. is regularly asked to do more than it was designed to do. 然而,由于缺乏可以与GDP相提并论的统计数据,人们往往会用GDP做一些超出它设计本意的事情。
Now, they want to make G. D. P. one of a series of social priorities that will determine whether or not you get promoted. 现在,他们想使GDP成为决定能否获得提拔的一系列社会优先目标之一。
While the G. D. P. has continued to rise, wages have stagnated, pensions have shrunk or disappeared and income inequality has increased. 虽然GDP一直持续增长,但是薪资水平却停滞不前、养老金不断萎缩,甚或消失,收入不平等加剧。
And debt as a percentage of G. D. P. continued to fall in the decades that followed, hitting a low of 33 percent in 1981. 在再后的几十年里以GDP百分比衡量的债务都曾在不断下降,于1981年达到33%的低位。
D. P. To some of us, this says that the economic crisis that began under Mr. Bush is responsible for the great bulk of our current deficit. 让我们一些人来说,那就是说,在布什执政期间开始的经济危机占现在财政赤字的大部分。
Even the surge in imports, which lowered the rate of increase of G. D. P. , actually reflects healthy and growing American demand. 虽然进口增加降低了国内生产总值的增长率,但是实际上反映了健康和日益增长的美国需求。
That was slightly below consensus forecasts and made the quarter the fourth in a row in which G. D. P. growth had declined. 这个数据显示GDP的增长稍微低于之前市场预期,并且使这个季度在GDP下降排名中排第四。
Taking into account these factors could also increase the G. D. P. Incorporate unpaid work, like raising children, and the total goes up. 将这些因素考虑在内也可能会增加GDP。如果将类似儿童抚养这种不支付薪水的工作包含在内,GDP就会上升。
Many voters were dissatisfied with the L. D. P. and its reaction to Japan's worst recession since the Second World War. 很多投票者对自民党和对这次二战以来日本最严重的经济衰退的处理表达了不满。
If the United States allows China or any country or region to out-enterprise, out-job-create, out-grow its G. D. P. , everything changes. 如果美国放任中国或其他国家和地区在企业经营,就业机会创造,以及GDP增长方面胜过自己,那么一切都将改变。
It is very weak and small, much lower, in terms of ratio to G. D. P. , than India, United States, Japan and European countries. 服务业很弱很小,与GDP的比重来说,比印度,美国,日本和欧洲国家都低得多。
When higher government spending increases G. D. P. , consumers respond to the extra income they earn by spending more themselves. 当增加的政府开支提高GDP时,消费者会相应的在增加的额外的收入中提高消费。
Some say that G. D. P. "is the best barometer of the country's economic fitness. " 有人说,GDP是“衡量国家经济健康度的晴雨表”。
Out of such data might one day come a G. D. P. more in tune with the way people live. 或许在将来的某一天,一个与人们的生活方式更加一致的GDP将会从这种数据中诞生出来。
Henan, 20 percent poorer on a G. D. P. per-capita basis than the country as a whole, has more people than Germany, France or Britain. 人均GDP不足全国平均水平五分之四的河南省的人口比德国、法国或英国的人口还多。
But the bigger story from China's point of view is investment spending, which has soared to almost half of G. D. P. 但是,从中国的观点来看,更大的部分在于投资性开支,这部分猛升到GDP的几乎一半。
On Friday, hundreds of demonstrators milled about outside the courthouse, many dressed in green shirts, the color of the D. P. P. 星期五,成百上千的人集结在法院外,大多都穿着绿色衬衫,而这种颜色正是亲民党的标志。
He once belonged to the L. D. P. In fact, his grandfather, a former prime minister, helped form the party. 他本来隶属于自民党,事实上,他的祖父,前首相,就是在自民党帮助下登上了这个职务。
"The shock to the economy is huge, affecting perhaps 50 percent of our G. D. P. , " said Daniel Dorsainvil, a former finance minister. 一位前财政部长Daniel说,地震对经济的冲击是巨大的,影响了50%的GDP。
Federal debt as a percentage of G. D. P. fell steadily from the end of World War II until 1980. 从二战结束到1980年,联邦政府的债务所占GDP的百分比稳步地下降。
The cost shift from million to tens of thousand HK Dollars, a great relief for D&P. 费用由百万移到数万港币,冲印行业得到极大的帮助。
As it does, Asia's total G. D. P. will grow from around $30 trillion now to about $230 trillion. 倘若果真如此的话,亚洲的GDP总量将从现在的约30万亿美元增长到230万亿美元左右。
And the D. P. J. has questioned an agreement about an American Marine base on the island of Okinawa. 并且民主党已经就与驻冲绳岛的美国海军基地达成的协议提出了质疑。
We always exaggerate people's quest for G. D. P. and undervalue their quest for ideals. 我们总是夸大民众对GDP的需求并低估他们对理想的追求。
D. P. In fact, his grandfather, a former prime minister, helped form the party. 实际上,他的祖父以前曾担任日本首相,而且是自民党的创始人之一。
Signing ceremony for exporting complete equipment to D. P. R. Korea. 我公司向朝鲜出口成套设备签字仪式。
Or, as Robert F. Kennedy put it 40 years ago, the G. D. P. "measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. " 或者,正如罗伯特·肯尼迪(RobertF.Kennedy)在40年前说的那样,“简而言之,GDP衡量一切事物,但却无法衡量那些使生活充满意义之物。”