communist party

  • n.共产党
  • 网络中国共产党成立纪念日;法国共产党;人民社会党

communist partycommunist party

communist party



美国的执政党是哪个党?_百度知道 ... Reform Party 改革党 Communist Party 共产党 Natural Law Party of the USA 自然法律党 ...


中国共产党成立纪念日Communist Party),每年公历七月一日(July 1st)。 建党节1917年俄国十月革命胜利后,马克思主 …


他将法国共产党(Communist party)带入他领导的联合政府,他计划推出国有化方案,并打算增税并赋予工会更多权力。这些都 …


“七·二六运动”组织在1961年与古巴人民社会党(古巴Communist Party)和“三·一三革命指导委员会”合并组成古巴社会主义革命统 …


医院环境_义乌残联妇科医院 ... 医院介绍 About Us 党建工作 Communist Party 专家团队 Specialist Team ...


后一篇:中国共产党的成立Communist Party)< 前一篇论怎样打造团队精神 后一篇 >中国共产党的成立(Communist Party…


英语土音_平凡岁月里的一只猪_百度空间 ... deer,dear—— 第二 Communist Party—— 孔明在贵屿(一个地方名)打铁 Yes—…

One of the cables tells of a dinner between the U. S. ambassador to China and the head of the Communist Party. 其中一份电报说明了美国驻中国大使与中国共产党领导人之间有过一次晚宴。
President Hu said the Communist Party, to continue its rule, must adapt to a changing nation and a changing world. 胡主席表示,共产党要维持其领导地位,必须适应不断变化的国内外形势。
The "Manifesto of the Communist Party" was written in a few days of round-the-clock creative inspiration in Brussels in January 1848. 《共产党宣言》就是1848年马克思在布鲁塞尔时连续几天二十四小时笔耕不辍,灵感迸发的成果。
Selling to foreigners is particularly sensitive at the moment, as China gears up for the Communist Party Congress in the fall. 当中国正在准备今年秋季召开中国共产党代表大会的时候,卖给外国人就是一个相当敏感事情。
The kind of wealth created by the stock-market boom is pretty much all that legitimizes Communist Party rule these days. 该种所创造的财富存量市场的繁荣是几乎所有合法化共产党统治的这些天。
The advanced nature of the Communist Party of China is not in its blood, but comes through the concrete process of the times. 中国共产党的先进性不是与身俱来的,它是在时代的具体进程中显现出来的。
The Global Times, a newspaper published by the Communist Party, said the fleet could consist of two cruisers and one large supply ship. 由共产党发行的环球时报报道,舰队可能由两艘巡洋舰和一艘大型补给舰组成。
"Getting the Communist Party out of the management of these companies, that's what is required, " he said. "I don't see that on the table. " “必须要把共产党从这些公司的管理当中排除出去,”他说道,“但我看这件事不在议事日程上。”
For a member of the Communist Party who grew up in Mao's China, this was a pretty overwhelming taste of participatory democracy in action. 作为生长在毛泽东时代的共产党员,这是一次有趣的实际参与民主活动的尝试。
Arrival of unions is often accompanied by Communist party cells at the enterprise level. 工会的建立往往也伴随着企业级的中共党组织;
All communist party members accept guidance from the top. Few party stalwarts would rock the boat to open a Pandora's box of new ideas. 所有共产党员都接受上级的指挥,忠贞党员几乎无人会破坏现状,提出新观念而引来麻烦!
Wen has deep experience with the issue. In 1989, he was one of the Communist Party officials who went to Square to talk to the protestors. 温亲身经历了1989年学潮,他是来到天广场与抗议者对话的共产党官员之一。
Propaganda photos like this are routinely used to reinforce the paternalistic image of the Communist Party caring for its citizens. 像这样的宣传照片常常被用来巩固共产党关怀公众的慈爱形像。
The advanced nature of the Communist Party is concrete, specific expression in serving the public interests, running. 共产党的先进性是具体的,具体地体现于立党为公、执政为民。
The People's Daily, the main organ of the Communist party, said the country did not need "blood-soaked GDP" . 中共机关报《人民日报》表示,中国不需要“带血的GDP”。
In January of 1987, Hu no longer held the office of the General Secretary of the Communist Party, and I often went to his home to visit him. 1987年1月,耀邦同志不再担任中央主要领导职务后,我经常到他家中去看望。
Since the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), mass campaign, as an expression of class struggle, has been a part of CPC history. 中国共产党成立后,群众运动作为阶级斗争的表现形式就伴随着党的历史。
FOR better or worse, Mao Zedong usually came out on top, whether facing Japanese invaders, nationalist warlords or Communist Party rivals. 无论是面对日本侵略者,还是民族主义军阀,或是中国共产党的敌人,毛泽东通常都是佼佼者。
In a short speech, he said the Communist Party was "realising the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" . 他在简短的讲话中表示,共产党正在“实现中华民族伟大复兴”。
Clouds were a time of son received, press is the confidentiality of the communist party baicheng interface, a time of cloud son act. 石川云子接到密报,白城书局是共产党的机密联络点,石川云子展开行动。
If he really did not know, it would suggest that the Chinese Communist party's grip over the People's Liberation Army is slipping. 如果他真不知情,就意味着中共对人民解放军的掌控力正在削弱。
Chinese police have detained two Communist Party officials in charge of a coal mine where at least 164 people died in an explosion Sunday. 中国警方拘留了星期天爆炸导致至少164人死亡的煤矿的两名负责人。
The only problem was that Ms Meng was very proud of her membership of the Communist Party, an organisation she'd belonged to for many years. 问题是孟女士为自己是个共产党员而自豪,这么多年她都属于组织。
Born into a peasant family, Khrushchev worked as a shepherd and a locksmith before he began to work actively in the Communist Party. 赫鲁晓夫出生于农民家庭,在参加共产党之前做过放羊倌和锁匠。
At the beginning of New China, Communist Party tried to liberate Taiwan by force, namely, to seek reunification of the country through war. 建国初期,中共试图以武力解放台湾,即通过战争方式谋求中国的统一。
Influential though it was, the KGB was a "combat division" of the Communist Party, and subordinate to it. 虽然权倾一时,克格勃也只是共产党的战斗部门,且对党负责。
Such statements are unusual in a country where the Communist Party has absolute authority and is often hesitant to admit mistakes. 在一个一党拥有绝对权威并常常不愿意承认错误的国家,这样的声明是不同寻常的。
If it were not for the leadership of the Communist Party, our happy life today would be simply impossible. 要不是共产党的领导,根本不可能有我们今天的幸福生活。
The Communist Party of China's five-year plans used to be a chance to set rigid targets, with little thought given to sustainable reform. 中国执政党的五年规划在以前是制定刚性目标,几乎不考虑可持续的改革。
This documentary film gives us a true and detailed description of the ordinary and honorable life of an old communist party member. 这个记录片真实详尽地记录了一位老共产党员平凡而又光荣的一生。