out of date

  • adj.过时的;缺乏新信息的;陈腐的;失效的
  • 网络过期;过期的;过时了

out of dateout of date

out of date

1.过时的;缺乏新信息的;陈腐的old-fashioned or without the most recent information and therefore no longer useful

2.失效的;过期的no longer valid


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in the dark 在黑暗中;秘密地 out of date 过时的,陈旧的 to date 到此为止 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... out of danger 脱离危险 371. out of date 过期 372. to date 到目前为止 373. ...


英语三级历年考试真题汇总_百度文库 ... out of danger 脱离危险 out of date 过期(时)的 1、 up to date 时新的 ...


09年中考英语词法复习题_免费试卷_当知网 ... out of trouble (摆脱困境), out of date (过时了), out of order (出故障) ...


过期 订单是什么意思_过期... ... 7. prolonged pregnancy 过期妊娠 8. out of date 已过期 9. An overdue bill. 过期的帐单 ...


Voa English Learning - 1396 prescription;... ... Out of date。 Out of date, 意思是过时的。 " ...


Unit... ... I can’t afford three weeks away from work. 我无暇离开工作三周。 out of date 过时的,旧式的 to date 到今天为止 ...

You may have an old website, it does its job, it tells people about your company, but it's slow and the content, it's a bit out of date. 您可能有一个旧的网站,它的工作,它告诉你公司的人,但它的缓慢和内容,这有点过时了。
With all the smart phones on the market, conventional cell phones seem to be out of date. 跟智能手机相比,普通手机好象有些过时了。好的,今天我们学习的词是
You have to be able to read to use a computer and, better you read, the better your computer skills will be. reading is never out of date! 这并不正确。即使是用电脑,你也还是需要阅读,并且电脑技术夜会与阅读能力呈正相关。阅读绝不会落伍。
To this notion, I give a heartfelt disagreement for the general education, a broad range of knowledge will never be out of date. 对于这种观念,我完全同意适用于通识教育,即广泛的知识永远不过时。
You prate of sentences having subjects, but all that sort of talk is out of date. 你大谈句子必须有主语,这种分类早就过时了。
Besides, some textbooks are so out of date that they think it a waste of time attending classes. 此外,一些教科书太过时了,他们认为上课纯属于浪费时间。
Are many of the books donated already out-of-date, given how often text books seem to come out with new editions? 所有的书都是过期的吗?那么多久才会出新版本?
His ideas are really out of date, and he sounds sort of silly to me. 他的想法太过时了,而且他看上去有点傻似的。
But weaker banks have been the most reluctant to come clean: public data on their holdings are a year out of date. 不过实力较弱的银行最反感这种全盘曝光的方式:他们持有债券的公开信息还是一年前的过时信息。
"We only have out-of-date books that do not fulfill students' expectations, " he said. 雷耶斯说:“馆内只有一些过时的书,根本没办法满足学生的需求”。
Superstar: A Mobile China Town is MAD's response to the redundant and increasingly out-of-date nature of the contemporary Chinatown. “超级明星---未来中国城”是MAD对这种过时并过剩的中国城所做出的回应。
It becomes out-of-date the moment it is completed, and will continue to change with time, as you approach the release of your portal. 当它完成时就变得过时了,而在临近发布门户时,它将继续改变。
In a world in which China and India will each have a population three times that of the EU, anything else is completely out of date. 在一个中国和印度人口都是欧盟三倍的世界里,任何其它战略都已经过时。
Now people think abroad, and in fact they do not know: for Maybelline is not the foreign (or out-of-date ) China used to sell things! 现在的人都觉得国外的好,其实他们不知:如美宝莲来说就是国外不用的(或过时的)东西拿来中国卖!
Private roadmap: The published roadmap is a year out of date. You have to contact Google to see the private one. 私有路线图:Google发布的路线图已经过期一年了,开发者必须联系Google才能看到私有路线图。
Missions like this are so important because scientific data is so quickly rendered out of date and inaccurate. 这种使命是非常重要,因为科学资料很快便成为过时及欠准确的。
Leila overlaid the sky with information, most of it by necessity millennia out of date. 莱拉调出了星空图,其中很多信息已经上千年没更新了。
But our justice is gave by "the person who decide to turn the train into the out of date track" . 可是,我们的正义感不正是多年来“决定将火车转到废弃道轨上的人”灌输给我们的吗?
Our friend was now dressed in a nice old suit and a wide out-of-date tie. The thin hair had been carefully combed. 如今我们的这位朋友穿了一套做工精细的旧西装,还打了早已过时的领带,稀疏的头发却梳理得一丝不苟。
The updater can automatically check all your apps in PortableApps. com Format and let you know which are out of date. 更新程序可以自动检查PortableApps.com格式的所有应用,并且告诉你哪些过期了。
At this point, all views that may contain the modified document(s) have been flagged as out-of-date. 至此,所有可能包含已修改文档的视图都已经被标为out-of-date(过期)。
Hull said the United States during the Cold War established a powerful propaganda machine is now a bit out of date. 赫尔说,美国在冷战期间建立起来的强大宣传机器现在已经有点过时了。
' The researchers were unable to determine whether the drugs on sale were 'genuine, inactive, out of date or adulterated, ' they wrote. 研究人员写道:他们无法确定销售的药品是真的、还是无效的、过期的、或是以次充好的。
He appeared to be returning home from a walk, for his buckle shoes, which followed a fashion long since out of date, were covered with dust. 他似乎是散步走回家,因为他的旧式的扣鞋上盖满了灰尘。
Anything written about electronics will probably be at least partially out of date by the time it appears in print. 任何有关电子学的东西等到印成书出版时,很可能至少部分东西已过时了。
I guess I was ashamed or embarrassed that this book so many said was great seemed irrelevant and out of date to me. 这本在大众眼中很伟大的书对我来说却毫无意义、甚至很保守,我想我大概对此感到羞耻或尴尬。
That press release you meant to send in is now a year out of date. 递送的报纸已经过期一年了。
This password reset disk is out of date . The matching user account is no longer present on this computer . 密码重设盘过期。匹配的用户帐户不再存在于此计算机上。
If the debugger uses out-of-date source files, you see a message telling you that the source does not match. 如果调试器使用过期的源文件,您会看到消息,告诉您这个源不匹配。
But like the traditional samurai hairstyle (shaved pate and topknot), such attitudes are looking increasingly out of date. 但是就像传统武士的发型(脑袋四周剃得精光,只有头顶留着顶髻)一般,这种看法看起来越来越过时了。