obliged to

  • 网络不得不;感激

obliged toobliged to

obliged to


货运险中英文对照表-会员专区-中国风险管理网 ... Objection 反对 Obliged to 不得不(做) Obtain 得到 ...


obliged... ... be obliged to do sth. 不得不(做某事), 必须(做某事) obliged to 不得不(做);感激 be obliged to sb. 感谢(某人) ...

Politicians facing corruption allegations have been obliged to stand down, and the wheels of justice have been allowed to turn. 面临贪污腐败指控的政客已经辞职下台,正义的车轮重新扭转乾坤。
No matter how much you give, like ten, five, or even just one yuan, my friend and his family will feel greatly obliged to you! 不管你捐多少,十块,五块,甚至一块,我想我的朋友和他的家人都会很感谢大家!
I wish he had not been obliged to tell you what he was trying for. 他要是还没对你说他有什么追求就好了。
He was obliged to make a mental effort to recall the fact that all that surrounded him was real. 他得使劲集中精力才能回忆起环绕着他的事物都是真实不虚的。
And I'll be very obliged to your Honours if you'll soon let me go and join in. 要是你们能马上让我走,跟大家一道回去,我将十分感激各位大人。
but it was all useless, she was obliged to do as the wicked witch told her. 但是这些都没有用,她被迫去做邪恶的巫婆让她做的事情。
Since he had taken a room in the same hotel with me I was obliged to see them frequently, whether I wanted to or not. 由于菲尔莫在我住的旅馆里租了一个房间,我不得不经常见到他们,不管是不是想见。
"Knowing that he was vulnerable, " he said, the MoD would have been obliged to make decisions that took into account his condition. 他说,“国防部既然知道他易受伤害”,就有责任考虑过他的状况后作出决定。
Either I would make it on the next try or we would be obliged to continue up the route and forfeit the "all free" effort. 我只能再试一次或是被迫跳过这个路线继续往上放弃“allfree”的成就。
It seems he has no ability to raise himself, but he never thinks he is obliged to do so. 他似乎没有能力养活自己的能力,但他也从来不认为自己有责任这么做。
AIB said it had been legally obliged to pay the bonuses, but that Lenihan has said he will now legislate on the issue. 爱尔兰联合银行表示,支付这笔红利是法律义务,但是勒尼汉表示将对这次事件进行调查。
The United States is now obliged to negotiate with Brazil on a deadline for implementing changes to its cotton subsidy regime. 美国现在必须就改变棉花补贴政策的最后期限与巴西进行协商。
Perhaps, too, if he had been obliged to be away from home so much , he might have saved the lives of his mother and daughter. 他也总是会觉得如果自己没有离开家那么久,或许他还可以挽留住母亲和女儿的生命。
When Pisanio had provided her with her new apparel, he left her to uncertain fortune, being obliged to return to court. 毕萨尼奥不得不回到宫里去,所以他给她置办好新装以后,就让她一个人去碰运气了。
"It keeps him in good humour, " said she, "and I am more obliged to you than I can express. " 她说:“这样可以叫他精神痛快些,我对你真是说不尽的感激。”
We become stuck, like stowaways on a runaway train, obliged to go where a problem seems to be taking us. 我们被困住,就像偷渡者在逃跑的火车上,必须去往问题将发生的地方。
Jane was therefore obliged to go on horseback, and her mother attended her to the door with many cheerful prognostics of a bad day. 于是吉英只得骑着另外一匹马去,母亲送她到门口,高高兴兴地说了许多预祝天气会变坏的话。
The defence report would have been obliged to reiterate Japan's inconvenient claim to this inconvenient bit of real estate. 防卫报告中不得不重申日本对这一麻烦的不动产的麻烦主张。
"We do not discriminate but we were obliged to check this out. The issue is now in the hands of the judicial authorities, " he told AFP. 他告诉AFP:“我们不是歧视,我们被禁止就此事做出决定。现在交给了法律权威来决定这件事情。”
He used the longest words and, getting entangled in his own verbosity, was obliged to leave his sentence unfinished. 他使用最冗长的词句,罗罗嗦嗦地纠缠不清,动不动就丢下一个没完成的句子。
We shall be obliged to call in a collection agency to collect this sum unless you settle your account immediately. 除非你们立即结清账款,我们将不得不委托催收账款公司追回这笔欠款。
We are obliged to ask you to make up for the heavy loss we have suffered by the damage of the goods. 因货品破损,我方蒙受了很大的经济损失,不得不请贵方赔偿。
Children are obliged to work both for their own survival and for that of their families. 孩子们被迫为自己及其家庭的生存而劳作。
If you cannot deliver the goods on time, I shall be obliged to send you to court. 如果你不能按时交货,我就不得不将你告上法庭。
He kept his word, but the poor goldsmith was obliged to carry the two humps as long as he lived, and to cover his bald head with a cap. 他许下了诺言,但那个可怜的金匠不得不带着两个肿块度过余生,并不时用帽子遮住他那光光的脑袋。
Although a Chinese man is not good at buying gifts for his wife, he feels obliged to support her for the rest of her life. 虽然中国男人不善送礼物,却要承担女人一生的托付,爱情退居第二位。
AA Corporation shall not be obliged to pay an invoice of Seller if the invoice has no reference to the order number. 如果发票中没有订单号,AA公司则没有义务向卖方支付该发票的金额。
There's something seriously the matter with this car. The dealers are obliged to take it back. 这部车有严重的毛病,售货人不得不同意将它收回。
I should be very much obliged to you if you could grant me a visiting scholar position and provide me with financial support. 如果您能给予我访问学者的工作并提供经济资助,我将不胜感激。
However, when A decided that he wanted to resume play, there was no longer an agreement and B was obliged to resume play. 不过,当A决定他想重新开始比赛时,就不再有协定了,B不得不重新开始比赛。