
美 [kəmˈper]英 [kəmˈpeə(r)]
  • v.比较;对比;与…类似(或相似);表明…与…相似
  • n.比较
  • 网络对照;相比;比拟

第三人称单数:compares 现在分词:comparing 过去式:compared

compare volume,compare woman,compare relationship
compare favourably


v. n.

1.[t]比较;对比to examine people or things to see how they are similar and how they are different

2.[i]~ with sb/sth与…类似(或相似)to be similar to sb/sth else, either better or worse

3.[t]~ A to B表明…与…相似;将…比作to show or state that sb/sth is similar to sb/sth else


compare notes (with sb)

(与…)交换看法(或意见等)if two or more peoplecompare notes , they each say what they think about the same event, situation, etc.

you cant compare apples and oranges

(因两样事物完全不同)不具可比性,不能相提并论it is impossible to say that one thing is better than another if the two are completely different


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... cookbook n 食谱 compare vt 比较 replace vt 替换 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... par 平等,相同+ compare v 比较,对照 comparison n 比较,对照 ...


相字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 相帮〖 aid;help〗 相比compare〗 相差〖 differ;differencebetween〗 ...


上海教育出版社七年级《英语》上册单词表_百度文库 ... university n. 大学;高等学府 compare v. 比较;对比 mind n. 想法 ...


比字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 比美〖 rival〗 比拟compare;match〗 比年〖 everyyear〗 ...


AE中英文对照表 - 丑石的日志 - 网易博客 ... 19.13 Balloon( 迅速增加颜色) 19.15 Compare相比较) 19.16 Blast( 冲击 …


英语词汇表 - 浙江树人大学招生网 ... Company n. 公司 Compare v. 比较,对照 Comparison n. 比较,对照;比拟 ...

I really like the Comparison view, because it's easy to compare page performance against the site average. 我比较喜欢对照视图,因为可以很容易地对比页面表现和网站平均数据。
The physical properties of the compound have come up to ASTM standard and can compare with some commercial products both at home and abroad. 该胶料的各种物理性能均达到了美国ASTM标准规定的指标,与国内外几种商品防水卷材的性能相当。
And he wants to do something good, but I compare with the situation in the United States: the Congress has not changed. 他想要做出点成绩,但是我把美国的情况作了个对比:国会并没有改变……
Sort of like in high school you were taught to do a compare and contrast essay, right? 有点像在高中,你们学写比较和对比的作文,是吧?
Compare the above with a modern map of Antarctica to see at a glance just how close they were. 把上图与一张现代的南极洲的地图作比较,一瞥之下看起来它们是多么的接近。
People compare him to Patrick Vieira, but they were a world apart in terms of the influence they exerted on their teams. 人们把他和维埃拉比较,但他们在球队的影响力却根本不可同日而语。
It is meaningful to compare the difficulty of one-choice questions with that of multiple-Choice questions in a standardized examination. 在标准化考试中对单项选择题和多项选择的难度进行比较是很有意义的。
I am sorry you think so; but if that be the case, there can at least be no want of subject. -- We may compare our different opinions. 你会这样想,我真抱歉;假定真是那样,也不见得就无从谈起。我们也可以把不同见解比较一下。
In thinking through the fiscal policy options and their implications, it might be useful to compare a few hypothetical, fanciful scenarios. 在大家考虑选择各种财政政策方案以及它们的含意时,比较以下假设、虚幻的案例可能会对大家有所帮助。
The younger generation should see all that history, so they are able to compare it to what we have today. 年轻一代应该看到整个历史,这样他们就能够将过去与现在加以比较。
Second, the comparison is a bit different, as it does not compare the values of the two objects, but their actual identities. 另外,比较运算符也有一点不同,它不是用来比较两个对象的值,其实实际上也差不多。
To motivate you, it might be beneficial to see what others have done, but do not compare. 要给与动机你,理解其他者已经做,但是不比较的可能是有益的。
At such a talk, students may ask the speaker questions, compare notes with him and even debate with him. The truth emerges in debates. 在讲座上,学生可以提问,与人大代表和政协委员交流,甚至辩论,使真理愈辩愈明。
The ability of some graduates can't even compare with that of a craftsman. 有的大学生能力甚至还不如普通的工匠。
These type of social shifts make it harder to compare today's typical family income volatility with that of the 1970s. 这种类型的社会变化,使得对比今天与1970年代的家庭收入波动变得更加困难。
a modification date compare against the original Document's modification date, to see if it needs to be reindexed. 比较原始文档的修改日期,看是否有必要重建索引
Let's Compare If the oven is not used for a long time, plug off from power source and place it in a airy and no erosive gas environment. 微波炉若长期不用,应拔掉电源插头,放在通风干燥,无腐蚀性的环境中。
In this posting we are going to compare the Metro at the time of opening with the Metro at the moment of Soviet government change. 在这个贴子,我们要比地铁的开放与地铁的那一刻,苏联政府改变。
Calculate how much a trip will cost in gas and then compare it to bus, train or air fares. 计算出一程要用多少汽油,然后把它跟公共汽车,火车或飞机的费用作比较。
whenever you compare to any other thing, I will always choose you no doubt. 不论你跟任何东西比,我都只选择你不用质疑
Wealth, reputation, social status, how much she loves you, none of these of yours could compare with me! 钱财,名声,社会地位,她爱你多少,你没有一样是比得过我的!
but how does it compare with that of his predecessors? 但是与其前任相比呢?
Compare this to Sweden, where they decided it would be easier to drive at the right side of the road, like the rest of Europe. 将这跟瑞典做个比较,当地人觉得在路右侧驾驶要更方便些,就像欧洲的其余国家一样。
When you get another metric to compare the numbers to, you can be shocked by how much they are off. 最终你要是用另外一种方法去比较这些经济数据,你也许会吃惊那些统计机构到底漏掉了多少。
Do not face big arrogant, wearing glasses is not pretty good eyes, your eyes and compare a large, good condition. 不要为脸大自大,戴眼镜好不美观在于眼睛,你的眼睛比拟大,是好条件。
To understand how futures work, let's compare a futures trade with a cash trade - buying or selling a quantity of a commodity outright. 为了了解期货的原理,我们拿期货和现金交易对比——买卖一些商品。
You can either compare the value of an input control to another input control, or to a constant value. 既可以将输入控件的值与另一个输入控件的值进行比较,也可以将其与常数值进行比较。
'But I don't think that's fair on him. It is only more pressure because everybody is going to compare him to Mourinho. 他说,“但是我认为这对博阿斯并不公平,因为每个人都把他和穆里尼奥比较,这只会给他施加了额外的压力。”
In the simplicity realm, it's also interesting, so if you compare complexities to simplicity, it's also catching up in a way, too. 在简洁的层面,也很有趣,所以如果你把复杂和简洁做比较,他们也是越来越接近。
One way to see this is to compare the energy of a nuclear blast to that of the rotational motion of the Earth. 有一种方法可以说清楚这个问题:即把核爆炸的能量与地球转动的能量作一次比较。