on the one hand

  • na.一方面
  • 网络在一方面;一方面…在另一方面;这一方面

on the one handon the one hand

on the one hand


新目标英语八年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... adult 成年人 on the one hand (在)一方面 organized 有组织的 ...


初中八年级英语短语大全_百度知道 ... 27.度假 take a holiday 28.在一方面 on the one hand 29.在另一方面 on the other hand ...


... ) pay for 付。。。帐 ) on the one hand;on the other hand (在)一方面…在另一方面 ) fall in love with 爱上(某人和某物 ...


这一方面(On the one hand)是姚明(Yao Ming)与火箭的完全磨合,包含他的退场年光不多,获得队友的增援也不多,拥有理想 …


...济学家。」因为经济学家不管对任何的政策,经常就是「一方面说来on the one hand)」和「另一方面说来(on the other …


大学英语四级作文五大类... ... In addition/Besides, 原因三/因素三/影响三.⑧ For one thing/On the one hand, 理由一/影响一.⑾ ...


on the one hand ... hand“less 英汉航海大词典 on the one hand 一方面,另方面 adv. 在一方面 ...

It seems to me that she was a typical "three" : a colleague, a husband, on the one hand I am. 在我看来,她是典型的“三面派”:对同事一面,对老公一面,对我又是一面。
The purpose of my visit to this city is to talk business on the one hand and to see my old friend on the other. 我到这座城市一方面是洽谈业务,另一方面是看望老朋友。
On the one hand the great conceptual difference between China and the EU results in the long term existence of arguments between them. 一方面,巨大的观念差异使双方一些分歧长期存在,并在一定程度上制约双方关系的进一步深化。
On the one hand his position is analogous to that of a minority shareholder or silent partner in a private business. 一方面,他的立场类似于一个私有企业的少数股东或者沉默合伙人。
On the one hand, there is no denying that Internet is currently one of the most efficient media used for interpersonal communication. 一方面,互联网作为一种媒介在人与人沟通方面的高效率已经无可争议。
On the one hand, the owners are easy to operate as a professional line-up change remnant, to attract more customers and bigger and stronger. 一方面,业主很容易作为一个专业的阵容变化的残余,以吸引更多客户,做大做强。
On the one hand, for her unstable knowledge structure, she had been a specific type of western arts and culture import. 一方面,她因并不坚固的知识结构在西方文化环境中,被重塑成为了西方艺术输入中国的一个特有类型;
On the one hand, the author goes out of his way to have Roman governor after Roman governor say that Jesus is innocent. 一方面,作者让罗马统治者一个接一个地,承认耶稣是无辜的。
On the one hand, if the body doesn't have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive. 从一方面讲,如果身体没有足够的胆固醇,我们不可能生存。
On the one hand, he wanted to have the race, on the other, he did not want to turn the lady away. 一方面,他希望进行这场竞赛,另一方面,他又不想拒绝这位小姐。
On the one hand, there is a great deal of polling data, which is at least suggestive of general trends. 一方面,因为量大,民调多少可以显现出整体趋势。
On the one hand the political impasse does not seem to be doing the country any harm. 一方面,政治上的僵局似乎未对国家造成损害。
Just follow the media. On the one hand in technology and sexuality everything seems to be possible. 关注一下媒体,一方面,在科技和性别问题上什麽都看似有可能。
and a lot of people are watching it right now. . . probably has to be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you think it's kinda funny. . . 而且现在有很多人在看…可能这是一把双刃剑。一方面,你认为这有点滑稽…
On the one hand, it is referred to as the scapegoat for the international crisis, which obstructs other countries' exports and employment. 一方面,它被指摘为他国经济危机的“替罪羊”:阻碍了他国出口,影响了他国就业;
On the one hand, there are those who are prepared to take advantage of every chance that is offered them in life. 在一方面,有那些准备的人利用被在生活方面提供他们的每个机会。
On the one hand, Japan's economy is now out of its long funk, and both stock- and property markets are steadily reviving. (虽然)一方面,日本的经济现已走出长期的低迷状态,并且其股票和资本市场都在稳定复苏。
Therefore, plays the computer not to be able to fall, after on the one hand which falls to does not have the advantage. 所以,玩电脑不能陷进去,陷进去后对哪一方面都没有好处。
On the one hand, from the point of view, the implementation of accounting standards to ensure true and reliable accounting information. 一方面,从政府角度看,执行会计准则,确保会计信息真实可靠。
On the one hand, he said, "The functionary can make no mistake, the magistrate is never the wrong. " 一方面他常说:“公务人员不会错,官员永远不会有过失。”
On the one hand, any species of wildlife, as a critical connection of the ecological chain, helps to set up the ecological balance. 一方面,任何种类的野生动物,作为一个重要方面的生态链,帮助成立了生态平衡。
On the one hand, MPT would not work fairly as it was biased towards its affiliation to CT while executing regulation. 一方面,邮电部将不公平合理,这是偏袒其所属的CT,而对执行条例。
On the one hand, there may be a desire to recoup room for monetary policy in case the economy disappoints and again requires stimulus. 一方面,联储局可能希望调高利率,以便一旦经济表现令人失望,有空间可以运用货币政策刺激经济。
"On the one hand, in the China market everything seems to be cheap, " Mr So says. “一方面,在中国市场上,所有东西似乎都很便宜,”苏耀明说道。
On the one hand fitting perfectly into the architecture of the building, and on the other with a referential twist on Dutch history. 我的作品一方面与建筑物完美结合,一方面又和荷兰历史息息有关。
domestic market on the one hand, and I hope to be able to search for business growth. 一方面瞄准国内的市场,希望能够寻找业务的增长点。
On the one hand, Mary wanted to stay with her family, on the other hand, She had to leave home and help those soldiers in the hospital. 一方面,玛丽想留下来和家人在一起,另一方面她不得不离开家去帮助医院里的那些士兵。
Stock is in at the heart of stone shang shang, on the one hand, the capital overstock, make capital flow. 库存是压在终商商心上的一块石头,一方面是资金的积压,使流动资金减少。
On the one hand, we tend to agree that people should be able to access whatever information they'd like in a free society. 一方面,我们似乎都认同在一个自由的社会里公民可以获取他们想要的任何信息。
On the one hand, Jung is still attached to his Freudian roots. He emphasizes the unconscious even more than Freudians do. 一方面,即使他分析潜意识已经超过Freud派所做的,Jung依旧归属于Freud派的根。