on monday

  • 网络在星期一;在周一;星期一的时候

on mondayon monday

on monday


介词用法口诀 ... on Sunday 在星期天 on Monday 在星期一 on Tuesday morning 星期二早晨 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 17.the next train 下一趟火车 18.on Monday 在周一 19.a ticket for Shanghai 一张飞往上海的机票 ...


迷离沙哑:On Sunday ... on Sunday,I loved you 星期天的时候,我爱你 on Monday,you left me 星期一的时候,你离去 ...


赖世雄初级美语入门篇rm26-英语听力... ... Have the time 几点钟 On Monday 每逢礼拜一 On Sunday 每逢礼拜天 ...

I'm going to see him on Monday morning. 我星期一早上去见他。
HELEN: Ah, I’ m forrest I won’ t be in the office on Monday, and I anticipate Gregg has affairs all day. 海伦:啊,恐怕礼拜一的时候我不在办公室,而且我想葛雷格全天都在开会。
A survey released on Monday shows that the brand is holding up to its recent recall-related battering better than initially feared. 周一公布的一项调查报告显示,近期召回事件对丰田品牌的打击程度并没有起初担心的那么严重。
Ramadan was standing in front of the rubble of a health clinic that he said had been demolished by a pre-dawn attack on Monday. Ramadan站在一家诊所的废墟前称,这个诊所是在周一黎明前被摧毁的。
On Monday, a State Department spokesman said he doubts Mr. Ahmadinejad's appearance before the council would serve a positive purpose. 美国国务院发言人星期一表示,他对艾哈迈迪内贾德在安理会上露面是否有正面效果表示怀疑。
Before arriving in Zimbabwe from Mozambique early Sunday, the archbishop of Canterbury said he hoped to see President Mugabe on Monday. 这位坎特伯雷大主教星期天早上从莫桑比克抵达津巴布韦之前表示,他希望在星期一会晤津巴布韦总统穆加贝。
On Monday, rescuers began drilling toward the men, who were trapped last Tuesday when a small earthquake led to a rock's collapse. 周一,营救者对上周二因小规模地震所致岩石坍塌而被困的人员实行救助。
He said: "On Monday I took a knee to the ribs, which were sore and resulted in me missing the last two days' training with the squad. " 他说:“在星期一我的肋骨痛,这造成我缺席了最后两天的随队训练。”
SpringSource announced on Monday that it had acquired open source system monitoring vendor Hyperic for an undisclosed sum. SpringSource周一宣布其收购了开源系统监测厂商Hyperic,但并未公开金额。
You know, do all the pianos in Redmond on Monday rather than going back and forth across 520 three times a day. 你知道意思,星期一把Redmond地区的钢琴全部搞定,而不是一天之内在520公路来来回回三趟。
It's easy to see where a friend is going wrong on Monday, but that doesn't mean you should weigh in with your inexpert advice. 在周一就可以很容易看到你的朋友将错在哪里,但这并不意味着你就应该加重你不是很熟练的建议。
During a meeting at the Kremlin on Monday, President Dmitri Medvedev seemed to realize that this was not just a series of freak accidents. 总统梅德韦杰夫在克里姆林宫在星期一的会议期间,似乎意识到,这不仅仅是一个奇怪的意外。
Mr. Pipas declined to say how much Ford's gain was expected to be when the results are officially reported on Monday. 皮帕斯拒绝预计福特的销量增幅,这一数据将于周一正式公布。
Mr Ren said on Monday he had not been quoted "properly, " but would not elaborate on the discussions with Harbinger. WilliamRen周一表示,报道没有“适当”引述他的讲话,但他拒绝详细阐述与Harbinger的谈判。
Two news stories came out on Monday that tell us much about the state of the news business. 星期一的两则报道让我们更加了解了现在的新闻业状况。
In an interview on Monday, Clinton said the US should not over-react to North Korean provocation. 希拉里在周一接受采访时表示,美国不应该对朝鲜的挑衅过度反应。
Yao showed no ill effects from his knee-to-knee collision with Bryant on Monday, when he limped off the court before returning. 在周一比赛膝盖与科比碰撞之后,姚明回到球场时一瘸一拐,但是没有不良后果。
BHP warned on Monday that China was slowing down but it said that it had no intention of cutting back any production or capital spending. 必和必拓在周一警告中国经济正在下滑,但它表示自己并没有任何减少产能和资本投资计划的意图。
8 " No, it won't, " said the father. "He bet me $10 on Monday that he'd pull your beard with your permission by the end of the week! " “不行,那没用。”父亲说。“星期一他和我赌了10美元,说周末他可以让你允许他拔你的胡子!”
So let me close by asking you to remember the little girl who was pulled from the rubble on Monday in Port-au-Prince. 在结束今天的讲话时,我要请你们记住星期一在太子港的废墟中获救的那个小女孩。
It seems he came to see Netherfield on Monday and was so delighted with it that he arranged to rent it at once. 好像是星期一来看了看尼日斐,十分喜欢,马上安排把它租了下来。
He happened to be at home on Monday, and what was more surprising, disengaged. 他周一碰巧在家,更令人感到意外的是,他还闲着没事。
The BJP on Monday said Mr Singh's term had been a disappointment, "devoid of any achievement" . 人民党周一表示,辛格的任期令人失望,“没有任何成就”。
"The army and the people are one hand, " said Khaled Gaber, one of the protesters, on Monday as he clasped his hands together. “军队和人民是一致的,”抗议者哈立德•加博(KhaledGaber)周一表示,他将自己的双手紧握在一起。
The two German carmakers were due to meet on Monday to work out the financial details of a tie-up, but the meeting got cancelled. 两个德国汽车制造商都将于下周一举行会议制定的财务细节的结盟,但会议取消了。
A tough new Honduran law came into effect on Monday allowing family members to summon the police to stop people smoking at home. 洪都拉斯周一开始已实行一项严厉的新法律,家庭成员可召集警察以阻止有人在家吸烟。
On Monday, Microsoft human resources chief Lisa Brummel said the company was reversing course. 周一,微软的人力资源总监LisaBrummel说微软改变了决定。
She will accompany her husband when he visits the White House on Monday and is expected to talk to Laura Bush. 她将在周一陪同其丈夫参观白宫,外界认为她将与布什夫人劳拉进行交谈。
There is usually public access to the court, but it was not clear whether the proceedings on Monday would be restricted, the official said. 一般情况下公众可以进入法院听审,但目前尚不清楚周一的庭审程序是否会对公众听审进行限制,该名官员称。
Nagoya Mayor Kawamura Takashi said the Nanjing Massacre "probably never happened" on Monday while meeting with a delegation from Nanjing. 周一,名古屋市市长河村隆之在会见南京代表团访问时,宣称南京大屠杀“可能没有这回事”。