out of work

  • na.失业;(机器等)有毛病
  • 网络失业了;失业的;没有工作

out of workout of work

out of work


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at work (人)在工作;忙于 out of work 失业;(机器)有毛病 work at 从事于,致力于 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at work (人)在工作;忙于 out of work 失业;(机器)有毛病 work at 从事于,致力于 ...


中考英语作文题目集锦._百度知道 ... 订购某物 place an order for sth. 失业了 out of work 一副眼镜 a pair of glasses ...


英语词组。积累。急!!!_百度知道 ... out of touch 不联系, 不接触, 未发挥特长或才能 out of work 失业的 out from under 脱 …


求高二英语上册单词表_百度知道 ... industry n 工业;产业 out of work 没有工作;失业 throughout Prep 遍及;贯穿 ...


航海及海运专业英语词汇(O3) ... out of trim 失衡 out of work 不工作 out of 超出 ...


《英语大赢家》免费在线课程 | Topic 026 寻物... ... physician n. 医师 out of work 工作之外 comb 梳子 ...


无雨的加利福尼... ... It pours 我看下的是倾盆大雨 Out of work 我没有工作茫然失措 Out of self respect 我一贫如洗找不到自己 ...

Then, he plans to assist others just as he was aided - helping out-of-work refugees open their own shops and create their own jobs. 然后,他计划以协助他刚资助他人-帮助外的难民的工作,自己开的商店和创造他们自己的工作。
Either out of work or soon to be, they were all seeking a way to turn their fortunes around. 无论是已经或即将失业者,他们都在寻求脱离困境的途径。
In 1981, she was fired by a New York radio station for not having kept up with the times and was out of work for more than a year. 1981年,她被纽约无线电台解雇,因为她几次没能跟上时势,从而失业达一年以上。
Normally have been busy, busy dating, busy school, busy . . . never been out of work . . . a little leisure to think about this issue. 平常一直在忙,忙拍拖,忙学业,忙工作……从没有挤出一点闲暇去想这个问题。
He's out of work and dependent upon his wife's earnings. 他失去工作,所以要靠他妻子的收入。
She asked to be reinstated in her Koch job and paid for the time she was out of work. 她要求恢复她在科赫公司的工作并负担她失业期间的费用。
Before setting up the company Alexander had been out of work for two tears following redundancy. 在建立公司之前亚历山大是丧失二滴泪花的工作以下所说多余。
The sad thing is now that I'm out of work I have time on my hands to see friends and do things, but no one wants to see me. 可悲的事情是:既然我没有工作了,我就有空闲时间去看朋友,和干些其他事情,但是,没有人想见到我。
To live cooped up in a small flat with some one who was out of work, idle, and indifferent to her. 就这样被关鸽子笼一般的小房子里,和一个没有工作、无所事事而且对她漠不关心的人生活在一起?
When the thief heard this, he took off his clothes and was ready to set out of work. 那个小偷听到了这位老人说的话,就脱了他的衣服并准备开始行窃。
I recently lost my job again, and due to the huge pay cut, unlike like the last time I was out of work I cant even pay my rent. 最近我又失去了工作,也是因为薪资减少,但这次不像上次,上次我失业的时候连房租都付不齐。
I have been out of work for a year. I had an interview today and was asked why there was such a gap in my employment history! 我已经失业一年了。今天我有一场面试,面试时被问到为什么我的工作经验会有这么长一段空白。
I took two years out of work, and it was one of the best things I ever did. 我曾赋闲两年,那是我做过的最棒的事情之一。
When the company went bankrupt and shut down, 150 people were in the same boat-they were all out of work and had to find another job. 当公司破产关闭的时候,一百五十人都面临同样的困境--他们全部都失业了,不得不另寻出路。
And does this mean that it is now possible to be fired for behaving like an idiot out of work hours? 这是否意味着,如果在工作以外的时间表现得像个白痴,现在就有可能被解雇?
Go get your kids and a couple giant tu of popcorn and let me know how awesome it is. . . I don't get out of work until five. 带上你的孩子、抱上两大桶爆米花去看电影吧,然后告诉我电影有多壮观……我要到五点才下班呢。
But no one ever stopped to ask this question: If you throw everyone out of work, who's going to have the money to go out and buy a car? 也没人停下来提个问题:大家都失业了,谁还有钱买车呢?
He said sometimes his superiors didn't let him out of work when he had an appointment with his psychiatrist. 他称,有时他的上司不让他离开工作岗位去见心理医生。
'You know, mon p'tit, this hotel life is all very well, but it's the devil when you're out of work. 你知道,小子,这样在酒店干挺好,可是一旦失了业可就要了命。
It's particularly worrying that over half a million unemployed people have been out of work for at least a year. 特别令人担忧的是超过50万失业人口已失去工作至少一年。
I'm out of work and out of money and I've got to get something -- it doesn't matter what. 我没有工作,也没有钱,我必须找些事情做--不管什么事情都行!
President Sarkozy said some mothers would be able to receive a full pension even if they had taken years out of work to look after children. 总统萨科齐表示,对于那些由于需要照顾自己孩子而暂时离开工作的母亲可能获得全额养老金。
His mother has been out of work for half a year. 他的母亲失业已有半年。
I had been out of work (following a layoff) for about five months and this seemed like a great opportunity to move my career forward. 因为那时我下岗后已经有大约五个月没有上班了。这份工作看上去是一个很好的机会,能让我继续向前推进自己的职业生涯。
At the time of the speech, five million people were out of work, and a hundred thousand more were losing their jobs every week. 在发表演讲时,已经有5百万的人失业了,并且每周仍有成百上千的人在失去他们的工作。
The Dockyard closed in 1984, putting thousands out of work. But as a tourist and educational site there's been a revival. 该船坞于1984年关闭,把成千上万失去工作。但作为一个旅游和教育网站有被复苏。
She told me that she couldn't type fast and then she was out of work. 她告诉我,她不会打字快,然后她失去工作。
The in- creased output of shoes at lower cost by the new machine is forgotten; what is seen is a group of men and women thrown out of work. 新机器以更低的成本,提高鞋子的产量,这个事实没有人注意;人们看到的,只是一群男女劳工的生计因此没有着落。
With the number of people out of work hovering around the same level again, Red Dawn is being dusted off for a remake. 随着美国失业人数再度徘徊在同一水平,有人就把《赤色黎明》翻了出来重拍。
This contamination must be removed before distributing the data, thus we are about to run out of work units to send. 必须在分发数据前清除这些噪点,否则我们将没有任务可发放。