have to do

  • 网络不得不做某事;必须做某事;应该做什么事

have to dohave to do

have to do


牛津教材8B 词组大全 ... 22. some day 某一天 3. have to do sth. 不得不做某事 7. leave a book 遗留一本书 ...


初中英语复习笔记_百度知道 ... 90 communicate with sb 和某人交流 135 have to do sth 必须做某事 140 help a lot 很大用处 ...


《口语200句笔记... ... 1.When 从句: 2.have to do sth. 应该(不得不)做什么事,后面用动词原形 no matter who = whoever …


第四季406_老友记剧本学习_新浪博客 ... holder: 持有者;保持者 have to do: 不得不必须 stop doing: 停止做某事 ...


必须的英文翻译,必须用英语怎么说 -... ... 必须遵守 have to comply 必须做到 have to do ...


英语短语,帮帮忙_百度知道 ... take sb to school 把某人带到学校 have to do sth 不得不干某事 make sb do sth 让某人做某事 ...

You know, I wish I didn't have to do that, but I'm tired of all of our friends thinking that I'm just a buffoon! 好吧,我希望没必要那样做,但是现在朋友们的看法我已经表示厌烦了,在他们眼里我就是个小丑了!
All they have to do is to believe God's Word, just as they believe one another's word. 其实他们所需要作的,只是相信上帝的圣言,正如他们相信彼此的话一样。
My dear, you never expected to have to do so much research, to delve into the past to unravel the truth. 我的挚爱,你从未想过自己必须做这么多的研究工作,深入挖掘过去未被揭示的真相。
In retrospect it is not hard to see why the Kyoto agreement failed to have much impact. Future negotiators will have to do better. 回顾过去,不难发现为何《京都议定书》未能收到明显效果。今后谈判代表将不得不付出更大努力。
But the latest attack shows just how much more China's schools have to do. 但最近的袭击案件还是显示出中国学校要做的还有很多。
He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. 他说他收拾干净了课桌抽屉,把所有材料都带回了家,这样他自杀以后,他妈妈就不必再做这些事了。
Sometimes, they end up staying away from places or events where they think they might have to do something that will embarrass them. 有时候,他们甚至会离开某地或退出某个活动,只因为他们发现可能得做些尴尬的事情了。
To have success you have to do things the right way, but often the only way to do something right, is to first fail at it. 想要做成某些事,你一定要有正确的方法,但是想要找到这条正确的路,你首先的失败。
If you want to have calmness, or Buddha, you don't have to do many things. Just come to see the source of you own life. 现在,就请所有在座的人,向内观照自己的心,你们会明白这个心的特性。
Yes. All you have to do declare the value of the package and decide how much you want to insure it for. 是的。你要做的就是申报包裹的价值,决定你要为它买多少保险。
Mom would be happier if she doesn't have to do so much housework and I would be pleasant if she can accompany me all the time. 妈妈会很高兴不要做那么多的家务而我也会很开心妈妈可以一直陪着我。
The case comes back, they have to do it all over again and spend more money, " he said. " 然后案子被打回来从头审理,这样会花费更多的钱。
Remember, you don't have to DO anything right now, you just have to see the truth of your life with an unsparingly honest eye. 记着,你不必立刻进行任何”行动“,你只要用一个毫不留情的诚实目光看待你生活中真相。
The reality of a startup is that you usually have to do a bit of everything. 事实上,对于创业公司来说,你可是什么事都得做一些。
I got to cause you more pain, but I have to do it to help you. 你会很痛,不过我必须帮助你
Whether we like a particular piece of news or not, all we have to do is to sit in front of the tube and let it happen. 不管我们喜不喜欢一条消息,我们所能做的只是坐在电视机前,让它发生。
So will I now lurch out of neutral and start revving up my personal brand a bit? Perhaps. At least I know what I have to do. 那么现在我就要走出中立者的行列,开始加速个人品牌的建设吗?或许。至少我知道我必须做什么。
All projects have "To Do" lists, and everyone on your team can be assigned various tasks over the course of your project. 所有项目都具有“任务”列表,在项目进行过程中,团队中的每个成员都可能被指派各种任务。
One day you'll be confronted with the realization of how much you still have to get done and how little of time you have to do it. 终于有一天你会发现自己还有那么多事没有做,而剩下的时间却已经不多了。
All you have to do is bring the water to a boil; then add the spaghetti, but take it out in less than 8 minutes. 你所需要做的就是把水烧开,将意大利面条放进去,但要在八分钟内把它捞出来。
And I invited the prime minister to come to the White House in December, as we plan for all the important work that we have to do together. 我已邀请马利基总理在我们为双方必须共同开展的重要工作制定计划时于12月前来白宫访问。
We have to do a lot more than simply turn up , even the last doubter must be convinced of that by now. 我们必须大量的去做,而不是只是发现问题,甚至彻底的怀疑论者现在也一定会深信这一点。
What are the various jobs that the physical body and transformation form of an enlightened Master have to do? 明师的肉身与化身各有哪些不同的工作?
He who would like to have something he never had, will have to do something well, that he hasn't done yet. 一个人要想得到从未得到过的东西,他就必须要做好他从未做过的事情。
Zhejiang Satellite Television canceled a dating show. For a time, it looked as if all stations might have to do the same. 浙江卫视撤销了一档交友节目,一段时间内,所有的电视台看起来似乎都会步其后尘。
So just how much bond buying would the U. S. central bank have to do to get reticent consumers spending again? 美联储得购买多少公债,才能让消费者支出回暖呢?
When I can do something, and somebody wants me to do it, I have to do it. The great tragedy of life is not to be needed. 当我想做,和别人要我做事的时候,我必须去做,身命中的悲剧是可以避免的。
But this analogy, too, is flawed. You do not have to do much damage to a computer to stop it being able to run programs. 但是这种类比也是有缺陷的,你不必为了使电脑丧失运行程序的能力而对电脑进行破坏。
Nobody seems to be able to get a hold of the boss. In that case, we have to do without him and handle this emergency on our own. 似乎没有人能找得到老板;既然这样,我们也只好不管他,自行处理这件紧急事件了。
"What do we have to do with Syria? " he said. "The prime minister and his wife used to go there for tea and coffee. " “我们和叙利亚究竟有什么关系?”他说,“不过是我们的总理夫妇去那里喝过茶和咖啡而已。”