3 months

3 months3 months

3 months

My next case, three months later, was to make a bust of a girl whose charred skeleton had been found in Pennsylvania after a fire at a farm. 3个月后,我接到了下一个案子,为一个女孩制作胸像。有人在宾夕法尼亚州的一场农场大火之后发现了她已经被烧焦的骨架。
Mr. Zardari promised to return to China every three months and said the relationship would focus on business. 扎尔达里承诺将每隔3个月访问一次中国,并且说两国关系将重点放在商业往来上。
I did not expect him to come here for training of 3 months to see the result is not his fight, a dozen were on the back. 想不到我送他来这里受训了3个月,看到的结果是他这样不经打,被人一打就倒。
Had the aid package been announced three months ago, it would have been a positive surprise. 假如援助计划在3个月前宣布,对市场来说将是一个惊喜。
All the patients were followed up for 36 to 51 months, and there was one case of recurrence. 全部随访36~51个月,1例术后3个月复发,腹腔镜下切除;其余病例未见复发。
However the figures over the last three months suggest that the surplus in the second half of the year is likely to be much larger. 但过去3个月的数据显示,今年下半年中国贸易顺差将大幅增长。
Sufficient time: -Be able to start working from the beginning of July, and could last at least 6 months, at least 3 days a week. 时间要求:-实习期至少持续六个月,能够保证每周3天的出勤。
Applicant has to indicate liquid assets of at least equivalent to RM500, 000 for the last 3 months up to the time of application. 在过去3个月内直至申请日期,申请人必须证明其拥有流动资产至少相当于50万令吉以上。
If elected, the priests will ignore their pastoral duties since they have to attend assembly sessions that last 2-3 months a year, she said. 她表示,神父如果当选,就不能顾及牧灵职务,因为每年要出席长达两、三个月的会议。
If it needs to be extended due to special circumstances, it may be extended for 3 months upon approval of the president of the court. 有特殊情况需要延长的,经院长批准,可以延长三个月。
But they also orbit their stars rapidly, typically taking two or three months, rather than a year, to do so. 但它们也围绕恒星快速旋转,这通常只要花上2到3个月而不是一年的时间。
I want to tell her carefully that it is not a little artificial blind date as she has been seeing him for at least 3 months. 我想谨慎地提醒她,她已经和对方交往3个月了,(他们之间的关系)已经不在局限在一个人为的相亲了。
"Here, " said the doctor, "follow this diet, and I want to see three-fourths of you back here for a check-up in three months. " “听着,”大夫说,“遵守这个食谱,我希望3个月后再来这儿体检时能见到四分之三的你。”
In the U. S. , the monthly decline in vehicle sales accelerated for the last three months, falling 41% in February from a year earlier. 过去3个月中,美国汽车月销量的下滑速度加快,2月份较上年同期减少了41%。
After been used for 3 - 4 months, the crucible had serious crack at the joint of the bottom and side closing to the outer flame. 镁合金热室压铸机所用坩埚在使用3~4个月后在靠近外焰的底部和侧面结合处发生严重的变形开裂,对开裂原因进行了分析。
U. S. users will start to see the change three months later and users around the world will see the full effect within two years. 美国国内的用户在3个月之后,将会发现此次合作带来的影响。美国以外的用户也将在两年之内感受到。
In the space of months, the price of such rights on an acre has shot up to $30, 000 from a few hundred dollars and is still climbing. 仅仅几个月间,每英亩土地的开采权已经从区区几百元飙升至3万元,而且仍在上升中。
At least 23 EU countries will now endeavour to hammer out a new separate stability pact with teeth over the next three months. 起码有23个欧盟成员国需要咬紧牙关,忍受此后3个月新的独立稳定合同。
In an attempt to improve graduates' work skills, it wants employers to offer internships of up to three months to this year's graduates. 为了提高毕业生的工作技能,该项议案希望雇主向今年毕业的大学生提供多至3个月的实习机会。
Also, leather jackets are such a hot trend. It would be a shame to have to put them in the closet for 3 months! 也许皮夹克穿起来会有点热,但要把它们放在壁厨里长达三个月可太可惜了!
She said the company forecast revenue of between 32 billion Taiwan dollars and 35 billion Taiwan dollars in the three months to March 31. 她说,该公司预计在未来3个月营收在32亿台币到35亿台币之间,至3月31日。
After initiation of gabapentin therapy, the children appeared to be symptom-free for periods ranging from 3 months to 3 years. 在加巴喷丁治疗起作用后,孩子表现出3个月至3年无症状时期。
But short of that kind of surprise, I think the U. S. stock market is the best in the world for the next three to six months. 但如果没有这类的惊吓的话,我想美国股票市场在未来的3-6个月内应该是全球最好的。
New York (Reuters) - In just a few months, the market's perception of the U. S. dollar has turned 180 degrees. 路透纽约3月2日电---仅仅几个月,市场对美元的看法转了180度。
During my first 3 months of pregnancy, I did not take so much outdoor activities as usual, I had to be much more careful and avoid aborting. 在怀孕的前3个月里,我没有像往常那样频繁地进行户外活动,因为这段时间我要很小心,以免流产。
Within a week, 100mw green laser pointer, the pen sales more than 3 months the total cost of advertising. 在一个星期内,该钢笔销售总额超过了3个月的广告总成本。
The opposition has demanded the president's resignation and fresh elections to be held within the next three months. 反对党要求齐贝吉总统辞职,并且在3个月内重新举行选举。
In March, Beckham was ruled out for up to six months but the recovery appears to be taking longer than expected. 3月时贝克汉姆被认为需要最多6个月恢复,但恢复时间似乎比预期的要长。
You should wait to hear it back until he's ready to say it, which could be three more months or even a year. 你可以等着他说“我爱你”,直到他准备好了为止,这可能需要3个月,甚至一年。
Spam coming out of China has consistently dropped over the last several months as well, now resting at a mere three percent. 来自中国的垃圾邮件在过去的几个月中一直在下降,现在稳定在3%。