on occasion

  • na.有时;遇必要时
  • 网络间或;偶尔;不时

on occasionon occasion

on occasion


大学英语四级常用词组 ... give occasion to 引起 on occasion 间或,有时 occur to 被想到 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... give occasion to 引起 on occasion 间或,有时 occur to 被想到 ...


新视野大学英语2短语 - 豆丁网 ... on one occasion 有一次 34. on occasion 偶尔;有时 35. come upon 偶然遇到;偶然发现 36. ...


雅思写作常用词组 - 雅思考试网 ... in nature 本质上 on occasion 有时,不时 in particular 特别地,尤其,详细地 ...


on fire是什么意思啊?_百度知道 ... on the fire 在考虑中 on occasion 不时地;必要时 ... on the fire 在考虑中,在准备中 ...


基础英语词汇_百度文库 ... R 65.Run sb. Over 用车撞某人 66. O 66.On occasion 有时候 67. U 68.Unexpected guest 不速之客 …


on fire是什么意思啊?_百度知道 ... on the fire 在考虑中 on occasion 不时地;必要时 ... on the fire 在考虑中,在准备中 ...

After several brutal murders near his workplace, and being followed on occasion, he finally decided to leave the country. 不但他工作的地方附近发生了几单血腥谋杀,甚至连他本人有时也会受到跟踪,他最终决定离开这个国家。
Missing a few hours of sleep on occasion isn't the end of the world, because it's easy to make up the sleep with no lasting side effects. 偶尔缺几个小时觉没什么大不了的,因为很容易事后及时补觉而不会有长期的副作用。
On occasion you may need to ask your boss for an extra privilege -- but it's best not to do so straight out of the gate. 时而你可能需要老板给你一些特权--但是最好不要刚开始就那么做。
My Forbes writing tends to be humorous on occasion, but not in the dark, vulgar way of the book. 我在福布斯的作品往往很幽默,但不是本书的那种灰暗、粗俗的方式。
I've on occasion been able to get one to mount, but find hard drives seem to mount differently than memory sticks. 我偶然可以把其中的一个挂载上,但是发现硬盘挂载和记忆卡挂载还是有很大的不同。
Steve spent almost all his time doing his research, but, on occasion, he would take his son to see a film. 斯梯夫几乎把所有的时间用在科研上,但有时他也会带儿子去看电影。
While Mara did visit the academy on occasion, she did not become a full-time student. 而玛拉,尽管偶尔也造访学院,却并没有成为全日制的学员。
Wherefore he called the name of the well, on occasion of that which had happened, Calumny. 为此他给那井起名叫「争论」,因为他们曾与他争论过。
But on occasion, as she did recently, she points her N Pole toward the Sun and the oncoming Planet X, leaning into opposition. 但是偶尔,就像她最近做的,地球将她的北极指向太阳和即将到来的X星,倾斜向反方向。
(On occasion, each of a pair of CDOs would buy a tranche of the other, creating a "loop" that slowed analysis). 有时,一对CDO还会相互购买对方的部分,从而导致了“循环”,延缓了分析过程。
And I am all for cinema being as close as possible to life - even if on occasion we have failed to see how beautiful life really is. 我支持那些“尽量接近生活”的电影,即使有些时候我们无法看到生活到底有多美丽。
Earth and Planet X are in a dance with each other, with Venus and the Dark Twin on occasion bumping into this couple on the dance floor. 地球和行星X是在与对方的舞蹈,金星和黑暗双人偶尔碰撞到这对夫妻在舞池。
Makers of dictionaries are inevitably trapped on occasion into stating apparently eternal truths to which time later gives the lie. 词典编者有时不免自找麻烦地去说明某些表面看来系永恒的现象,但随后的岁月证实它们并非如此。
Some of us are just born worriers and will reserve the right to be a drama queen on occasion. 我们有的人生下来就是爱担心的人,保留当事儿妈的权利。
We no longer keep up the close friendship of a few years ago, though we still visit each other on occasion. 我们已不像几年前那样关系密切,但是偶尔也会去看望对方。
Steve liked to earn a little pocket change on occasion by delivering antiques for a dealer friend to various parts of Texas. 史蒂夫有时喜欢通过帮一个经销商朋友运送古董到德克萨斯州的各个地方来赚些外快。
The company doesn't get the money from its oil sales but has, on occasion, paid royalties and taxes on it. 这家公司出售石油的收入不回到自己账上,而且有时候还要支付油田使用费和税款。
Planet X is twisting the Earth's magnetosphere, absconding with its S Pole on occasion, or blasting the Earth with a hose of magnetons. 行星X正在扭曲地球的磁气圈,不时地使地球南极逃遁,或者用一阵磁子猛烈轰击地球。
On occasion, Little Annie would violently attack anyone who came near. Most of the time she generally ignored everyone in her presence. 有时,小安妮惠狂暴的攻击每一个靠近她的人,但多数时候她则对身边的每一个人不理不睬。
Such an approach can, on occasion, be mistaken for neglecting one's parental duties by those more used to "teaching by holding the hand. " 有时,这个方法会让那些经常“手把手教育”的父母误会这些父母在消极怠工。
This may be iterative, returning to the Japanese coast on occasion, or to New Zealand, which is lifting. 这也许会有反复,并偶尔反馈回日本海岸,或者传到正在抬升的新西兰。
Tensions between India and China flare on occasion, especially along India's far north-eastern border, along the state of Arunachal Pradesh. 紧张在印度与中国之间时有发生,特别在ArunachalPradesh州的远东北边界沿线。
in fact, was the new court that on occasion it tended to be blindly reactionary in cases involving economic and social policies. 实际上,这个新法院是如此倒退,以致在牵涉到经济和社会政策的诉讼中,它总是明目张胆地倾向于反动。
That our internal compass is liable, on occasion, to oscillate unhelpfully is an inescapable part of the human condition. 我们内心里的罗盘有时会无益地摇摆不定,这是人类处境中难以逃脱的一部分。
Beijing can on occasion feel more like a rich village, with no traffic rules, than a real modern city. 北京有时看上去更像一个暴富的大农村,没什么交通规则可言,离真正的现代大都市相差甚远。
On occasion, turn off the cell phone and listen to a great song on the drive to work. 偶尔地,关掉手机,在开车上班的路上听一段很棒的音乐。
You will feel like an idiot on occasion, but this is much better than feeling like an idiot when you get your prelim grades. 但是这比拿到资格考试坏成绩时感到像白痴要好得多。
It might be fun to use on occasion to spice up your shampoo experience but don't expect any extraordinary results. 可以偶尔一试,增加你有关使用洗发水的经验,但不要奢求任何惊人的效果。
Still, rumors that Apple plans to release a new device with a screen size between an iPad and an iPod touch have cropped up on occasion. 另外,还有关于苹果计划发布尺寸介于iPad平板电脑和iPod音乐播放器之间的新设备的传言也零星出现。
In addition, it's acceptable to the enterprise to bring down the application on occasion for a few hours for scheduled maintenance. 此外,偶尔终止应用程序几个小时以进行有计划的维护是可以接受的。