3 days

3 days3 days

3 days

Although we disdain to the use of such a state crown with a version of the name, and YY, then it is 3. 0 days what kind. 尽管我们不屑于把这种状态冠上一个带有版本的名字,并YY,那3.0的日子该是什么样。
Liu Qiang, who was trying to go back home to Henan province, said he had been stranded for three days. 刘强(音译)正在试图回到河南老家。他表示,自己已经困在这里3天了。
If you feel the nail to lose its luster, then, within a week must be at least 2-3 days, do not nail polish. 如果您感到指甲失去了光泽,那么,一周之内至少必须有2-3天不要涂指甲油。
For three days and nights they watched by her bed waiting for her to come round. 他们在她床边守了3天3夜,等待她苏醒过来。
It has appreciated 3. 4% since, including a bit of an upward bounce in the past few days. 此后,人民币兑美元累计升值了3.4%,这一幅度包括人民币在过去几天的些许升值。
The electric company says there are so many houses out of power at this point it could take up to three or four days to get out power back. 电力公司说这个时候,有非常多的家庭停电了,恢复电力可能要耗费3,4天的时间。
I break 3 million a day less money, and I started working, I have to work very hard to break it a few days to complete the task. 我休息一天少赚3百,而且我开始上班后,我必须非常努力才能把休息那几天的任务完成。
The whole country was armed in a few days. 2, Mr. Billings cannot be deterred from his plan. 3, The decision was not taken lightly. 几天以内全国武装起来了。2,不能阻止比林斯先生实行他的计划。3,决定不是轻易做出的。
Sufficient time: -Be able to start working from the beginning of July, and could last at least 6 months, at least 3 days a week. 时间要求:-实习期至少持续六个月,能够保证每周3天的出勤。
Three days earlier, his roommate had secretly used a webcam to broadcast live images of him in a sexual encounter with another man. 3天前,他的室友使用一个隐蔽摄像头,散布他和另一位男子性接触时的视频。
He said he could com back in three days. 他说他3天后可以回来。
Ai Fusha good anti-wrinkle composition, the general effect of 3 days to see a month down the enemy to protect you happy to do the bride. 艾弗莎抗皱组合不错,一般3天能看出效果,一个月下去保你的冤家快快乐乐做新娘。
The likely persistence of any of these conditions for more than 3 to 7 days is commonly accepted as an indication for parenteral nutrition. 当任何这些疾病有可能持续3~7天以上时,通常可被视为肠外营养的适应证。
One robot can clean up to 3, 000 gallons of water per minute, scrubbing the affected area in just a few days. 一位机器人每分钟能清洁3000加仑(约合11吨)水。只要几天时间,它就可以让污染区域焕然一新。
Visits vendors for process and final delivery inspection. Up to 3 days in the "field" traveling a week. 适应出差的要求,每周不超过3天到工厂检查生产情况。
He said he hadn't eaten anything in over 3 days and looked extremely skinny and unhealthy. 他说自己3天多没吃过东西了。他看起来瘦骨嶙峋,羸弱不堪。
(3)Terri: Derrick, don't you think you should take a vacation? Even one or two days would be fine. 戴里克,你不觉得应该去休个假吗?一两天也行啊。
Even though Jesus told them that he would rise from the dead 3 days later, but this part did not seem to have registered in them. 即便耶稣多次告诉他们死后三天他会复活﹐这些预言好像并没有被众门徒所领会。
Earth will be basking, North to South, in the light of the Sun before this falling to its side rolls into the 3 days of darkness. 地球将会从北到南,沐浴在阳光下,舒适暖和,然后就会一侧滚动,进入3天黑暗。
But by Wednesday, after three enforced days in the office, he was claiming to have had his most productive week in years. 但到了周三,被迫在办公室呆了3天的他声称,这一周是多年来最富成果的一周。
That book was "The Old Man and the Sea, " and the issue of LIFE where it was first printed went on to sell 5. 3 million copies in two days. 这本书就是《老人与海》,而刊登了《老人与海》的那期《生活》杂志则在2天内狂销了530万本。
The length of the internship is at least two months, 3 days per week, after which, if successful, a paid position will be offered. 实习时间至少2个月,一周至少3天。双方合作愉快的话,会有正式的带薪的职位可能。
We were out of the office for vocation of May Day for the past 3 days and were thus not able to reply to you in time. 刚刚是五一国际劳动节,我们公司放假3天,所以没有及时回复你们的邮件。
TRYING to flog sovereign debt three days after the fall of a neighbouring president appears audacious. 在领国总理倒台3天后尝试售出主权债务,这看起来很大胆。
Users will be able to see up to a week of previous days stories when clicking a button "Yesterday" "2 Days Ago" "3 Days Ago" , etc. 用户将能够看到最多的故事前几天周时,点击一个按钮,“昨天”,“2天前”,“3天前”等。
In a cheering, this little dog with adequate food, water hit the road. 3 days later, came the sudden death of a dog Hing Tung did not. 在一片欢呼声中,这只小狗带足了食物,水,上路了。3天后,突然传来了小狗不兴东死亡的消息。
This move comes just a few days before parliamentary elections on March 7, prompting some to allege that the rehiring step is political. 这个复职措施是在伊拉克将于3月7日举行议会选举之前几天宣布的,一些人称军官复职是政治之举。
Now I started seeing this fluff cloud, barely on March 18, but I had to wait a few days more to be sure. 现在我开始留意到这绒毛状的云隐约在3月18日的图片上,然而我不得不再等几天以更确定。
"I don't think there has ever been a player in history that can do what he manages to do every three days, " he said. 我认为在历史上没有一名球员可以做到他每3天都试图做到的事。
The incubation period may last for a few days to several years, but it is usually 3 to 8 weeks. 潜伏期通常是3至8个星期,也可能是几天至一年。