


It is unfortunate that I did not make contact with you sooner as I would have come to your factory off the aeroplane on the 31st May. 不好意思,我没有及时和你联系。我想在五月三十一日从机场出来后,到你的工厂去。
On March 31st Mr Obama prepared to unveil a plan, anathema to greens, to open millions of acres of coastal waters to offshore oil drilling. 3月31日,奥巴马准备提出一项令环保人士厌恶的计划,开放数百万英亩的近海,允许海底石油开采。
Inside was an exhibition of the most up-to-date inventions of the 31st century. 在太空里有第31世纪最新发明展完全倒装
I've had the idea for quite a bit, but I didn't start actually doing it till October 31st of this year. 我曾经非常想做,但直到今年10月31号时才开始实现它。
Whoever finishes second in the preliminary results, due to be released on March 31st, is allowed to challenge them. 然而,在3月31日预定发表初步结果后,不管是谁落后都可以申诉选举结果。
President Barack Obama will set out his new policy in a speech from the Oval Office on Monday August 31st. 8月31日,周一,巴拉克•奥巴马总统将在椭圆形办公室发表的演讲中阐述他的新政策。
The accolades bestowed upon Alan Greenspan ahead of his retirement on January 31st have a strong scent of irrational exuberance. 在艾伦·格林斯班退休前,于1月31日,被授予了多项荣誉称号,这似乎带着一股强烈的不理智的热情。
Fine. But I'd prefer the first shipment to be 1000 units, the next 2000. The 31st is quite soon ---- I can't guarantee 1500. 好。不过我希望第一批货运1000件,下一批2000件。31号就快到了,我不能保证能做1500件。
Figures out on January 31st left little doubt that the economy was revving up. 从1月31日的数据来看,美国经济正在加速运转,这一点毫无疑问。
A preliminary settlement between the two was agreed on July 31st, although its details have yet to be made public. 6月31号,两者之间已经达成初步的协议,虽然具体细节问题还没有公布于众。
On May 31st the United States said agreement had been reached to restart migration talks, which were broken off by George Bush in 2004. 5月31日说,美国说已经达成协议以重启移民会谈,这在2004年被乔治·布什中断。
On October 31st, children dressed in costumes knock on their neighbors' doors and yell "Trick or Treat" when the door opens. 每年的10月31日是西方的万圣节前夕。这一天,孩子们乔装打扮后,兴高采烈地喊着“TrickorTreat”敲开邻居们的家。
A woman prays in Brussels during the 31st annual Taize ecumenical community celebration. 在布鲁塞尔举行的31次年度泰泽基督教社会庆祝活动上,一个女。
In her victory speech on October 31st Ms Rousseff promised to cut taxes, rein in public spending and control inflation. 罗塞夫在10月31日的胜利演说中承诺削减税收、减少公共开支并控制通货膨胀。
The bank delivered more bad news on October 31st, announcing a 21% drop in third-quarter profits. 在10月31日,这家银行报出更多坏消息,宣布第三季度的利率降幅达21%。
None of the subsidiaries had any loan capital in issue at any time during the year ended 31st December 2003. 各附属公司于截至二零零三年十二月三十一日止年度内的任何时间并无任何已发行借贷资本。
On January 31st Mr Rudd prepared the ideological ground for this shift with a much-discussed article in the Monthly, a magazine. 1月31日,陆克文在《月刊》杂志上发表了一片备受争议的文章,为推行这一刺激方案作了思想铺垫。
The First International Yacht and Aquatic Kits Exposition is to be held at Jiuzhou Port over the period from March 28th to 31st. 首届中国国际游艇及水上用品博览会,将于28日-31日在九州港码头举行。
As of 31st December there has been a total of 3 laboratory-confirmed cases of Ebola haemorrhagic fever. 截至12月31日,共有3例经实验室确诊的埃博拉出血热病例。
Andromeda is frequently referred to as M31 since it is the 31st object on Messier 's list of diffuse sky objects. 仙女座经常被称为M31,自从它被梅西耶列为第31个弥漫天空物体。
Let me run through this again: the first shipment for 1500 units, to be delivered in 27 days, by the 31st. 我把约定再说一遍,第一批货1500件,要在27日内,也就是31号前运到。
Ahead of his retirement on January 31st, he has been widely and extravagantly acclaimed by economic commentators, politicians and investors. 在1月31日卸任前夕,格林斯潘得到了经济学家、政界要人和投资者的交口称赞。
Then, on January 31st, a petrol tanker overturned on a road near Molo in the Rift Valley, spilling thousands of litres of fuel. 接着,在2009年1月31日,一辆汽油油罐车在东非大裂谷的Molo区的一条路上翻倒,成千上万升的燃油被泄露出来。
Axtel, based in the northern city of Monterrey, had almost 1m lines on March 31st, up 18% from a year earlier. 起家于墨西哥北部城市Monterrey的Axtel截止到3月31日时,已经拥有1百万条线路,比上一年增长了18%。
The transfer window remains open, though, and a deal could be pushed through before the 31st August deadline. 转会窗口尚未关闭,在31号截止日期之前,转会协议或许可以达成。
In a speech on March 31st, Mr King said that banks would in future have to hold more capital and liquid assets. 在3月31日的一次讲话中,MrKing说,银行日后将不得不持有更多的资本和流动资产。
So let me say this as plainly as I can: By August 31st, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end. 让我尽可能清楚地说明这一点:截止到2010年8月31日,我们在伊拉克的战斗使命将结束。
Its franchise expired on December 31st. It has been given twotemporary extensions, while the politicians continue to hammer out a deal. 协会的特许经营权已于12月31日到期,并两次临时延期,而政治家们仍在继续斟酌中。
Furthermore, an additional 35% of the historians rated the Bush presidency in the bottom 25%, ranking between 31st and 41st. 此外,另外还有35%的历史学家把布什列在靠后的25%内,排位在第31位到41位之间。
This Permit of the Pond Fish Wholesale Market will only be valid for a maximum of three years operation period (until 31st March 2003). 本供营办塘鱼批发市场的许可证有效期最长为三年(直至2003年3月31日止)。