all day long

  • na.“all day”的变体
  • 网络整天;一整天;终日

all day longall day long

all day long


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... all clear 解除信号 all day long 整天 all day 整天 ...


米奇妙妙屋(第一部)字幕及语言点 ... 9、There you go: 行了/好了/可以了 1、All day long: 一整天 10、Make …out of …: …


not at all的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... not with it [美俚]局外人 all day long 终日 all the year round 全年 ...


词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... a day off 休息日 all day long 一天到晚,整天地 day after day 日复一日地(表示重复) ...


成,成字的解释,查字典 ... 成套[ form a complete set] 成天[ all day long] 一条不成文的规定[ written article] ...


四级考试词汇必备 英语词汇 (一) ... all day 一天到晚; 整天 all day long 全天; 整天 all in 精疲力尽 ...


成,成字的解释,查字典 ... 成仁[ die for a righteous cause] 成日[ the whole day;all day long] 成事不足,败事有余[ bygones] ...


日记 [2008年09月10日]_熊猫晶晶_新浪博客 ... a lack of 缺乏… all day long 整天;从早到晚 take sample of 取样 ...

All day long he flies back and forth from his branch to the feeder. 这一整天,他在喂料器和枝桠之间来来回回。
Sitting all day long with your eyes stuck at your computer screen doesn't go great for your eyes, really. 一整天坐在电脑前盯着电脑屏幕真的对眼睛不好。
Marius had had a furnace in his brain all day long; now it was a whirlwind. 马吕斯这一整天脑子里燃着一炉火,现在又起了一阵风暴。
I wouldn't blame Peter for trying to get a new job because it must be boring to answer the phone all day long. 整天接电话一定非常无聊,所以我不会责怪彼德试图找份新工作的做法。
"If you do the same thing all day long you can become numb, " he said. "But I've gotten used to doing this type of work. " 他说,“如果你每天做同一件事,你会变得麻木,但我已经习惯了这种工作。”
All day long thinking that nothing more can do nothing but talk ideals, a serious lack of down-to-earth spirit. 成天安于现状,不思进取,只会空谈理想,缺乏认真扎实的奋斗精神。
One magician father, the children used to applaud the action all day long. 有个魔术师爸爸,孩子成天习惯鼓掌欢迎的动作。
In normal times, I find the mere cancellation of a stray lunch enough to make me feel happy and lucky all day long. 搁在往常,不过是取消一顿午餐,就足以让我一整天感到开心和幸运了。
To talk just a little is better than to chatter non-stop all day long. Stick to the facts and speak briefly; don. 讲话不可太多,言多必失。要讲得恰当,要实事求是,不可花言巧语。
While I don't think you'll be calling in to work so you can play this one all day long, it's good enough for a quick chuckle. 而我也相信,你不会整日玩这个游戏而耽误工作的,一笑而过就足够了。
There is no way that you can keep burning fat if sugar is always present and elevating insulin all day long. 如身体中总是有糖分和较高的胰岛素水平,你就没有办法持续消耗脂肪。
My tongue will speak of your righteousness and of your praises all day long. 我的舌头,要终日论说你的公义,时常赞美你。
She had been up to her ears doing laundry all day long. 她已经洗了一整天的衣服了。
Parents can often say, "Oh, Johnny could stay outdoors playing in the dirt all day long, " or "Susie is such a people person" . 父母们可能经常说,“哦,约翰尼可以一整天在外面的泥地里玩,”或者“苏茜的人缘很好”。
He did not aim in life, all day long indulged in gambling and alienated from their families. 他没有人生目标,终日沉迷赌博,与家人疏离。
East Gate are all graduates in the poly-old all day long, taking advantage of the last few days make good memories. 东门终日都是毕业生在聚旧,趁着最后几天好好地回忆。
All day long the sound of helicopters filled the air as they ferried up and down the northeast coast. At ground levels progress was slower. 在东北部海岸,直升机的声音一整天在空中回荡,在地面上的进展非常缓慢。
It's said her boyfriend got a new girl from his own class. Poor Tingting, only can cry all day long and becoming thinner. 听说她男朋友跟本班的一个女孩好了,婷婷现在真可怜,天天哭,人都瘦了。
Every summer, all day long, herds of volunteers tramped in and out of the house's open doors carrying boxes of campaign gear. 每年夏天,家里的门从早到晚都敞开着,成群的志愿者们扛着一箱箱竞选用品出出入入。
'I can jump up and down and scream all day long about how much I don't like it. But it's their business decision, ' Mr. Norris says. 诺里斯说,我可以抓狂吼叫一整天来表达我对此有多么不爽,但这是他们的业务决策。
Workers might sit around the office all day long sipping coffee and doing nothing. 工人可能无所事事办公室整天啜饮咖啡而且什么也不做。
From inside it, it did not like London in the factory who smoke all day long. 从它里面来说,它没有像伦敦那样的那些成天冒烟的工厂。
You don't have to deal with the buzz of florescent lights all day long, or stare endlessly at the drab gray cubicle walls. 不必要一整天都开着白炽灯听它嗡嗡作响,没完没了的坐在灰褐色的办公隔间里。
And even though I've been at this for a few years, I still can't believe I get paid to read, write, and edit all day long. 甚至我已经做这份工作有几年了,却一直不敢相信我整天的在阅读,写作和编辑。
Hu imagined that Buddha sat very still all day long, and when the hall was empty, he reached out for a banana. 胡想象中,佛坐了一整天,等大殿没人了以后,佛就会伸手去拿一个香蕉来吃。
I'm tired of the noise he made all day long. 我对他一天到晚制造噪音已经感到很厌烦了。
You: nothing. like i said, we get naked all day long. 什么都没有,我说过,我们整天都是裸的。
From then on he just sat silently all day long, facing the wall, practicing "wall contemplation; " Perhaps he was waiting for someone. 从此面壁而坐,终日默默修炼,也许他在等待着谁。
He never does any work; he just fools around all day long. 他从不做事,整天游手好闲。
As you can well imagine today that elevator is automatic and does not require someone sitting there all day long to operate it. 然而现代社会里所有的电梯都是自动化了,这表示我们再也不需要有一个人坐在那边一整天去操纵它。