drive up

  • un.抬高;加速传动;起跨;开车赶到
  • 网络哄抬;驱车来到;投机商人起哄抬高

第三人称单数:drives up 现在分词:driving up 过去式:drove up 过去分词:driven up

drive updrive up

drive up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... drive out 赶出去 drive up 抬高 drop by 顺便走访,非正式访问 ...


字典中哄字的解释 ... 汉译英 roars of laughter hubbub fool 哄抬[ drive up(prices)] 注解 hōng ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... gear drive 齿轮传动 drive up 抬高;开车赶到;迫使…上升 drive through 乘车穿过(街道等) ...


绝望主妇 第一季 第八集_看绝望主妇学英语... ... level with: 对...说实话 drive up: 驱车来到 up to: 相当于,胜任 ...


哄... ... [ (of many people)laugh together ] 起哄并大笑 [ drive up(prices) ] 投机商人起哄抬高 [物价] ① 同本义[ roar] ...


大学英语四级词汇短语总归纳-自考-搜狐博客 ... drive off 开走,击退 drive up 抬高,使…上升 fall back on 求助于,转而依靠 ...


...效性在金融市场受到一致好评,其优良的性能在全球得到广泛认可。Nautilus 晓星生产的现金取款机有穿墙式和驾车取款式(Dr


teacher drive是什么意思_teacher... ... 10. Drive at 试图或想说;意指 11. Drive up 开车朝前(上)驶 12. belt drive 带传动 ...

It's not as if James can drive up his price. The max is the max. And the Cavaliers will always be able to pay him more. 现在,即使詹姆斯能哄抬他的价格。多就多。但骑士队总能向他支付更多。
"As markets revive, fear of inflation will drive up interest rates, which will choke off recovery, " he said at a breakfast in New York. 随着市场的复苏,通膨疑虑将会带动利率上扬,并戕害经济成长。
If the weather is nice this weekend, my in-laws plan to drive up to spend a few days at our house. 如果这周末天气好的话,我公婆他们计划开车来我们家玩一段时间。
His mother must have seen him drive up . She came out on the porch holding a plastic spoon and smelling of cake . 他母亲一定是看见他的车子开过来了。她走出来站在门廊前,手里拿着个塑料勺子,身上一股蛋糕的香味
The U. S. would have to offer higher rates on its bonds to attract other buyers, which would drive up the cost of servicing U. S. debt. 美国将不得不为其债券提高利率以吸引买家,而这将抬高偿还成本。
It was days like this that made me want to quit. I just wanted to drive up to the mountains, hide in a cave, and never come out. 就是这样的一些日子让我感到生活的无望。我就想开车到山上去,藏在洞里,决不再出来。
The bank has been explicit about its hopes to drive up revenue in its overseas business by more than half in the next few years. 顾资已明确表示,希望在未来几年里将海外业务收入提高一半以上。
The Bank of Korea, the central bank, may miss its inflation target as higher import prices drive up the cost of living. 随着进口价格升高,生活成本被抬高,韩国央行韩国银行也许难以达成通胀指标。
"Steelmakers will give priority to products used for repairing the power network, " says Ma. "That will drive up the industry's earnings. " “钢铁制造商会优先生产用来修理电力网络的产品,”马说,“那将提高行业收入。”
So, if you want to drive up to Aklavik or Tuktoyaktuk, to see the northern lights, you'd better plan on winter driving. 所以如果你想开车从阿克拉维克去托雅克图克看极光,你最好把计划定在冬天。
However, to drive up air conditioning prices, there seems to be embroidered and fraud suspect. 不过,以此哄抬空调价格,似乎有作绣及欺诈的嫌疑。
I long for the glamour of great stars who used to drive up to the stage door in huge limousines. 我渴求看到大明星的迷人风采,那些过去常坐着大豪华轿车直到舞台大门的大明星。
The sibyl ( "witch" is such an uncouth label) responded with a supply constriction designed to drive up the price. 女预言家(“女巫”听上去让人不太舒服)则用限制供应的方法来应对,意在推升价格。
But officials say India will not publicly announce its plans to import food because this tends to drive up world market prices. 不过,官方人员说,印度将不会公开宣布粮食进口计划,以避免刺激全球市场价格上升。
Both of them know they might be able to drive up Citi's shares in the short term by spinning off its investment bank. 两人都知道,通过拆分花旗的投资银行业务,自己或许能够在短期内提振花旗的股价。
If you don't seem like you have the potential to go public, you won't be able to use VCs to drive up the valuation of an angel round. 如果你看上去不像是有公开上市的潜力的话,你就不能够利用风投来拉高天使轮的估值。
I was surprised to see my 75 year-old uncle drive up in a sporty car. 看到我75岁的叔叔开着一辆十分扎眼的车令我感到惊讶。
If this technology catches on, it should drive up the total number of searches conducted. 要是该技术风行,就会驱使搜索行为总数上升。
It's pointless trying to drive up sales by advertising during an economic slowdown. 经济发展放缓时,想靠打广告来促进销售是徒劳的。
The drive up the long walk and the ride from Bishop's Gate to Virginia Water offers to the gaze a scenic panorama of extreme beauty. 驾车、漫步以及骑马,从主教门到弗吉尼亚沃特,让贵宾们有机会细赏美不胜收的风景。
In theory, an influx of investors looking to hold stocks for the long run should drive up prices and smooth out volatility. 这值得商榷.从理论上讲,打算长期持有股票的投资者入市,应会推高股价并抑制波动性。
Since 2005 the government has wanted to drive up the consumption share of GDP, and yet it has plummeted. 自2005年以来,政府一直希望加大消费在GDP的比例,但是这个数字却快速下降了。
Adopted the technique, the temperature can get a high temperature, not left weld lines problems, we can drive up the surface hardness. 采纳该技巧,模温能够得逞很高的温度,不存留熔接线问题,一起能够抬高产品外表硬度。
Before I could drive up to PLG's house the car had to be searched. 在我驱车到达她门口之前,汽车需要接受检查。
She warned people to be prepared for a sharp spike in oil prices in 2009, adding "it will drive up prices of cars and houses as well. " 她提醒人们对2009年的石油价格急剧上涨做好心理准备,她还补充到:“这还会引起汽车价格和房价的上涨。”
They are concerned about managers doing things that drive up the share price quickly at the expense of a firm's lasting health. 股东牺牲公司的长远健康状态在所不惜,只关心经理人是否让股价快速上升。
Visitors can drive up to the top of Mesa Verde on a winding mountain road. 游客可以开车沿着顶风的山路来到梅萨维德的顶部。
The borders are closed. Then we'll drive up in to the hills and go over those mountains on foot. 我一直在听收音机,边境刚被封锁,那我们就得驱车上山,再徒步爬山了。
The existing street access was straight drive up the garage and a direct side walks to the entry. 现有的街道,是直接推动了车库和一个直接侧走到入境。
I then drive up to where the New Frontier was razed to build a resort modeled on New York City's Plaza Hotel. 然后我开车到了按照纽约的皇冠酒店修建的度假村,它堆满了垃圾。