adjust to

  • v.适应
  • 网络调整;调节;调整以适应

adjust toadjust to

adjust to


介词(主要是to)的用法_爱问知识人 ... be used to 习惯。 adjust to 适应, attend to 处理;照料, ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... expose... to...( 暴露在……之下) adjust to ...( 调整,调节) lead to...( 导致……,招致……) ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... expose... to...( 暴露在……之下) adjust to ...( 调整,调节) lead to...( 导致……,招致……) ...


2009年考博——考博英语词组复习 ... adhere to 粘附在…上;坚持,遵守;依附 adjust to 调整以适应 after all 还是;终于;毕 …


四级英语常用动词固定搭配 ... adhere to 附着,粘着 adjust to (使)适应于,把...调节到 agree to (+物)同意,赞成 ...


四级易混淆词汇_百度文库 ... adapt to 适应 adjust to 适应调节 apply to 适用于 ...


词汇学_我爱枫叶林_新浪博客 ... self marketing 自销 adjust to 调节以适应 demand of 要求...需求... ...


积累,坚持。。。。。交流,进步_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... adapt to sth. 适应某事 adjust to sth. 调节适应某事 put up with sth. 忍 …

i ' m trying to adjust to major league batters , " ogawa said . " i have to step up to the plate and be on the same level . 井川庆说:我尝试调整去面对大联盟打者。我得踏上垒包并且调整到那个水准。
"Fee percentages have failed to adjust to the increasing absolute size of private equity funds, " he said. “收费百分比未能随着私人股本基金不断增大的绝对规模而调整,”他表示。
If you adjust to someone, a person begins to feel that you are with him on the same wave. 如果你调整自己去适应某人,这个人就会感到你跟他在同一个频率上。
according to which exchange rates should adjust to equalise the price of a basket of goods and services around the world. 据该理论,汇率应调整以均衡全球范围内一篮子货物和服务。
firsts for Byers. But he said that still it's been easy to adjust to this faith. that's because he feels. 但是他说适应他自己的信仰很简单,因为他感受到了宁静的根本价值。
It was, he said, an annoyance, but "it's one of those camping-trip kind of things you have to adjust to. " 他还说,这是件很烦人的事,但是“就像露营旅行中可能遇到的问题一样,你得学会适应。”
The world seemed to be a colder place, the colors less vivid. And I had no idea what I was going to do to adjust to life without him. 周围世界看来从此变得更冷,颜色也失去了光彩,我没有任何主意去适应没有他的生活。
You can quickly adjust to an automatic payroll deduction, to set up an emergency fund or to put towards investments. 你可以很快地适应企业自动减薪.把钱投入风险基金(或意外保险)或用于你的投资。
Adjustable TV frame in side. You can put the mobile phones on it, adjust to any angle, easy to watch the video. 隐藏可推拉视频架,可将手机等放置其上,调整任何角度,轻松观看视频。
AAM: So it has always been anticipated that there would be Disclosure and then a period for the populace to adjust to it. 麦:所以一直就有计划:会有一个揭露,然后经过一段时间来让公众适应它。
There is usually a damper in the heat saver you can adjust to allow hot air to pass out of your home in the summer. 通常热量保护器里面有一个气闸,在夏天时你可以改装让热的空气从家中散出。
I have found that children in joint custody adjust to living in two households better than I could. 我发现其实这些受共同监护的孩子似乎比我还能适应拥有两个家庭。
I'm certain that the destiny of each one of us and Asia as a whole will depend on how well we adjust to this very profound transformation. 我确信我们每个人的命运,以及整个亚洲的命运取决于我们能在多大程度上适应这一深刻的转变。
After Nigel left his academic post and went into business, it took him quite a while adjust to the rat race. 奈杰尔弃学从商后,过了很长时期才使他适应于那种竞争激烈的环境。
As you're increasing your distance or the time of your running segments, make small jumps so your body can adjust to the increase in stress. 当你增加你跑步的距离或跑步的时间,做很小的提高那样你的身体可以调整适应增加的压力。
For 5 years he put in so much effort to adjust to his new life, how can you hurt him just as he starts to like the country like that. 他用了5年的时间去适应他的新生活,当他开始喜欢这个国家的时候为什么来伤害他?
This bubble is not on the point of collapse, but is likely to deflate as funds adjust to the lower returns that are likely going forward. 这一泡沫还没有到破裂的时候,但随着基金做出调整,以适应未来可能出现的较低回报率,这一泡沫可能变小。
Compensation could take some time to adjust to its market-clearing level (the point at which supply and demand are equal). 花上一段时间,薪酬就会调整到市场出清的水平(也就是供求相等的水平)。
Afterward, walk around the room for a few minutes to let your heart re-adjust to a non-exercise pace. 之后,在室内走一走让你的心跳重新调整回非运动时的频率。
It may take a while to adjust to the fact that you're going to have a baby. 你需要一段时间来接受你将会有个孩子的事实。
We adjust to the crisis of the moment and move on, but the underlying cancer continues to grow, eating away at the system. 我们适应了此时的危机,然后我们继续前行,但是隐藏的癌症继续发展,在系统上继续侵蚀着。
The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business. 适应这种改变的责任属于每个工人而不是政府或企业。
This has its downside, to be sure, but it does mean the for-profits are light on their feet and able to adjust to changing job-market needs. 当然,这有它的弊端,但是这也就意味着营利性大学没有那么多牵绊,可以从容地做出改变去适应劳工市场的需要。
As you use it, it's going to adjust to your interests, relationships, current activities, information and preferences. 在你使用它时,它将随着你的兴趣、关系、现时活动、信息和偏好进行调整。
If the pattern imbalance, criterion with colour balance, or the weight of the text, or to balance with local adjust to achieve the balance. 若纹样不平衡,则以色彩的轻重达到平衡,或以文字达到平衡,或者以局部的调整来达到平衡。
But players must adjust to the ball at each World Cup, and an unpredictable flight can affect goalies as well as shooters. 但是,每届世界杯上,球员都要适应比赛用球,诡异的飞行路线影响的不仅仅是守门员,还有射手。
You could be one of those people who often has to adjust to health conditions, changes within your job, or deaths within your circle. 你可能是那些经常需要适应健康条件的人中的一员,工作的变动或活动圈子中的破灭。
And we were in a situation trying to adjust to keep the TV and Egypt safe. 我们所处的位置就是要努力调整以保证电视台和埃及的安全。
You can use the long-term data for trend analysis to help you see patterns of use that you can adjust to prevent problems in the future. 您可以使用长期数据来进行趋势分析,以帮助查看使用的模式,可以调整这些模式来预防未来的问题。
Governments, struggling to hold on to support at home, cannot adjust to a world that no longer belongs to the west. 苦苦维系国内支持的各国政府,已无法适应一个不再属于西方的世界。