30 minutes

30 minutes30 minutes

30 minutes

For the previous 30 minutes he had caught glimpses of a policeman peering through the door window. Now he hoped to give him a chance to act. 这30分钟里,他几次瞥见一个警察在从门窗往里探看,现在,也该留个机会给他表现表现吧。
Get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, enough to raise your heart rate but not leave you short of breath, five times a week. 每周五次运动量适中的丶每次至少30分钟的锻炼。这些锻炼只要能够提高心率,不至于造成气短就够了。
Get as much exercise as possible -- at least 30 minutes four to six times a week. 多锻炼身体,每周锻炼四至六次,每次至少30分钟。
Honest to God, 30 minutes later, Mrs. Liu was on her feet, and soon we saw her walking arm in arm with her friends through the neighborhood. 真的,半小时后,刘女士就能站起来了,很快我们看到她在朋友搀扶之下在家附近慢慢走。
Only 30 minutes, 3 times per week, of moderate intensity cardiovascular workout is all that it takes. 只要30分钟,每周3次,中等强度的心血管锻炼就这么多。
For the next three days, mix the materials well with a wooden stick or spoon. Do this several times a day for about three minutes at a time. 接下来的三天,用木棍或木勺将材料充分混合,每天几次,每次大约30分钟。
I promise I will read English loudly and crazily for at least 30 minutes before going to bed every night. 我承诺,我会在每晚临睡前大声地、疯狂地朗读至少30分钟的英语。
At least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three days a week seems to reduce cognitive decline in older adults. 每星期有三天每天至少三十分钟的有氧运动能相对减轻老年人认知下降的程度。
She said that this was as healthy as going to the gym for 30 minutes daily and prolonged a man's life by five years. 她说这与30分钟健身房运动对健康有一样的作用,可以使男性寿命延长5年。
So the idea that you could put a tire patch down and close it and get out 30 minutes faster, that was the hell of the selling message. 所以你能放一个东西进脑部去,并且能够早30分钟结束手术,这才是卖点。
Even if it's just 30 minutes a day, you'll be surprised at how much progress you'll make in a short span. 即使一天仅看30分钟,你也会惊讶于自己在这么短时间里做出了这么大的进步。
Did you know? Basilisk lizards are excellent swimmers and are capable of remaining underwater for up to 30 minutes. 你知道吗?水上蜥蜴是优秀的游泳选手,一次可在水下呆上长达30分钟。
To get fit and stay fit, Blair recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least five days a week. 为了能够变得健康并保持健康,Blair建议一周中至少有五天要做30分钟适当的锻炼。
A circuit of her workout usually lasts only about 30 minutes, but it targets different parts of the body. 固然做一次塑身操只需要30分钟,但却可以锻炼身体的不同部位。
There was just one announcement over the megaphone, about 30 minutes before the ship tilted to its side. 船上只用扩音器通知了一次,约30分钟后船就向一边倾斜。
Respondents were also asked about the number of days over the last week that they exercised for at least 30 minutes continuously. 被调查者同样被问及上周的运动次数,这里的运动要求超过30分钟。
After talking for 30 minutes about trying to get together soon, he told me that he had mistaken me for someone else. 我心里一阵狂喜,在聊了大概30分钟后,他又说他好像把我跟其他人搞混了。
Then, as your time in bed becomes good sleep time, move your going-to-bed time back 15 to 30 minutes a night and do that for a week or so. 这样随着你在床上的睡眠变得优质起来,将你上床睡觉的时间提前15分钟到30分钟,这么做大约一周。
And yes, these little steps might not get you up to recommended exercise levels (around 30 minutes of moderate exercise, five times a week). 当然,这些小举措还达不到那些运动建议的水平(约30分钟的中度锻炼,每周五次)。
Where can buy laundry coin and how much? 28 KM, about 30 minutes. By taxi about RMB130. 28公里,坐车大约30分钟。出租车车费大约130元。
After about 30 minutes the ship is ready to steam into the wider waters of the canal. 大约30分钟后,船驶进了运河稍宽阔的水域。
Now there is not just a myriad of new property developments downtown, but they continue as you drive even 30 minutes outside the city. 现在不仅仅是市区的房地产市场一片繁荣,当你开车离开市区30分钟后,那里还在继续这房产建设。
The report said the two men and one woman were 'persuaded by police to leave about 30 minutes' after they started. 报导称,事情发生后大约半小时后,这两男一女被警方劝离。
So I have all day to make sure I spend at minimum a few hours with my family and get at least 30 minutes of exercise in. 因此我要确保我每天用最小的时间与家人相处,至少30分钟的锻炼。
Walk it out: The recommended minimum exercise is 3 times a week at 30 minutes a pop (depending on who you ask). 出去散散步:建议最少的运动量是每周三次,每次三十分钟(取决于你问谁)。
Prick the bottom of the pastry case all over with a fork. Return to the fridge for anther 30 minutes. 用叉子插几个小孔在塔皮上,然后放入冰箱在冷藏30分钟。
We got to talking and I learned more about his country and the continent of Africa in 30 minutes than I ever knew before then. 我们短短的三十分钟交谈让我了解了他的家乡和非洲的情况,比我以前知道的要多很多。
As long as you get to bed on time, waking up 30 minutes earlier should seem natural after just a few days. 只要你按时上床,早起30分钟应该在几天后就自然适应了。
Teachers are observed in the classroom five times a year for at least thirty minutes each time. 它每年会对教师课堂表现进行5次考察,每次不低于30分钟。
It had improved substantially, and I was able to get the tool up and running very quickly (in about 30 minutes). 它已经大大改进了,我能够非常快地安装和运行它了(只需大约30分钟)。