hand down

美 [hænddaʊn]
  • na.宣布(判决等);传下来
  • 网络把…传下去;传给;传递

第三人称单数:hands down 现在分词:handing down 过去式:handed down

hand downhand down

hand down


live on ,feed on 区别_百度知道 ... hand out 分发 hand down 把……传下去 hold out 伸出 ...


[英语语法] 介词 ... go through 浏览 hand down 传下来 hold out 伸出 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on hand 现有;在手边;临近 hand down 把…传下来;传给 hand in 交上;递上,交进 ...


精华资料:英语词汇 词根+联想记忆_新东方在线 ... go around 流行,流传 hand down 传递 hand in 上交 ...


高中词组总汇 ... 163. grow up 长大 164. hand down 流传 165. hand in 上交 ...


字典中 垂 字的解释 ... (1) 垂挂[ hang down] (5) 留传[ bequeath;hand down] ◎ 垂 chuí ...


hand down 意思_百度知道 ... hand down 易如反掌 hand down 传下来, 宣布 hands down 唾手可得地, 容易地 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... go up 上升,增加;建起 hand down 流传下来,传给,往下传 hand in 交上,递交 ...

Their mouths were glued together and I could see Nathan trying to slip his great lump of a hand down Mary's shirt. 他们的嘴胶合在一起,可以看到耐森鼓在玛丽衬衣底下的大手正四处游动。
If I put my hand down your pants and play with your balls for 10 minutes, I will be able to tell you your exact age. 只要我把手放进你的内裤里,玩你的蛋蛋十分钟,我就会知道你的准确年龄。
As there was no one around, the man thinks, What the hell and lets her slip her hand down his pants. 那周围没有人,男人想,管他呢!于是便让她把手塞进了他的内裤里。
At Chicago Booth, two-thirds of this year's MBAs already have an offer in hand, down slightly from the 70 per cent of a year ago. 今年芝加哥大学布斯商学院(ChicagoBooth)有三分之二的MBA毕业生已经收到录用通知,略低于去年的70%。
The Court was to hand down another opinion shortly, on the underlying issue of whether the recount itself was constitutional. 用不了多久,最高法院将公布关于重新计票是否符合宪法这一根本问题的另一条意见。
Push your hand down the hole to see if the rabbit is still there. 将手伸到洞里看兔子是否还在里面
You've got your hand down her pants, and she might say "no, " all the while holding your hand so you can't get it out. 当你把手伸进小裤裤,她可能会说“不要”,但是一方面她又自己抓住你的手不让你移开。
The Supreme Court did not hand down a sentence, but ordered the Appeals Court to re-examine the case. 但最高法院没有宣布判决,而是责令上诉庭复议此案。
To accomplish this after the Mark the handler moves his delivering hand down and away from the dog, kind of like a wand. 要达到这个目的可以在标记后,移动拿着食物的手远离狗,有点像一根棍子。
Simple reports the system! ! Suits the small and medium-sized enterprise government document on to hand down reaches the request! 一个简单的上报系统!适合中小型企业政府文件的上传下达要求!
Run your hand down a length of it - one direction should feel much smoother than the other. 用手抚摸布料,其中从一个方向摸上去的手感要比另一个方向的顺滑。
Gemoancy, our ancestor hand down to us, Should we divided it into feudal side or get out good feature to improve modernist life? 风水,老祖宗留下来的东西,到底应该被划在封建一面,还是应该学习中的有用部分,两帮助现代人改善生活?
I ran my hand down his stone chest now, tracing across the flat planes of his stomach, just marveling. 我的手从他的坚硬的胸膛向下滑,划过他平坦的腹部,太不可思议了。
American strength is not its technology, but the culture and knowledge they hand down to the next generation. 美国的力量不在于她所拥有的科技,而在于他们传承给下一代的文化和知识。
Ten minutes later he's trying to get his hand down my pants. 10分钟后,他尝试把手伸进我的内裤里。
Ford ended June with a 60-day supply of vehicles on hand, down 38% from a year ago. 截至6月底,福特的库存汽车可以满足60天的供应,比上年同期下降了38%。
The poor leader was able to show his face in another photo when Obama put his hand down. 在另一张照片中,奥巴马才放下手,让别人“露脸”。
You ve been waiting all this time till your turn. Why when I asked you to speak did you put your hand down? 老师问他怎么了你等了这么久,为什么轮到你讲,你却把手放下了?
Then, while exhaling softly but deeply, press your right hand down and pull your left elbow to the left against your right thigh. 然后,呼气温和而深入,右手下压,左肘抵靠在右大腿上。
Put your left hand down by your side and point to the center of the pentagram with your right. 放下你的左手,并以右手指向五芒星的中心。
The very meaning of that word - to hand down denies intelligence. 传统这个词的含义,去传承,正是对智慧的否定。
At take off be sure to pop off the lip evenly. Begin to tuck up both legs. And your right hand down to meet you ski. 开始起跳,起跳的时候尽量保持雪板边缘同时离开雪面。腾空后,将双腿蜷起。右手放下,可以够得到你的雪板。
Magic school Harry and Voldemort in the forbidden forest met Harry in Voldemort the first to hand down the holy vessels under a fatal . . . 哈利和伏地魔的魔法学校在禁林会见了伏地魔第一个交上了下一个致命的圣器哈利…
My family has always been building and selling, but they never kept anything. The hotels are something that we can hand down to my kids. 虽然家人在不停地盖房子、卖房子,但是他们自己没有留下什么,而酒店是我们可以传给下一代的东西。
Every time I moved my hand down Gladiator's body, I had a new thought; each touch sang a different song. 我的手轻轻地划过小“斗士”的身体,每一次都会产生一个新的念头,每一次都是一首不同的歌。
Newly-weds Karina and Anton Bukhanovsky walked hand in hand down the main street of the regional capital of Ulyanovsk. 新婚夫妇卡丽娜和安顿•布克哈诺维斯基手牵着手走在乌里扬诺夫斯克州首府的大街上。
We progress hand in hand, down to earth while aiming high, create every single miracle with a drip. 我们在温暖中携手共进,仰望星空,脚踏实地,用点滴努力创造每次奇迹。
In Japan, a family had the best power, like The Tokugawa. They hand down and actuality is the general family. 日本的一家中,最有决定力离不开姓德川的那家人了,他们代代相传,名附奇实是一个将军家。
Powwows are a way for Indian tribes to preserve their culture and hand down traditions. 祈祷仪式是印地安部落保存他们文化及把常规传给下一代的方法。
if your name is called , please put your hand down. 如果你的名字被点到的话,请把手放下。